Chapter Four.

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I was woken the next morning by two little rascals. They jumped all over my bed and woke me up with laughter. Being with the little ones made me realize again how much I wanted some of my own. I shook it off and shooed them out of my room so I could get dressed. For today I decided to go out with Mom to buy more fruits. Yesterday she was complaining she didn't have enough so I offered to go out with her. She gladly accepted.

"So Padmé since you're only going to be here for two weeks I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go spend some time at the lake house." Sola asked as we began eating breakfast. I looked at her with a puzzled face.

"Oh I mean sure if that's what you want. Honestly I just want to spend time here with all of you. I don't care where we are." I said, smiles spreading on all of their faces. Except Ryoo and Pooja who were too busy stuffing their mouths with bacon.

Sola rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Seriously Mé what have they done to you?" I joined in on her laughter, pushing out the cold hard truth. The truth that they had done things to me. Keep me from all my family and friends, force me into marriage, and so much more. But I kept on smiling for my family. They didn't need to worry.

"Hon, are you sure there's no place you specifically want to visit while you're here? I mean we can go anywhere you'd like or you can go alone whatever you want it's up to you." Mom added as she sipped her orange juice. I shrugged and continued eating.

"Well I think it's just wonderful you're back. I still can't get over how grown you are now. I mean last time we saw each other you were scared to be married and now look at you, you're a grown woman." Sola said, her loving eyes locked with mine. I felt a pang in my heart at her words. Had I really changed that much?

"Sola, I really haven't changed that much. I'm still the same old girl I was years ago." I replied. My sister shook her head, taking a sip from her coffee. I looked down into my lap, fiddling with my fingers. I remember when Vader proposed the idea of marriage to me, he was doing the exact same thing.

"I remember the day before your wedding Mé do you remember that?" I shook my head. "You were asking me so many questions about love and how marriage is. I remember how nervous you were to marry him. But look at you now. You and Vader are a happy couple. I'm so proud of you little sis." Sola said. I felt more pain, when I should be feeling happy. Lying to my family has never been something I liked doing.

"Enough of this sappy love don't you girls have school?" Dad interrupted the moment. I was glad he did it because truthfully I had no idea what I was supposed to respond with to Sola.

Ryoo and Pooja both groaned and nodded their heads. Sola chuckled and got up, both the girls following after her. They both gave me tight hugs before making me promise to play dress up when they got home. I waved goodbye and all three were gone. When I looked back to Mom she was already standing at the sink, cleaning dishes. Dad had already left for his office for business. I decided to help Mom.

"Alright when we're done with the dishes you wanna get going to the market?" Mom asked as she handed me the clean dishes to dry. I nodded and began putting them back in the cabinets.

"Mom do you ever plan on leaving Naboo?" I asked. Mom shrugged her shoulders and continued cleaning a dish.

"If your father wants to." She answered. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I asked about you Mom not Dad. Do you ever want to leave Naboo?" I clairified. Mom glanced out into the garden and shrugged again.

"Maybe... I love it here though." She answered. I nodded and placed the last clean dish into the cabinet. I wondered what goes through Mom's head. She always thinks of Dad first... is that what real marriage is supposed to be like?

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