Chapter Thirteen.

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It seemed like years went by before Vader came near me again. After that one night, the night where I took off his glove he hadn't come anywhere around me. The only times we were close were in meetings. Other than that I hadn't seen my husband. In reality I'd been back on the Death Star three weeks and everyday I spent back I came closer and closer to my mental breaking point.

It was morning, at least I think it was. We were circling the Alderaan system because Bail was going to be coming on for a meeting. A sigh left as I got up from bed, slipping on my silk robe. Outside my window I could see Alderaan. Such a peaceful planet.

A feeling I hadn't felt in weeks was flowing through me as I glanced out the window. I felt a good way. I knew what I was feeling, but I didn't want it to be true. The last time I was this way was with...him.

Anakin Skywalker. He seemed like a good dream now. Most nights I dreamed of him, of everything. His soft, wavy, blond hair, his crystal blue eyes, his strong muscles, and of course the warm smile he always wore around me. My lover was gone and I still couldn't believe it. I wondered if he was feeling the loss I was, if he was missing me too. I still never figured out why he was gone that morning. Did he have a reason? He must have.

The knocks on my door took me out of my trance and back into the terrible reality I lived in. "Padmé, may I come in?" Vader asked.

So, he finally decides to talk with me.

"Come in." I replied. I heard the door slide open and closed, then his slow steps inside. When the noise stopped I didn't turn around.

"As you know Senator Organa will be joining us for a couple days here. I think it would be best if you spent those few nights in my quarters, so he doesn't get suspicious." Vader proposed, earning a scoff from me.

I finally turned around. "I thought you told me to never go in there again, or was I mistaken?"

"Padmé the circumstances-"

"The circumstances never change," I cut him off, a glare settling on my face. "You're my husband Vader and I want to treat you like it."

Vader stared at me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," I gripped the tie of my robe, "There's something I'd like to show you."

"Alright show me then." Vader replied. From what I could tell he had no clue what I was talking about, but honestly that's what I wanted. I inhaled a deep breath and pulled on the tie and my robe slipped off my body.

For a couple seconds Vader just stared blankly at my nude body and every second that went by I felt my heart rate increase. After those few seconds he turned his head to the side, blocking out the sight of me with his hand.

"Padmé why in the galaxy are you-"

"Because Vader," I cut him off. "You said it yourself that deep down I want you physically and guess what you're right. I'm so desperate for love I'll take anything I can get so Vader please just look at me."

I didn't know what I felt. Was I mad? Sad? Or was the fear of being alone forever truly taking me over? I couldn't tell you. Vader sighed and turned his head back to me and a slight blush covered my cheeks knowing his eyes were looking at my nude body. It felt like hours had passed before either of us did anything. After minutes of nothing Vader did something I would have never guessed. He held his hand out to me.

Before thinking it over I placed my hand in his and he instantly pulled me into his lap. I stared at his mask. "Padmé I want to but..." Vader whispered, his head slowly turning away from me. I touched my hand to wear his cheek would be, stopping him from moving.

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