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I'm 30 years old and I hate my life. I think most people my age are either happy and content with their lives or either they totally hate their life. That's where I'm at. I hate my life. My best friend lives in another country and I haven't seen her in over two years thanks to both of our shitty jobs.

Emmileigh sounds sophisticated when she talks with her British accent. I sound like a country hick or some Southern Belle that's gonna bow and say 'bless your heart' after everybody gives me a compliment.

And being stuck in my hometown of Huntersville, North Carolina hasn't helped matters. I thought surely getting involved with a NASCAR team would take me to bigger and better opportunities. Or maybe I could end up marrying a driver and not have to worry about money or traveling.

Instead, I slept around with a driver, got dumped and I'm still stuck as a secretary-type position at the NASCAR team, telling visitors where the gift shop is or no, Denny Hamlin or Kyle Busch can't sign your hat because they don't live here 24/7.

I heard my iPhone do the small 'chirping' sound that I had it set to do whenever Emmileigh sent me a text. I picked up my phone and sighed, opening up the message.

VIP is going on sale for London. I don't know what to do.

I sighed. I wanted to go to London to visit, to hang out and to see Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block, but knew there was no way I could afford to go, much less by VIP.

I texted her back, telling her to go ahead and get herself a VIP. She had lucked out and got two front row seats for us, but I just couldn't make it there.

Can't you blackmail that douche for breaking your heart and get money? LOL Eh, it was an idea.

That douche was Tony Stewart. Granted, he wasn't really a douche, just a man with a ton of money, a hot attitude, cute smile who drive cars almost 200 miles per hour for a living. He had been a driver for Joe Gibbs Racing, the NASCAR team I worked for until just over three years ago when he started his own team and seemingly enough forgot I existed.

Yet, I didn't forget the five years we had a thing going on and I still hadn't forgot. For some reason, I keep thinking we'll hook back up, even though he's dated other women and I've sat on the sideline, hoping he'll remember me.

Come on, Nick and Donnie will make you forget....

I smiled, texting her back, telling her as soon as I hit the jackpot, I would be over there in a heartbeat and out of redneck country. Besides, what did I have here besides a job that I hated? My father had been non-existent in my life since I was ten. My mother was remarried and she and her new husband had started a new family with a little girl they adopted. My "friends" that I grew up with were all married with families of their own.

I needed out of this place. I needed out of this job. I needed out of this country.



Snow, Rain, Cold.. bloody cold.

Did i mention I hate winter in this country?

Living in London was amazing for the most part, the big city, meeting so many walks of life. But then there was its downers, everything cost twice as much more in the city, half the time the public transport was delayed or cancelled, and there were tourists EVERYWHERE!

Still, it was my home, and it had a big place in my heart. I knew I was destinded for warmer climates.. or just any other place really.

I have itchy feet.

Not to mention a huge majority of my friends didn't even live in this country.

But let me back track a little.

My name is Emmileigh, or Emmi to those who know me closely, and Leigh to my family.

But call me Leigh and you die. Seriously. It's Emmi to you.

I'm a few months short of hitting the big 3-0. Thirty. No more twenties.

My best friend lives over half the world away. Karsyn and me haven't seen each other in so long it's almost like we never met at all. And i hate it! I'd do anything to just be able to hope on a plane and just hang out.

But of course real life has well and truly made sure I can't do that. As it is I've had to scrimp and save for tickets to see my two favorite bands join forces for one night only.

Or rather six.

NKOTB and BSB were mine and Karsyn's favorite boyb ands. We had yet to see them in concert together, and I'd been begging Karsyn to fly her ass over and see them with me. I'd even brought her a ticket.. but it was looking less likely that she could come, and that sucked!

I'd even told her to blackmail her ex, who was rolling in buckets of money and could easily afford a flight over, but Karsyn being Karsyn.. was too chicken to ask.

If only I could win the lottery or some shit. I'd fly her over in a heart beat!


Karsyn: Hey, just got online. I bought $10 of lottery tickets because I'm desperate. Now I only have $20 to last me for five days until I get paid Friday.

Emmileigh: You can always call Nick and ask for a loan.

Karsyn: Right, I'll get right on that.

Emmileigh: Be like "Hey Nick, you got me drunk on the cruise that I spent all of my savings on, can you give me money for groceries? Thanks xxx"

Karsyn: Yeah, because he will remember me.

Emmileigh: Well at least there's a chance. I know he remembers me. Hell, I've never even breathed the same air as Donnie. You're at least beating me there.

Karsyn: You will soon. You can go all groupie on him.

Emmileigh: I was sitting at work today thinking if I had the chance I so would. LMAO

Karsyn: See, I would be too afraid Nick would be bad or something. It would totally ruin all the lusting we do.

Emmileigh: He probably would be bad because we've built him up to be a sexual genius! I'm cracking up!

Karsyn: He would probably last all of two minutes and be like 'Thanks, that's great!' and I would be all "that's it?"

Karsyn: who the fuck am I kidding? He's a sex God.

Emmileigh: I'm cracking up but it's after midnite and I need to get to bed. Talk to you tomorrow. Xxx


I closed my laptop and walked over to my sofa, reaching for the remote for the television. I hated the time difference because she was five hours ahead of me and as soon as I got home, she was usually heading to bed.

I kicked off my flats and reached over for my purse, pulling out my lottery tickets that I had bought. I had bought nine random pickings of numbers but on one set I played the birthdays of my favorite members of New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys.

I turned the channel to the local ABC affiliate that showed the lottery numbers. Not like I was going to win. I watched as they began pulling the Powerball balls up and showing the numbers.




I paused, looking at the numbers. 9 for AJ. 31 for Joey. 28 for Nick.


17 for Donnie and Jordan.


20 for Brian.

And the Powerball number.... 3

3 for Kevin fucking Richardson.

9. 31. 28. 17. 20. And your Powerball number is 3.

I looked down at the lottery ticket and stared at the numbers.

28. 31. 17. 9. 20. 3.

I stood up from the sofa and continued to stare at the numbers. There was no way imaginable that I just won the lottery. There was no way that was true. There was no fucking way I had just won. My heart was beating fast, way too fast and faster than it should have been beating.

Either I just won the lottery or died and went to heaven.



It was 3 a.m. I was supposed to be sleeping, but this weird buzzing sound was keeping me from my dreams.

Buzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzzz

It was only as it stopped and I snuggled back into my pillow that I relised it had been my phone ringing.

Who on earth was calling me at this time of the night?

I yawned and reached across my bed to the lamp and turned it on, keeping one eye open as I picked my phone up and pressed a button, lighting it up and seeing that Karsyn had called me six times.

Six Times.

Instantly I figured something was wrong and quickly hit call on her number. I swear it didn't even ring as she answered.

"Oh my gaaaawwwd, pinch me, kick me.. I'm dyiiing!"

I frowned, Karsyn's thick southern accent near enough disguising everything she said, not to mention it sounded like she was hyperventalating.

"Dude, what's wrong?"

"I won!"

"Won what?" I laid back into my pillow and stiffled a yawn.

"The mother fucking lottery!! I WON!!"

I sat bolt up. "WHAT!"

"I won I won I won!" Karsyn chanted down the phone. Evidently she was excited, but I needed details.


Fearless (Book 1 of the "Fearless" Series) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now