Chapter Seventeen.

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"So you're telling me that the whole time the man you loved was actually your husband?" Bail asked. We were on our way to the rebel base which was located in the Yavin system on it's fourth moon. I always had a suspicion that Bail was part of the alliance, now I knew for sure.

"Yes, when I went to Naboo I met a man who I thought was someone else but he ended up being Vader. I know it makes no sense and I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I just...didn't know who else to go to." I apologized to him. Bail smiled and shook his head.

"It's alright Padmé, you're one of my closest friends. You can come to me for anything. I understand why you're keeping parts secret because well they are private. I won't pressure you into anything alright?" He comforted me. I nodded, a small smile creeping on to my face.

"So how long have you known or been a part of the rebels?" I smirked. Bail chuckled and shrugged, averting his eyes for a moment.

"For a while, I just know that the empire is terrible, especially your husband. Sorry if that's rude I-"

"Oh no," I laughed, "I hate him more than anyone in the galaxy. You can say anything about him I wouldn't care."

Bail smiled brighter than ever. "That's good to know. The rebels always thought you weren't like him, I knew we were right. You'd never be as cruel as that monster."

I lightly smiled at Bail. "Of course not, he's terrible."

"Great, we'll be at the base soon. I hope you'll like it here." Bail changed topics. I nodded and looked away, studying some cracks in the floor.

How could I possibly miss him? I chose to leave and yet part of me wishes to go back, how could this be? He's the most evil and cruel man I've ever met, but the man I fell in love with wasn't the same person. The man I love is still there, hidden deep by a mask. Could he ever come out for good?

"Can you do something for me?" Anakin whispered as he laid his tired head on my chest. I hummed in response. "Can you sing something for me? I've never been sung to sleep and I think you'd be perfect for it."

I giggled. "I'm a terrible singer Ani, you'd never fall asleep to the sound of my voice."

Anakin moved his head up so his face was in the crook of my neck. He kissed my shoulder sweetly and nuzzled his face against my skin. I smiled at the gesture. One of his arms was draped over my stomach, holding me close. Both of mine were wrapped around his body.

"Never mind then I'll sleep in silence." He said, his voice muffled from my skin. I knew what he was doing, trying to gain my affections by acting sad. Luckily for him it worked.

"Fine I'll sing you something." I gave in. I felt him smile against my skin. I thought for a moment of what I was going to sing, then the perfect song came into mind.

"Did I drive you away, I know what you'll say, you'll say "Oh, sing one you know," I sang, my voice quiet. "But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you, yeah that's what I'll do."

Anakin hugged me closed. "My heart is yours, it's you that I hold on to...yeah that's what I'll do." He whispered. I blushed at his words.

"And I know I was wrong, but I won't let you down, oh yeah I will, yeah I will yes I will." I continued the song.

"Yeah I saw sparks." We said at the same time. My heart fluttered as the love of my life held me close.

"I love you Padmé," He mumbled, his voice fading as he traveled into the world of dreams. "I love you..."

I kissed his forehead and leaned my head back on the pillow behind me. "I love you too Ani."

"Padmé? Padmé wake up."

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