Chapter Fifteen.

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A knock on my door woke me the next morning. My eyes shot open and I felt a pressure on my chest I hadn't felt before. I looked down and sighed in relief, Anakin was sleeping soundly on me still. The knocks on my door continued and a panic rose inside me.

"Lady Vader?" Cornelias voice rang through the metal, "I've come to help you get ready for your meeting with Senator Organa."

"Shit." I mumbled. Truthfully, I had forgotten all about the meetings I was going to have the next morning. My night had been consumed by Anakin, everything else didn't matter.

"Lady Vader? Are you up yet? I'm going to open the door if you do not answer." Cornelia continued. I cursed myself out again before clearing my throat.

"I'm fine Cornelia, I'm about to get in the bath actually so I do not need any assistance right now." I lied. Her knocks silenced and I felt my panic decrease a little.

"Sorry for bugging you m'lady call me when you're done so I can help you dress." Cornelia said.

"Thank you." I called back. I could hear her loud heels hitting the floor as she walked away. I let go of a breath and Anakin began stirring.

I smiled and rubbed down his back as he slowly started waking. He lifted his head off my chest and looked up to me with tired eyes, I felt my heart skip a beat. His wavy locks were all messy and going in every direction, I fought off the urge to laugh at it. After a couple seconds of this the grin formed on his lips.

"Good morning." He mumbled, his voice raspy from just waking up.

"Good morning Ani, how did you sleep?" I asked. Anakin yawned and moved off of me, he sat up and stretched his arms out, I moved up next to him.

"I slept amazing, better than I have in a long time, but I think part of that may be because you worked me out last night." Anakin said as he turned back to me, a slight smirk on his face. A blush spread across my cheeks.

"You shouldn't be talking," I laughed, "I don't know if I'll be able to walk straight today because of you."

Anakin smiled and wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me into a hug. He kissed my forehead before resting his chin on top of my head. I melted into his embrace, not wanting a second to be wasted of the limited time we already had left.

"I'll have to go soon Padmé." He whispered. My smile faded at his words.

"I know Ani but...let's not think of that right now. I told my handmaiden I was going to be in the bath..." I trailed off, pulling back a little to look up into Anakin's eyes. "Would you want to join me?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Anakin replied. I shook my head and began climbing out of bed. When I stood my legs wobbled a little and I pulled on one of my robes.

"I told you so." I teased as I threw another robe to Anakin. I saw him roll his eyes and stand, following me into my bathroom.


Our bath lasted longer than it should have...I have expected Cornelia to come knocking back on my door, luckily she didn't. I dressed in an all black dress, the sleeves all lace the same material that covered my back, the rest of my dress was a soft fabric. It was tight around my torso and breasts, but looser around my legs. There was a tare in the bottom and it showed off my leg when I walked. I matched it with black heeled boots. I did my hair up in a bun at the back of my head, a couple of strands left out. The only makeup I wore was thin black eyeliner. Vader always told me to wear black.

Anakin got back into his stormtrooper suit and watched as I got ready. I could feel his eyes on me as I dressed. It made my face pinker than ever. "You know it's impolite to stare." I said, playfulness clear in my voice.

"It's impolite for you to look so sexy." Anakin replied. I laughed and turned to meet his eyes.

"So it's my fault?" I questioned, my body slowly making its way towards him. Anakin shrugged and held his hands out for me. I took them in a heartbeat, I always would.

"Well I didn't mean it like that. You're just so beautiful, inside and out. I don't think I'll ever get over it." He answered, his fingers lacing through mine.

"Ani I love you so much." I whispered as I pressed my body against his. We fit together, even when he wore armor.

"I love you angel. I wish I could stay, I wish we could be together...but you're married and I'm nobody I'm not meant for a woman like you." Anakin mumbled. I shook my head and placed my hand on his cheek, just as he did all those times before.

"Don't say things like that. You were made for me and I for you, Anakin. We belong together no matter what, you'll never be nobody to me because you're everything." I assured him. I almost saw a tear escape his eye but he quickly blinked it away.

"You're my whole world Padmé Amidala and nothing will ever change that. I promise I'll be back soon." Anakin said as he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips.

He moved to the door and I kissed him one last time before he put on his helmet and opened the door. With one finally goodbye he was gone.

I watched him walk down the hall before closing my door. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. He was right there. How could I have been so stupid? The love of my life was there and I was letting him go. I couldn't let him leave me again.

I burst out of the door and ran down the hallway, throwing my shoes off so I could run faster. I saw his figure walking, he was one of the only stormtroopers not holding a blaster. I ran after him, but as the halls kept turning my confusion began to rise.

Looking around I noticed we were in Vader's hallway. I slowed as he did too. I watched as he entered the code into Vader's door and it slid open. He glanced around and I quickly hid behind the wall and when I turned back out he was gone, but the door was sliding closed.

I shiver ran through my body. What was he doing? Trying to get killed? I never wanted that. He was doing something wrong, something he didn't want me to know about. Did he know Vader? Did they know each other? No one was allowed in Vader's quarters, not even myself. Suddenly the last words Vader spoke to me flashed through my mind.

"You're lying. I know the truth Padmé so why don't you just say it."

"You'll know what I mean soon."

Was this what Vader meant? Was he going to kill Anakin? I couldn't let that happen. It was time to face the fear of my husband and stand up for the one I love. I inhaled deeply as I marched to Vader's door, entering the password and walking through the heavy door.

His room was the same as before, dark and gloomy, only this time I wasn't scared. I walked through the hall and looked all around for the sight of Anakin. My eyes scanned the room until they landed on a stormtrooper's helmet. My heart stopped as I glanced at the fallen piece of armor.

Anakin was dead.

I heard something fall to the ground in Vader's bedroom and the anger took over as I ran to it, pushing the door open with my hands

"Where is he where's-" My words stopped.

Standing there in his suit, helmet in hand, was not my was Anakin Skywalker.


Well...this was exciting. The first thing I have to say is sorry for the shorter chapter, I didn't fully realize it was shorter until I loaded it into Wattpad but not I know it's not even 1,500 words so I'm sorry about that. Secondly holy jesus this is intense! I actually don't know what's happening. We'll see in the next chapter :) Love you and thanks for reading!


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