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"I was looking at myself in the mirror, and God I'm beautiful"

I love myself, and I may doubt it sometimes, but I do love myself.

Lately I've just been working on myself. Trying to be the best version of me.

The thing is I still have bad days, even as hard as I try not to have them.

There are days I look in the mirror and hate absolutely everything about myself.
I start to think about the people who seem to care about me. And I wonder why, because I'm shallow.

I'm a shallow person who bases their self worth on how they look. And I'm scared that everyone is like me.

What I mean is I'm scared that when I loose my looks, because I will. That no ones gonna take the time to get to know me, because I'll be even more overlooked then I am now.

It's a fear of mine, constantly playing in the back of my mind.


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