Chapter 1 - Just Got Paid

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I didn't sleep any that night. I kept staring at the Powerball numbers on my laptop and then back at the ticket. I couldn't believe it. As soon as the lottery offices opened the next morning, I called, telling them I matched all numbers and they told me to immediately come down.

I called in late for work and found out that I won $366 million dollars.

As I sat there in the lottery offices, my supervisor kept calling me, asking when I would be at work and I told them I wouldn't. I quit. Why the hell would I keep working at a job that I hated when I just found out that I was a millionaire?

I didn't tell anybody but Emmileigh at first, until the next day when they held a press conference. My cell phone immediately started ringing off the hook from everybody from family members who I hadn't heard from in years to people I hadn't seen since high school or college.

I pretty much laughed at them all and hung up. I signed all the papers that I needed and found out that I could pick how I would receive the money. Instead of one lump sum, I decided to take $100 million then, and the other would be paid as payments over the next 10 years.

And as soon as I got $100 million in my bank account, I knew what I had to do - I sent Emmi a good lump sum, telling her to get us tickets to every single NKOTBSB show in Europe, along with VIP passes and that I would be there in a few days to prepare for our tour with the boys. The tour would be starting in Ireland in 10 days.

Plus, I wanted to do something else.

Since I was a teenager, I wanted to be an entertainment reporter and writer. I never got the chance to do that, but now? Now I had the money to do whatever I wanted. I was going to start my own site, my own online magazine and maybe after becoming established, print my own magazine. My first thing I was going to write about? Touring with NKOTBSB with my best friend.

I told Emmi to quit her job. She could work for me, but I'm not sure what she's going to do. I know she's going to take time off for the tour, but other than that, it's up to her. I just know that I'm getting out of North Carolina. I'm getting away from this life. I'm going to live the life I've always wanted to do, while watching some hot boys sing.



I was sat in the middle of story time with a bunch of toddlers when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I had a feeling it was Karsyn, especially since after her initial shock of winning the lottery had worn off a little she had explained that she actually had no clue how much she'd won, and that maybe she was getting excited for nothing.

So I knew she was texting me to tell me everything.

"I've just wired $50,000 over to you. Think you can cover all the Euro shows and VIP? Oh yea, and quit your job, you don't need it anymore! :p"

My eyes pretty much bugged out at the message before I excused myself from the small circle of toddlers, leaving my co-worker to finish the story. I walked into the toilets and waited for the door to close behind me before re-reading Karsyn's text.

$50,000! Quit my job! Was I dreaming??

I quickly typed back, wanting to make sure I had read right.

"What the... are you for real?? My bank's going to think I robbed someone! And quit my job?"

I pretty much held my breath waiting for Karsyn to reply. I was already in her message waiting when her reply popped up.

"Quit baby! And call me when you get home! We have some hot boys to meet! And even better.. I'M GOING TO SEE YOU!"

The squeal I let out after I read that message was sure to wake up the babies in nap time, but I didn't care.

My best friend had just made my LIFE!



I needed some new clothes and you know what? I didn't have to look for sales anymore. I didn't have to find cool looking clothes at the cheap stores anymore. I didn't have to do any of that.

I could walk into the mall and go to any store I wanted and buy what I wanted to buy. Okay so that wasn't exactly the truth. I'm not a size zero. I'm not even a size six eight. My weight goes up and down and right now, it's a little up because I've been so depressed lately, but that was mostly because of money issues.

Yeah, didn't really have to worry about that much anymore.

I walked through the Concord Mills mall with a few bags already in my hands. Sad thing was, I had bought a t-shirt for Nick Carter and a hat for AJ McLean. I was supposed to be shopping for myself.

"Hey Karsyn," I heard, pausing by the Cookie stand. I turned around and sighed, seeing Tony walking up behind me. "I thought that was you. Why aren't you at work?" I sighed.

This is why I should have waited until the weekend before I left for London to go shopping. Drivers were at home during the week and on weekends were traveling. Then again, why the hell was Tony Stewart shopping?

"You didn't hear?" I asked. "I was sure one of the boys would have told you."

"No... did you get fired?" he asked as I laughed.

"I won the Powerball lottery, so I quit," I grinned, watching him smile. "Don't really need to answer phones anymore or telling teenage girls that Denny or Joey can't sign their autographs."



