"G-Grimm?! Are you okay?! What happened?" Y/N said as she tried to hold back tears. "Nothing~" Said a different voice behind him. Y/N looked to find...Nightmare King. He was holding something, but Y/N couldn't tell what. Grimm fell to the ground. "R-run...I'm not dead..." Grimm chocked out. "*Sigh* For once he's right. He's not dead...but you will be~" NKG said. He took a running charge at her. Y/N whimpered and began sprinting away. "Always start slow, then evolve into a sprint!" Her gym teacher would say. "I don't think that applies to running away from a demon!" Y/N thought. She was tired. Her side began to ache, but she didn't stop. She couldn't stop. NKG wasn't far. Mainly because he kept on teleporting behind her, but since Y/N was running, he couldn't catch up. In her train of thoughts, Y/N slowed down a bit, but quickly ran faster when she heard, "Almost there, dear~" Now, Y/N's side was throbbing and her legs were screaming, 'Stop! Please!!" But she didn't listen.Eventually, Y/N needed rest, she stopped for a legit millisecond, when NKG covered her mouth with his hand. Using his other one, he held her waist tightly. "Got you~" NKG purred. Those were the last words before she blacked out, her life depending on what he chose to do next.
She woke up, strapped to a....wall. "Guess he couldn't find any more chairs..." She thought. "What joy. You've woken." Said an oh-to-familiar voice. "Yes. Thanks for saying that, Captain O-" She stopped mid-sentence. "Where's Grimm?!" She demanded. "Ya know, it really hurts when you talk to me like that~I'm apart of him, and he's apart of me..." He commented, gesturing to himself. Y/N groaned. "Cool. Now let me out. Or just pull the 'dark room' thing. Anyone works..." She said. NKG began walking towards her. This made Y/N a bit uncomfortable. "Um. What are you gonna do now?! She asked. He didn't say anything. He just kept walking. Y/N tensed up a bit. "What are you doing?" She asked, trying to sound confident. No answer. Now, he was close. Too close. "N-nightmare King! What are y-" She was cut off by him putting his finger on her lips. "Say my name." He ordered. "W-wha-" "I said: say my name." Y/N froze. "Nightmare King..." She said, clearly confused. To her relief, he backed up. A bit. He was like, five inches away now. "Good~" He said. Now, Y/N was scared. All of her confidence was drained out.
"Listen. Grimm won't be coming for a while~" He said. Y/N wanted to ask why, but didn't. "In the meantime, looks like we'll be together~" He purred. NKG was bent down to Y/N level. "Heh~it gladdens me to see you in this.....position~" He whispered. Now, Y/N's heart was beating fast. Not the 'I'm in love!' Kind. More like, 'Umm...help...please.' Kind. Then, he kissed her on the lips.
;) Alright. Here. Two chapters in one day! Hehe...might do one more considering the point of the story we're on~hope ya enjoyed! See ya!!!!

Home? (Grimm x Human Female Reader) COMPLETED!
Hayran KurguChecking back on this story on May 16. It's hecking cringe. W h y d i d i w r i t e t h i s I own none of the characters. Team Cherry owns Hollow Knight. I do n o t.