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Three months later...

"Are you ready?" Anakin asked, his helmet was off as we stood behind a closed door. He looked at me with those sparkling blue eyes I loved.

I inhaled deeply, placing a hand over my stomach. "I think so, this isn't something I'll ever get used to."

I wore one of my many black dresses, my sleeves all laced, only this time it wasn't tight around my body. Ever since the loss of the rebel base I always wore a black veil over my face in public to honor those who passed. Anakin thought it was very sweet, Vader hated it. Right now however, my veil was lifted so I could look at Anakin.

"It's alright my love, I'm right here," Anakin replied. He moved one of his gloved hands on to my hand that rested on my stomach. "I'll always be here by your side."

"You'll protect me right?" I whispered.

Anakin chuckled and nodded, wrapping his arms around me for a brief hug. I had gotten used to the feeling of his cold armor against my body, not that it mattered. The only times he would truly show affection for me was in private times. It was something I never imagined, but something I would never want to live without.

He pulled away and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I melted into him as I always did, he was my weakness after all. And with each second our lips spent connected I could feel my worries slipping away.

"You don't know how much I've missed your touch angel," Anakin whispered between kisses. "More than anything."

A shiver ran through my body. "I-I've missed you too Ani." My hands moved through his golden locks, something I'd never get tired of.

Anakin sighed and pressed one last kiss to my lips before pulling away. He then grabbed his mask and slid it on to his head, the metal clicking confirming it was on. I pulled my veil down and linked my arm through his.

I looked up to him one last time and through the material of my vail I could see him looking back down at me. Confidence flowed through me as we stared at each other. I briefly nodded to him and he pressed the button, the only thing shielding us from the outside world leaving. The last thing I did before we started our journey was tighten my grip on Anakin.

We made our way down the aisle, memories played through my mind of the time I had done this all alone...our wedding day. Thunderous applause was coming from all angles but I drowned them out by humming a sweet song to myself. My eyes focussed on the ground, keeping all the people out of view.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to me. My whole life I had been used to crowds, used to all the attention. It started only when I was a child queen, then a senator, and now an empress. Part of me believed it was because of Anakin. He made me weaker in everything but at the same time he gave me strength. The other parts of me didn't know what to believe. Nothing truly made sense anymore.

Our bodies stopped moving and I finally looked up and what I saw scared me a bit. It seemed as though millions of faces were cheering at me, I gripped onto Anakin harder. He remained still and the crowd silenced.

"Greetings to everyone in the galaxy, here or not here. It's my honor as your emperor to say I have great news." Anakin spoke, his voice booming throughout the whole room. "As you all know Lady Vader and I have been married for over a year now. We have gathered you all here today to tell you our news...Lady Vader if you would." Anakin signaled me to step forward.

My heart was beating faster than ever, I needed to calm myself. I took in deep breaths as I moved forward. Sweat began to form on my palms as I glanced around the crowd. My parents were watching from somewhere, my only friends were watching from somewhere. I cleared my throat before I began to speak.

"As you all know for the past two months I've not been in the media at all. Some thought I had gotten sick or even died, fortunately that was not the case." I glanced back to Anakin for a second before taking in another deep breath. "However something has happened, something wonderful."

Faces all around me turned up in anticipation and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies, this was something that happened often. One of my hands fell down to my stomach and a smile spread across my lips, no one could see it however.

"I'm proud to announce that a new heir to this empire will be born soon. Ladies and gentlemen...I'm pregnant."


End of Book One.


Oh. My. God. I'm at a loss of words. My first completed book I- first off I'd like to thank my few readers who've been here from the start you guys are what kept me going (well you and my love for this plot lol). Secondly I'm still in shock. Love in Disguise, an idea that came to me in a dream is finally a complete book. Third um yes you heard me right there is going to be a sequel! I've already thought of the name and everything but I'm not gonna spoil it. I'm not sure when the sequel will be out but I promise you it'll be good I've already started writing it. Anyways I'll see you in the next book ;) I love you and thanks for reading through my book Love in Disguise!


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