Chapter Ten.

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WARNING! This chapter contains graphic sexual content! If you are not comfortable with any of that I do not reccomend reading after the first ~~~. Thank you and have a wonderful reading!

I woke up the morning of my last full day to the sound of my comlink buzzing. I groaned and rolled over, looking to see who in the galaxy was calling me this early. I gasped when I saw it was Vader. I quickly sat up and answered, trying to look as presentable as always.

When he came up I was speechless. It seemed like I hadn't seen him in forever. There he was, suited up in all his armor, that emotionless mask staring into my soul. For a moment things were completely silent. We stared at each other, almost like we had forgotten how each other looked. I eventually cleared my throat.

"Hello Vader, it's nice to see you again." I greeted him in the most polite way possible. Deep down, or really not so deep down I was crumbling. My lies and deception were screaming at me. I was a terrible person and I knew that.

"Padmé I've called to tell you that tomorrow you'll be leaving early, same time you left to go there." Vader announced. I frowned at his statement.

"Um alright but Vader I have some questions for you." I spoke, trying to act confident. Vader slowly nodded his head. "Well for one I've been seeing all over the news plans for another Death Star? And sending storm troopers to every planet to search for the rebellion? What is all that?" I questioned. Vader stayed in the same position, his arms crossed over his armored chest.

"Listen I told you I needed to stay behind and do work, this is the sort of work I was talking about." He answered. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Are you serious? Was my whole vacation just a plan for you to make all these choices without me there to stop you?" I snapped, the anger taking over.

Vader shook his head. "Don't act like you didn't expect something like this to happen." He argued. Talking to him now had already ruined my day.

"You are really a monster aren't you?" I chuckled, no longer caring about what he does. All I cared about was the galaxy being alright, this monster was a different story.

"You're lucky you're far away or else you'd be in trouble." Vader hissed. His reply only made me more mad. I angrily laughed again and shook my head.

"I'd be in trouble? Wow just tie me down and torture me like the prisoners Vader. Do it please. It's probably much better than having to be around you all day and deal with your stupidity." I scolded him. Vader slowly began to clap his gloved hands together.

"Is that what you really want? I can have that arranged for the moment you get back." He spoke, that stupid robotic voice. The anger inside me now was more than ever.

"Yes Vader, that's exactly what I want because at least I'd be touched by someone." I taunted him. His hand clenched, and I could hear the sound of something break behind him. The force was strong in him but I didn't care for it one bit.

"Are you really mad about that? You want to be touched? How much of a whore can you be?" He questioned. My anger took over.

"Wanting some sort of physical love does not make me a whore. If it's between you and I you're the whore not me. You neglect me." I raised my voice.

"I do not neglect you. I give you everything, food, water, a home, and everything a person needs to live happy and healthy. So don't you dare-"

"I can't do this anymore. Vader I want to leave you. I can't." I cut him off, tears forming in my eyes. Vader stopped and stared at me, that same emotionless mask as always. Then he let out a sigh.

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