Chapter 29

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Gwen's Pov :

I opened my eyes to find a doctor looking at me with a notebook in his hand.

Am I at a hospital?

I checked the room I am in, it's not a hospital.

It is my old room when I was a kid.


I stood up from the bed but I felt dizzy and sat back.

" You can't wake up right away young lady, you need to have some rest," the doctor said but I jerked his hand away and stood up again.

I looked for my shoes but I didn't find them.

What am I doing here ?

How did I end up here ?

Daniel !

Ethan !

They fucking planned for this the whole time !

They fucking planned to use me from the first day!

I should have known that !

I should've realized that !

" Serena! My darling, I can't believe how grown you become !" my father said as the doctor called him while I kept walking and walking around the room like a crazy cat.

" Are you okay ? " he asked.

" Don't fucking get close to me! " I said stepping away from him.

" Serena calm down please" he said.

"My name is Gwen ! I am not Serena, do you hear me ! My name is Gwen Baker ! " I yelled.

" Get out" he said to the doctor to leave us alone in the room.

" My dear, look at me, I am your father, I am so sorry I let those bastards take you away from me all this time, Ethan kidnapped you, and then that mercenary guy and..."

" What are you talking about ? Fred didn't kidnap me ! " I said.

" What ? But dear he was supposed to get you back to me and then he told me you were dead, and now I found you in Ethan's hand ? This means he is working with him and they planned for this the whole time, all these years. Ethan was so serious about that diamond and I expected to see him yesterday, but not with you" he explained.

" Oh please ! If you really looked for me you would have found me, I never left New York, besides Fred didn't kidnap me or worked with Ethan he never was, he took care of me all these years and made me the woman I am now ! " I said.

" What ? "

" Yes ! And for the record, I am glad that Ethan kidnaped me, because if that didn't happen I wouldn't meet Fred and I wouldn't find a way to run away from you ! I fucking hate you and I hate being close to you, okay ? I was living in hell if it wasn't for Fred who took me in with him and rescued me from this house, and from being your daughter! " I said, finally after a hell long of a time.

" What ? You run away with Fred...from me ? But I am your father ! I raised you ! I took care of you! They took you away from me and deprived me of seeing you grow up ! I will fucking kill them all ! All ! Including Fred ! How dare he ? That son of a bitch" he yelled.

" Don't fucking talk about him like that ! He died protecting me ! He died because of you ! Because of Ethan ! Because of me ! You fucking caused all of that ! I fucking hate you ! " I cried and pushed him away to get out of this miserable house.

" Where are you going ? " he asked and I ignored him wearing my shoes.

" Somewhere far away from you" I replied.

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