"So what are you gonna do?" he asked as I shrugged. "You're moving to New York like you talked about, aren't you?"

"Actually, I'm going to Europe for a while," I said as he looked at me questionably. "My friend in London that I talked about, I'm going over and we're going to go on tour."

"You're starting a band?"

"Following a band, or bands," I said as he laughed and looked away.

"Tell me you're following those boy bands," Tony said as I started to walk away. "Karsyn, hold on," he said as I stopped and he walked around me, staring at me. "You're seriously going to go over and follow boy bands? To another country?"

"Better than following you and waiting on you to call me," I spat back. "What has it been?" He looked away. "Right, and thanks for the job offer you said you would give me when you started your own team. I appreciate that," I said sarcastically as I walked past him. He had promised whenever he started his own team, he would hire me. That didn't happen.

"Karsyn, hold on..." Tony said as I turned around, walking backwards as I stared at him. I gave him a little wave, before turning my back to him.

This wasn't going to happen either.

Karsyn: So? What did you do?

Emmileigh: Well... after I pretty much screamed the place down, I told the she beast to stick her job where the sun don't shine. I left work, grabbed a bottle of wine from the shop downstairs.. and now.. I'm drunk.

Karsyn: LMFAO You're drunk? I hope you spent more than five bucks on the wine. So we gonna do this?

Emmileigh: Pounds! And yes I brought the cheap shit. I'm celebrating! Of course I saved the drinking until AFTER buying tickets. I tell you, those sellers on Ebay didn't know what hit them when I brought the tickets. VIP is set all but one date, but I'm sure we can sort that out!

Karsyn: Are condoms cheaper in America or the UK because I'm going to fuck Nick Carter.

Emmileigh: LMFAO!!! I don't fucking know! Are you really worried about how much condoms are? YOUR A MILLIONAIRE!

Karsyn: Eh, not like I'm going to need them anyway. I went shopping today. Ran into the douche. Makes me want to leave to come over sooner. Think I'm going to leave Saturday. That way we can figure out travel plans and everything and not wait until the day before the tour starts. And maybe we can go to the first show earlier and run into people *whistles* Does that sound okay?

Emmileigh: Sounds PERFECT! Oh my god I can't wait to see you! And OH MY GOD I need to meet Donnie Mother Fucking Wahlberg!

Karsyn: All the NKOTB VIP crap is sold out but maybe I can bribe some dumb bitch into selling theirs. Damn BSB for being so accessible. Who needs Nick when you have Donnie?

Karsyn: Wait, I need Nick.

Emmileigh: Well we do have that one date with no VIP? I'm sure we can pay off someone! Or who knows, by then Donnie or Joey may have realised just how amazing we are and give us one for free!

Emmileigh: Or am I dreaming out loud again?

Karsyn: Well, didn't think I'd win the lottery. We do need to thank them for being born those days. I'm sure Howie, Danny, and Jonathan will be upset their birthday's didn't win us the money, but who gives a shit.


So it was set. Me, Emmileigh from South London.. was jobless, but going to tour Ireland, the UK, Europe, and freaking AUSTRALIA with my best friend, and nine of my favourite guys!

Karsyn is due to arrive tomorrow afternoon, and I really couldn't contain my excitement.

Already I'd started packing for tour. Of course I didn't have a clue what to take with me. My aim was to catch a couple of the guys attentions. I was lacking so much in my love life at the moment, it was kinda sad how long it had been since I'd even gone out on a date, let alone had sex.

I had a good feeling that going on tour was going to change all that, but I wasn't about to admit that to Karsyn just yet. Sure we joked about fucking certain members of the band, and sometimes we were deadly serious, but actually DOING that? Well, that's a whole other story.

My last relationship ended a year and a half ago. Not on my terms, in fact I was in it till forever, but apparently he decided that jumping in to bed with the girl across the hall the moment I left for work was his plan. I caught them one day when the tube line I used to get to work had been suspended, leaving me no chance but to go back home.

And the bad thing about it all, was that he wasn't even bothered that I had caught them.

It had destroyed me. I lost all confidence in men, relationships, and myself. For a while I was even convinced that there had been something wrong with me, but Karsyn soon kicked me up the ass and told me that it was him who had the problem.

And she was definitely right.

So why was I still single?


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