Chapter 18

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A couple days past and nothing happened. It was normal. Too normal. So normal that Y/N actually had time to think about reality! "Boy, if some human asked me who my fist kiss was...wait. When am I gonna get back home? I mean, I would rather stay here.......but still." She thought. "I've gotta ask Grimm about it..." Y/N muttered. She walked out of her room. Since she memorized the place, it was easy to find Grimm's room. "Last door on the left...there we go!" Y/N knocked on the door. No response. She knocked again. Still no response! "Um. Grimm? You in there?" Nothing, "Huh. He must be elsewhere..."

Y/N went to the dining room. "Brumm, have you seen Grimm around?" She asked. "Nope...he should be in his room." He replied. Y/N nodded before leaving. "But...he isn't!" She went to Divine. "Hey, Divine...have you seen Grimm?" Divine smiled oddly and replied, "He should be in his room, dearie!" She said. "Ah. Thank you!" Y/N said before exiting. "Oh no. Where could he be? Maybe he's in his room now..." Y/N whispered. Once she got back to his room, she took a deep hopeful breath before saying, "Grimm? You in there??" Then a reply came, "Oh. Yes! Come in." Y/N was relieved. She opened the door stepping in. "Oh god, Grimm! Where were you?!" She half yelled. Grimm growled and said, "Why do you want to know." Y/N was surprised by his comment. "Excuse me?" She said. Grimm looked at her blankly. "I said, why. Do. You. Want. To. Know." Y/N sighed angrily. "Look. If you don't want me here, I'll leave. Okay?" Grimm smirked and snapped his fingers, making the door close loudly. Y/N jumped a bit and tried to open it, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, it all made sense. "Oh. You're Nightmare King, aren't you?" Y/N said angrily. NKG nodded and took a few steps toward Y/N. "H-hey! What are you doing?..." NKG cornered Y/N. "Well~whatever I want, really..." He said. "Uhm...whatever you d-do, please don't do-HEY!" Instead of doing what Y/N thought NKG was gonna do, he quickly threw a glass vase at her. Even though Y/N was cornered, she managed to dodge it. "Woah~slow down so I can end you!" He yelled. Y/N did nothing but dodge his attacks. "Only twenty minutes only twenty minutes!" Y/N thought. A shard of glass struck her arm. Y/N stopped for a moment, glancing at her arm. "Ow..." She whispered. That was how the next couple minutes went. Y/N getting hurt like, five times, NKG having the time of his life, you know.

          Y/N fell to the ground, quivering. "S...stop...ugh..." She weakly said, her eyes shut tight. Suddenly, she heard sobbing. "What? Who's crying?" She thought. Next thing she knew, she was in a hug. And the figure was mumbling, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so, so, so, so, sorry!" Even though her pain, Y/N knew this could only mean one thing. "G-Grimm?"

Yep. I really don't know what to say. Uh...hope ya enjoyed! See ya!!!!

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