Chapter 18

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" Did you spent the night with him ? " he snapped.

" What ? " I asked.

" I saw him driving you here, I spent the whole fucking night waiting for you here, I even went to the hospital but I only saw Fred sleeping in his bed. I was worried about you and you were with him ? The whole fucking night ? " he snapped.

" Yes, I was with him, and guess what, I enjoyed the fucking night with him ! "

" What ! Why ? Why are you doing this to me ? I thought we're good ! I thought you are happy with me ! I thought you wanted me as much as I wanted you ! " He yelled.

" Yeah but I was wrong ! I was wrong for choosing you ! For chosing such a liar such a selfish fucker like you ! " I yelled back.

" What the hell are you talking about ? I thought we moved on me fucking Lea ! You know I don't have anything..."

" I am not talking about Lea, I did move on, I heard you talking with her that night and I saw how she was desperate to have sex with you, and that's how I felt so fucking ashamed of thinking you were playing with my feelings and lying about yours while you were telling the truth from the first day, but then... then I heard about Ellen's story, how you fucking used her to win some fucking case ?! You have no fucking idea how sick that made me feel, I was blaming myself for doubting you two days ago to find me blaming myself again for trusting you, how could you do something like that to someone ?! Huh ! Aren't you ashamed of yourself ?! You are a mother fucking asshole, you are a sick person who only seeks for his selfishness, you are just so terrible and you made me feel even more terrible by falling for you and seeing you as a man who's so gentle and nice. While it was all just acting for your dirty games" I said catching my breath.

" Are you done ? " he asked.

What ? Is he serious ?

" No, I am never done with you Daniel Brown" I said.

" How did you know about Ellen ? " he asked.

" That's none of your business" I replied.

" Fine, but at least you didn't hear the story from me right? You didn't think of coming to me and ask me about it ! You didn't think of a chance that the story may be wrong and I may have another version of it right ? All what you did was accuse me without hearing me, without knowing me, like you did the first time when I confessed about my feelings toward you, and I bet, you'll do it over and over again ! You jumped to conclusions, you didn't come to me for an explanation and guess what ? You fucking slept with Shawn ! Just because they told you I fucked a girl to win a case ! "

" Then what is the real story huh ! "

" The story is I fucking helped that girl to get rid of her abusive stepfather! I hired her as my assistant because she hadn't a job and so she can get away from him but that wasn't enough and he started taking her money and beating her more. So I had to come up with a plan to put him in fucking jail without her getting hurt by him, so we acted as a couple to make people think that we are, including her stepfather. Then I hired someone to get in a fight with him, and when he did, I made him my client, so in order to collect many accuses and crimes her stepfather did, she helped me, because she was the only one who knows everything about him, and when I won the case of Aiden Meller against the criminal stepfather who assaulted him and put him in jail, she thanked me and went to live a safe life, finally. But I had to cover up for her otherwise her stepfather will blame her for going to jail, so I told everyone that I used her to give me information about her stepfather so I can win the case of my client Aiden against him. And when she figured out the truth she quit the job and left me. That's how her stepfather will blame me not her and leave her the hell alone" he explained.

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