Chapter 27 - Mommy Dearest

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May 17, 2012
Melbourne, Australia - Day Off


I smiled, opening my eyes as the sun began shining through the window of Nick's hotel suite. Yesterday had been the best day of my life. I couldn't believe that Nick had gone out of his way, making my birthday that great. I guess he really did love me, which made me even happier.

When we first started flirting, I didn't think it would go this far. But I loved him and I hadn't told Emmileigh or Nick yet, but I was contemplating getting a place in Los Angeles. I also wanted to get a place in New York.

Real estate is a good investment, right? That's what I always hear.

If I seriously wanted to start my own online magazine, Los Angeles and New York would be the places to be.

Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey
Whiskey makes my baby, feel a little frisky

"What the fuck is that?" Nick muttered as I sighed, hearing my cell phone. I had ran to my and Emmileigh's room during the night to get a few things, only to find the room empty.

"My phone and country music," I sighed, reaching over on the night stand. "Hello?"

"Karsyn, happy birthday sweetie," I heard my mother say as I groaned.

"That was yesterday, Mama," I sighed as I looked over at Nick who was staring at me.

"I know when you were born," she said as I closed my eyes. "May 16th."

"Time difference," Nick whispered as I opened my eyes.

"Where are you, honey?" she asked as I sat up in bed.

"Australia," I sighed. "Sorry Mom, I forgot the time difference. It's the 17th over here now and early in the morning."

"Well, did you have a nice birthday with your friend? And Australia? I thought it was Europe?" she asked. I could tell Nick could hear her as he started to smile.

"I had the best birthday ever," I sighed. "Yeah, the tour is here for a few dates and then one more and it's over."

"Jackie e-mailed me the pictures of you and those boys from their Website," she said, talking about my aunt. "Are they remembering you since you've met them so many times now?"

"Yeah, Mama," I sighed. There was no way I was going to tell her I just spent the night having sex with one of them that was my boyfriend now. "Can I call you back later? After I wake up?"

I sighed, telling my mother goodbye and tossed my phone towards the end of the bed before I laid back down. I rolled over, halfway laying on top of Nick as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm 31 now and I still don't like my mother knowing when I have sex," I whispered as Nick cracked up laughing. "I've never really been in a serious relationship."

"You haven't?"

"Not really," I sighed. "I mean, I had a boyfriend in high school that we dated all four years, but it wasn't that serious. We didn't have sex."

"When are you going to tell your parents about me?"

"When are you going to tell your parents about me?"

"I don't really tell mine much of anything," Nick said as I lifted my head to look at him. "All the rumors online are true. I don't have much to do with them."

"I'll tell them when the tour is over," I whispered as he smiled. "Maybe we can go to North Carolina for a day or two before deciding what I'm going to do."

"We?" he asked as I nodded.

"My cousin is in charge of the on-track activity at the race track in Charlotte," I said as Nick raised an eyebrow. "The driver experience stuff. I can take you so you can race a race car."

"That would fucking rock," he whispered, pulling me on top of him as I giggled. "I like having a girlfriend with mad connections."



I didn't want to move.

No, scratch that. I couldn't move.

Donnie was asleep, laying pretty much on top of me, his face resting on my chest. I couldn't help but smile and brush his hair back on his head. He was so out of it. Then again I wasn't surprised. We'd had a hefty workout once we'd gotten back to his room.

I stroked his cheeks, loving the feel of the stubble there. I badly wanted to wake him up, but he was so asleep, it just didn't seem fair.

Still, it was their day off...

I smiled to myself as I shifted under him slightly, moving my leg up around his as I pulled the sheet off him. Seeing his bare ass made me giggle a little.

"Wakey wakey.." I sang softly as I ran my hands down his back, making sure to run my fingernails along his skin as I did so.

"Not yet.." Donnie mumbled, making me chuckle.

"Yes now," I said and wiggled my hips underneath him. I wrapped my leg around his ass.

"You don't play fair," he groaned before opening his eyes.

I couldn't help but smile. "Neither do you, laying this hot ass body on mine." I ran my hand through his hair again.

Donnie yawned. "Oh I get it. Only want me for my body.."

"Well, yea? Why else would I want you?"

Donnie lifted his head to look at me as I cracked up laughing.

"The look on your face..." I said before cupping his cheeks. He went to talk, but I lent up and kissed him. I couldn't help but moan when he instantly deepened the kiss.

I could feel his erection pressing against me, and I reached in between us to guide him inside me when the sound of 'Dirty Dancing' started coming from the bedside table.

"Uh mood kill," Donnie said with a groan, making me laugh.

"Sorry." I stroked him in my hand as he rest his forehead on mine.

"You gonna answer it?"

I looked up at him and sighed before reaching over and grabbing my phone. I groaned when I saw who was calling me. "This isn't gonna be good," I muttered before answering.

"Hey mum!" I said, fake cheery like down the phone.

"Emmileigh! I've been trying to call you for weeks. Where the hell are you? I went by your flat and your neighbour told me you've been traveling."

I motioned for Donnie to climb off me before I sat up and grabbed the sheet, covering myself up. "I'm in Australia. I told you I was going away."

"No you didn't."

I closed my eyes. "Yes, I did. You just never listen."

"Why the fuck are you in Australia!? Since when do you have money?"

The tone of my mum's voice made me bite my lip. "Mum, I..."

"You're following that boy band aren't you? Let me guess, you got in as one of their groupies and they are letting you hang with them because you're opening your legs to them. I didn't raise you to be a slut."

I felt Donnie sit beside me, but I couldn't look at him. "I'm not a slut, mum," I said quietly, almost ashamed Donnie had to hear my side of the conversation.

"Yes you are. Nothing but a whore. Why else would they want you around..... slut!"

I closed my eyes, sending a tear down my cheek and cursed myself off for even letting her words get to me. "Mum.."

"No, you no what. Fuck you. You're a slut and a whore and not my daughter." The sound of the call ending in my ear made me pull my phone away from my ear and fight the urge to throw it against the wall.

"Emmi?" Donnie ran his hand along my back.

"Donnie.. I.. sorry.." I jumped off the bed and grabbed my clothes before rushing into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.


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