Chapter Nine.

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When my eyes opened on the morning of my 12th day I instantly felt sadness take over. I had spent the last two whole days with Anakin. We walked through Theed together and even went to see an art show. Spending time with him made me happier than I had ever been. Sadly though I only had two days left before I'd be back with my husband. Anakin said he had work to do today which made me very sad at first, but I realized I could spend my day with Mom, Dad, and Sola.

One thing that started was my nerves. I had begun getting so nervous of going back to Vader. Everything I had been doing in the past week and a half has been unfaithful and terrible to him. Deep down I was probably doing it out of revenge. I wanted to get back at him for the way he treated me. But that didn't seem likely. I knew more than anything my love for Anankin Skywalker was real.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. Today was surely going to be sad and I wasn't ready for it. At least I still have two days. If only I could escape from the clutches of my horrid husband. I'd run away with Anakin. My dream is to secretly marry him and we'd live together in happiness, we'd have children and make a wonderful life for them. If only it was that simple.

I dressed in a simple dress, nothing special. I did my hair up in two buns on the side of my head. Recently, I started loving this style. When I was done dressing I slipped on my shoes and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

Mom and Dad were already sitting down eating. I told them before not to wait for me anymore, they deserve to eat when they're hungry. Sola and the girls weren't there. I sat down in my chair and started serving myself.

"Good morning honey how'd you sleep?" Mom asked, turning her head to look in my direction. I glanced up at her and shrugged.

"Normal I guess how about you?" I replied casually, taking my first bite. Moms cooking was amazing. This was one of the things I'd miss most about her.

"My night was good except for the fact your father here kept me up all night with his silly reading." Mom answered, a slight chuckle laced within it. My eyes moved to Dad who was smiling and shaking his head at her.

"You always say that. Sorry that I take my reading seriously unlike some people." Dad retorted. I saw the way his eyes were lit in amusement. When my eyes went back to Mom she had the same look.

"Oh so reading out loud is serious now? I thought it was just annoying." Mom full on laughed now. I felt the soft smile forming on my face as they playfully argued back and forth.

Dad gulped down his coffee and rolled his eyes. "Reading out loud is more effective for me. Thank you very much." He argued.

"Well I have to disagree on that one my love." Mom said, her eyes turning back to me. Watching them like this was adorable. My parents loved each other more than anything. "I bet you and Vader argue like this all the time. I can imagine him arguing." Mom smiled.

A pang of sadness hit me. Of course, she had no idea our marriage wasn't real. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really that good of an actress or if everyone around me is simply that blind to the truth.

"Oh yeah you don't even want to imagine how we argue." I said. This was the truth, we did argue a lot...just not in the way Mom and Dad had just done.

Mom sighed and looked down to her plate of food. "Sometimes I forget how grown up you are Padmé. I just want you to know how much I love you, more than anything in the galaxy." She reminded me. My heart beat for her.

I reached over the table and took one of her hands in mine. Our chocolate eyes met and we shared the same sad expression. "Mom I wish I could stay longer, I truly do. Spending time with you, Dad, Sola, and the girls had made me happier than ever. But I'm the empress of the galaxy, I have duties and I can't leave them forever." I explained, every bit being truthful.

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