Chapter 4. Nightmares

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He's running again. From what? He doesn't know, he never does. He just knows if he stops he'll die. Panting, him and his assailant are both out of breath but push on down the endless halls.

"Greonnnnnnn~" It calls. He doesn't look back, knowing he'll die. If he slows, he dies. If he pauses, he dies. If he looks back, he dies. IF HE SPEAKS, HE DIES. "Come on~! WhY're YOu RuNNIng?!" It is trying to distract him.

He feels a tug on his blazer, pushing him to go faster. The world is getting blurry though. He never was the athletic type.

"PLEASE STOP, &)$)&!" He cries as he trips over his feet, looking back at it. Tears fall off his face. "please..." he whispers, staring at the knife. He waits for the inevitable.

"Why did you leave us, Grian?" It said his name correctly?

"I-I... I had to..."

"NO YOU DIDN'T! WHEN DID WE EVER LISTEN TO THE RULES!?" It yells. "I'm just trying to protect you... heh. They don't accept you. But I do. We both do. But if you run away we can't help you or protect you~.." it cups his face.

"You didn't have to kill them..." he whimpers.

"But I did... they would've ruined you, my monster~." It pushes him on his back, resting it's head in his chest. "I had to protect you. Like any good person would. Why won't you just accept that."

He shoves it off, taking off into a sprint again.

"GRIAN!" It shouts furiously. He has to escape. He has to. But the hall never ends. "GET BACK HERE! I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!" He gets tackled down. "You don't want my help?"

"NO! NONONONONONONO! GET OFF!" He cries, trying to shove it off again. His breath catches in his throat. His tears stop. He watches in horror as the man in the rabbit hat plunges the knife into his chest.


Grian jumps up in his bed. It's still pretty late... he probably slept for an hour. He tries to calm his nerves. He slides out of his bed heading to the other occupied one. He gets under the covers an nuzzles into the mans chest. An arm wraps around him protectively and he dozes back to sleep.

"So, you're saying Grian is a Watcher. And X caught you hunting him, so now we can't attack him?" Cub groans. "Did you at least get a feel of what rank he is?" Scar nods.

"He said that he wasn't a low rank but showed the amount of power that of a level 3. And I think Mumbo has links to the Watchers too. But I'm not too sure." Cub nods, showing he's listening. "Honestly... his true form was terrifying... I'm kinda glad X stopped us... I wouldn't want to face Grian in a full on one-on-one."

"And you won't." Cub says. "Besides, this is all a game to him. That Listener he beat said he just thought him being hunted was a game. The man is clearly mentally unstable, if we hit the right triggers he'll be distracted for that one moment we need to kill him."

"Would you mind if we also helped boys?" Asks a new voice.

"Who are you?!" Scar barks.

"I am just a Listener who wants to see a certain Prime Watcher crumble... and if we take down his prodigy, he'll finally break, making the Watchers look like the villains they are." They see the cloaked person grin maliciously.

"... Huh... So we kill Grian and then the Watchers lose their reputation... that sounds like a plan. You're in." Cub grins.

"Just one problem... I'm sure after that incident, Mumbo won't leave his side." Scar says.

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