Chapter 5. 310 years

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"Huh..? Where am I?" He mumbles looking around the vast flat area. He notices some structures in the distance. He gets up from the grass and stagers over to it. He see's something flying around. As he gets closer he see's tons of beautiful builds. He also notices the flatness ends, unsure if it's natural or terraformed.

A shadow flies over him. He see's someone fly over him with beautiful large feathered wings, unlike he's ever seen before.

The person must've noticed him and lands. They walk over to him. He's clearly older than him.

"Hello! Who are you?" The male in the red turtleneck asks.

"... I'm Mumbo... Where am I?" He asks.

"To be honest, I don't know. I just opened a portal here one day and decided it'd be fun to mess around and build things. So the question is, if you even know, how did you get here?" The male asks, his form relaxing.

"I'm not sure... I just woke up here..." The man in red looks at the sky.

"Oh... You fell from the void... your world got erased..." He looks to the sky as well. How did he not notice the giant rift in the sky. "Well kid. I guess you're stuck here too. Have you ever played in creative?" The man asks, scrolling through an endless inventory.

"Uh... yeah. I do redstone." The winged man looks back at him.

"Like, legit just redstone? No building?" The boy nods. "DUDE! THATS AMAZING! I would totally do that too but when I use redstone it blows up or crashes the server." Mumbo stares in almost awe. Being so rubbish it blows up?

"And just to be sure, it didn't include TNT?" He asks.

"Nope, no TNT... Even if it's my favorite block. I know that TNT and redstone together aren't a good thing for serious builds." Mumbo is now shocked.

"How?! If there's no TNT it should be impossible for it to blow up!" The man just shrugs.

"It might be because my magic over powers it, I'm not sure though. But is fun." He giggles.

"You're crazy, aren't you?" Mumbo grumbles.

"... I used to be. Like... 190 years ago." The man slips and covers his mouth. "Ain't supposed to say that..." he mutters. The kid just laughs.

"You're an odd one... uh."

"Oh! Right, my name is Grian!" He puts a hand out. Mumbo accepts the hand shake.

"Pleasure to meet you."

The pair are sitting on an extreme hills biome, watching the sunset.

"So... what exactly are you? You aren't human." Mumbo asks, eyes trained on the sky.

"... Ever hear of Watchers?"

"Yeah, my town used to have a holiday celebrating them until they suddenly disappeared." The teenager glances over to the winged male. He looks sad.

"Yeah... we got in a war... our numbers got a bit low so we had to stop revealing ourselves to players... we could never tell who praised us or who wanted us dead..." Grian mutters.

"Oh... who were you guys fighting?"

"Our opposites. The Listeners and their allies." Mumbo thinks for a moment.

"... They sound like jerks." He says with a smirk. The Watcher pauses before laughing.

"What that a pun!?" He continues to laugh and Mumbo joins him.

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