Chapter One.

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TW: Death, slight mention of suicide


One year later...

"Lady Vader? Are you decent?" My new handmaid Cornelia asked as she knocked on my door.

I sat at my desk, staring blankly into the mirror. It was the morning of my one-year anniversary, and I didn't feel a shred of happiness. I didn't feel much at all, honestly. A year had gone by of nothing but pain and sorrow. I'd watched countless people be murdered right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't do anything about it. Worst of all, I was forced to pretend I was happy as I sat next to the man who murdered all those people.

Vader had said our marriage was for the benefit of the galaxy, but I began to doubt that only a month into our "relationship". He had said he wanted my opinion, my help with decisions, yet every time I tried to speak in meetings, he'd shut me down. He painted me as the pretty useless wife on his arm, and as the months went on, I began to become that girl.

Most nights I spent crying into my pillow, wishing I were someone else. Everything had changed. I didn't speak up for myself, didn't hold my head high as people tried to shoot me down, instead I fell like they wanted without a fight. What made matters worse was the fact that everyone told me how lucky I was to be in the place I was. It made me confused because I never felt lucky, or pretty as the new me, I only felt used.

A year had gone by, and I hadn't spoken a word to my family or my friends. I wondered how big my nieces had gotten, how my parents and sister were holding up, I'd missed an entire year of their lives I'd never get back. Whenever I thought about it, my hatred and disgust for Vader grew more.

"Lady Vader? Are you alright? Your husband wishes to see you," Cornelia spoke again, ripping me out of my trance.

I sucked in a breath and began running a brush through my curls. "Come in Cornelia," I said. She opened the door immediately and made her way to me.

She was taller than me, about 5'6 or 5'7. I never found out her real age, but I believed her to be 30 years old. She had dirty blonde hair and every time I saw her it was always tied up in a bun. Her eyes were the prettiest color green I'd ever seen, a dark emerald. She was always sweet to me, so I couldn't complain. However, I never connected with her like I did with my old handmaids.

"Goodness my lady you look just as beautiful as always. You're already dressed? Did you know I was coming?" Cornelia asked. She stood behind me, her dazzling smile spread across her face.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No Cornelia I just wanted to get a head start. After all, it is my anniversary." I put my brush down and stood, turning around and gently smiling at her before walking over to my closet to pick out a pair of shoes.

"Of course, milady and congratulations on one year. You and Lord Vader are an amazing pair, you do well for the galaxy," she spoke.

"Thank you very much. Now I must be going as you said my husband wants me," I replied. Cornelia nodded and I gave her one last smile before exiting the room.

Even after living on the Death Star for a year, I never got used to many aspects of it. I still felt uncomfortable every time I'd leave my room and see countless stormtroopers and droids walking through the halls, I felt more out of place than ever. I hated how cold it was and how there wasn't any sun to warm my skin. It was when I walked through the halls, I missed my home more than ever.

I made my way to the throne room. Two stormtroopers greeted me at the door before opening it to let me in. Vader sat on his throne which was a foot or so above the rest of the room. I stopped at the stairs and looked up at him.

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