Chapter 2. Old friend

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Grian was silently sitting in his ship, not knowing what to do. He was so used to flying and sitting around unnoticed. But now he's visible to them... maybe he shouldn't have been so eager to greet the Hermits. He was probably registered as a player.

Prime. There has been a change, I am visible to the players and can't fix it.

Fear not my boy. This was our plan. You are visible for a reason.

And that is...?

You have served for over 500 years now my boy. This is your break.

... Does this mean I can-

Yes, you can mess with them. I've already erased their memories from earlier. They won't know of you being a watcher only that you lived on this server alone.

Yes Sir. Thank you.

You're welcome, Grian

"Grian?" He opens his eyes and see's Mumbo. He jumps back slightly.

"Jesus Mumbo, you scared me!" Mumbo chuckles. He sits down next to the winged boy.

"How have you been?" Mumbo asks, petting Grian's wing, knowing it's alright from past experiences.

"... I've... been better..." Mumbo hums in a questioning way. "... it gets really boring just sitting around and watching people."

"Yeah, but they finally gave you a break. And you're here now." Mumbo wraps his free arm, that isn't petting the wing, around the boy.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm gonna take all advantage of it and mess with players... uh- people. God it's gonna be hard hiding my identity..."

"Hmmm, well you are hitting what, 500 years of service? Certainly by now it's been seared into your mind." Mumbo grins. "You're old, dude."

"Well technically I'm immortal, so I'm forever 25." Grian says in a matter of fact tone, instead of a laugh he gets a sad sigh. That wasn't what he wanted to hear from the player. He gives him a worried glance, seeing a sorrowful gaze on the mustached man.

"But that means you're gonna out live me." Mumbo starts to laugh. Grian looks surprised and begins to giggle with Mumbo.

"You doofus!" Grian playfully punches the others side.

"You know, you might wanna take that off before someone comes over." Mumbo says, pointing out the mask.

"Awwww, but it's so fun to look around and not letting others know where- ow." He teases but looks to his other wing, an arrow? "What the...?" He pulls it out, the wing glitches and is healed instantly, as it is for players.

"That's ConVex arrows.. Why do they have poison arrows already?" Mumbo mutters, peaking over seeing why the boy was injured.

"Where did it even come from? There are no other entities around but some drowned outside.." The Watcher looks around the bottle, not seeing anything. "God Damn, did it have to be my wings off all things!?" He rubs the spot, feeling the ghost pain. His wings are sensitive and aren't used to being injured, tampered with yes, hurt no.

Mumbo just chuckles as the boy pouts, his wings appearing even more fluffy. "Aw, come now Gri. For someone who's a strong flier a little arrow is gonna get you mad?" Mumbo reaches to the boy's mask, a hand grabbing his wrist to stop him.

"Nu-uh. The Primes got mad last time you did that, they cursed it so only I can remove it. You'd just hurt us both doing that." Grian grins, removing the mask, revealing his eyes. Those beautiful periwinkle blue eyes that Mumbo missed. The boy lets the mask go up in red flames.

Mumbo sighs and pulls the boy into a hug, resting his chin on top of his head. "You idiot. You could've at least given me a sign you were watching us." Grian lets out a few chuckles.

"I thought me fixing your building mistakes was big enough of a hint." Grian muffles into the mans chest.

"I'm pretty sure all the others would fix a mistake if it was triggering enough. You are all builders." Mumbo smirks and Grian looks up at him, a cute angry face resting there. The man proceeds to chuckle and boop the boy's nose.


[these larger gaps mean The end of a paragraph, it'll just be a smaller form of timeskips]

The shopping district was bustling with Hermits. All who were recording and making their shops. He remembered when he did that, recorded videos, having fun with his friends. But now as a Watcher, all his recordings get sent to the archive, sitting as evidence if a player should ascend..

"Oh hey, it's the new guy." A familiar Swede mutters. "Hey Grian!" The man waves him over.

"Hello, Iskall." Grian says smiling.

"How're you doing?"

"I'm doing well- Huh.. that's a symbol I've never seen.." Grian mutters looking at the recording sign.

"Ah, yeah, I'm streaming right now. It's a bit odd, you just see words in your peripheral and people are just looking through your eyes."

"... I don't think I could see myself doing that." Grian chuckles. "So, what're you working on?" The boy inquires.

"Oh, I'm working on my prismarine shop... and keep this on the DL, I'm making a hit room." The boy looks confused.

"A.. Hit room? What's that?"

"I'm a hitman." Iskall says bluntly. The boy is still confused. "I assassinate my friends for money."

"Oooooh! Kind of like a one man mafia. Got it." Iskall gives him a confused look.

"Dude, when was the last time you interacted with people?"

"A long time." He gives a threateningly sweet smile. The boy places a hand on Iskall's shoulder. "I haven't spoken to an actual person in 10 years." Iskall's face shows fear, or maybe it's concern,

"Do... do you need a therapist?" Iskall whimpers.

"Oh of course not!"

"Dude, my chat is like, 'HE'S SCARY' Hehehe. And they aren't wrong... are you sure you're mentally stable?" He gets a glare.

"I know I am. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here. See you around Iskall." The boy takes off.

"Damn... I'mma sign him up for a session with Joe... He might kill me." Iskall chuckles.

"DO IT AND I'LL CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!" Grian shouts. The Swede pales.

"How'd he hear me..?" He whispers.

The boy chuckles, he could see the look in Iskall's face, so once he saw the Swede stop talking he shouted not to along with a threat. Grian enters his half way complete 'modern blender'. Him being a Watcher had benefits. He has the advantage of time being slower for him so he can build faster and longer than a normal player. He could see his final result of his build in his head as he's building, the blueprints mentally locked until he finishes.

"Knock knock." A familiar British man muses.

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