Y/N and Quirrel were venturing through the area. Occasionally being visited by NKG. Yes. That was their new definition of normal. The two were walking around for what felt like hours. "Quirrel. We were here already." Y/N said, pointing to the nail mark on the ground. Quirrel had put marks on the floor so that when they came across that area again, they would know that there's no reason to search there. Pretty smart, huh? He nodded his head in response. "Hhmm...it feels like we've been circling this place over and over again..." Quirrel said, clearly annoyed with their progress so far. Y/N sighed. "How 'bout a little....break?" She asked. Quirrel immediately perched up to the idea. "Haha. Yes pleassssse." He whined out. They both sat down, backs leaning against the wall. Thoughts ran through Y/N's head. Thoughts like: "I miss my old life. I feel bad for Quirrel...it's my fault. Nightmare King is an idiot. Where's Grimm?" That last thought ran through her mind until she noticed Quirrel sleeping. He was lent against the wall, hand on stomach. His mask was draped down, covering his face. Y/N saw that as a cue to sleep herself.She woke up to a loud noise and a mild pain in her back. Her eyes shot open as she sat up straight. "Quirrel? Wh-oh." Y/N looked behind her to find a tunnel. Quirrel was standing in front of her, staring at it. "Well, well! Lookie here." He mused. Y/N stood up and nodded. "A secret tunnel?! Niceeeee." She said, rubbing her back. "How'd it open?" Y/N asked. Quirrel hummed and replied, "Probably from the weight of our backs on the wall." Y/N nodded and stepped deeper into the cave. "Should we like, go?" She asked. Quirrel nodded. "Yep. But be careful." He warned before walking in with her. Little did they know that two blazing red eyes were looking down at them, smirking. "Fall'n right into my trap, dear."
The cave had just enough light for Quirrel and Y/N to see. They both wandered it, Quirrel having his nail drawn out. There were occasional creaks and squeaks from the walls and the floor. A half hour passed by. Nothing. One hour. Nothing. Two. Nothing. Three. "Hey, Y/N!! Light! Look! We're getting close!" Quirrel chirped out of excitement and pointed in front of them. Y/N yawned and nodded. "Light. Coooooool. Wait. Light! Yes! C'mon!!" She exclaimed. They both sprinted off and away, huffing for breath. They didn't stop until they reached the end. Y/N laughed and pointed at the exit with wobbly legs. "*pant pant* Quirrel! Y-yessss! Finally!" She said. Quirrel caught his breath and replied, "Yes! HahaaaaaaaaaaaAAAA! Let's get outta here." He said. Y/N's expression clearly showed hesitation, so Quirrel politely stepped forward. "Oh...I could go first if ya like." He said. Y/N sighed in relief. "Haha. Thanks, Quirrel. You've been a big help." Quirrel nodded and walked through. "See you on the other side!" Y/N smiled and stepped through. Oh! One minor problem: As soon as Quirrel left, the door in front shut and Y/N was teleported back outside of the cave aaaand the cave disappeared. Lol.
It's lunch break while I'm writing this .-. So uh, hi? Hope you enjoyed! See ya!!!!

Home? (Grimm x Human Female Reader) COMPLETED!
Hayran KurguChecking back on this story on May 16. It's hecking cringe. W h y d i d i w r i t e t h i s I own none of the characters. Team Cherry owns Hollow Knight. I do n o t.