Hope's Peak Academy

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It's not easy being the Ultimate Female Yakuza. Mostly everywhere you go, you have people fear you. And besides, most rumors go around saying that the female yakuza's are way more frightening than the male yakuza's. They're not wrong but...it can get quite annoying. Sometimes, you wish your father was here to teach you the ropes of being a yakuza. You're still not fully experienced on how to be one. You would ask my mom since she was the second closest to my father but...she's not here either. Both of your parents were assassinated when you  were 5. Till this day, you still don't who killed them but once you find out, you'll kill them yourself. And that's a promise.

Anyway, moral of the story is that you're going to high school soon and you still haven't picked a school that you want to attend. One of the maids suggested that you get home-schooled but you're to tired of being inside the mansion all day. And you damn sure don't wanna do public school. You'd probably get kicked out in the first week, not because you're a bad student, but because you'd probably bring down the schools' population. It's actually annoying that mostly all schools care about the reputation of the school instead of just teaching the damn students.

You were starting to lose hope since you didn't see a school that would accept you.

"Man, being a Yakuza is a pain in the ass...", I said as I leaned back in my chair.

As I was leaning back in my chair, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"Who is it? Are you a criminal!?", I said calmly

"Of course not dumbass! Now open the door"! It was Mondo.

"It's open"!

Me and Mondo have been friends for a while ever since he went to First Volcano High School. Sure, I didn't go to the school but we still became friends. Even though he can be an asshole, he's actually a pretty good friend when you get to know him.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school", I said.

"Wow, you sound like my mom", Mondo said with an eye roll

"Whatever. What do you want"?

"Well, did you find a school that you want to go to yet"?

"Of course not! I've been looking for the past week. This is complete bullshit"!

"Well, I just so happened to check your mail box outside and-".

"You went through my mail box?", I said with and eyebrow raised.

"Shut up! Here, this letter was in here", He said as he slid the note on your desk.

"Hmm? What's this?", I said looking at the letter. And it reads...

         Ms. Y/n L/n

We've recently seen how skilled and powerful you are with the Diamond clan. As a result, you have been selected, and we invite you to join us as the Ultimate Female Yakuza. Included is an orientation guide for Hope's Peak Academy.

"It's and invitation letter...for Hope's Peak Academy. And they're inviting me to join them as...the Ultimate Female Yakuza".

"That's..actually pretty good! You've been trying to find a school that would accept you, even if you are a yakuza", Mondo said as he was pulling up a chair.

"Yeah I know but... Do you think that this school is good for me"?

"Of course it will be because...". He then reached inside his jacket's pocket. "I got accepted as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader ", he said with a smirk while holding up his letter.

"Really!? That's great! At least I know that I won't be alone going to this school", I said.

"Wait...so that means... You're accepting the invitation"?

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