Chapter 17. Gone?

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The moment he woke up he knew something was wrong. It's that eerie silence that fills the jungle. There is always a sound in the jungle. Something isn't right. And that something is the missing presence of his partner. Instead, there is a note. He picks it up.

'Greetings, Red Prime. You must be wondering where your friend has gone, well I assure you he is safe in the ranks of us. The Listeners.

But if you really care for him, same for your admin, you'll come to get them. We don't care if you bring your players with you. We just want YOU~. You have potential that is wasted being a dual. You could be a Listener, not some measly Watcher Admin. You can take role as one of our Primes!

Considering one of our heirs had died in the attack, there is an open throne, just for you. We need a powerful leader, and that is you.

You know where to find us, -'

No. It can't be...

' ~Sam'

<Grian> Has anyone heard from Xisuma?

<Iskall85> no

<Falsesymmetry> sorry hun, no

<GoodTimesWithScar> Nope? Why?


<Grian> there's a problem

>He and Mumbo might've been

>taken by the Listeners?

And it all went to hell. Everyone freaked out. Asking what they should do. He said to meet in the shopping district. And so they did. Not a lot showed but that was fine. It's still early in the morning.

"So uh... yeah the Listeners might be using them as a bargaining chip to get me? And Sam might be alive?" Iskall is gobsmacked.

"But.. Mumbo, like, kicked his ass! He erased him!" The Swede sputters.

"Who's this Sam person?" TFC asks.

"Uh, chaos guy from last season. The reason Grian was missing for two months." False says.

"How do we get them back?!" Ren asks.

"... we go to them.. Listeners may be snakes but when it comes to bargains, they keep their end."

"Did it say he would give them back?" Doc asks. The boy reads the note again.

"...oh no..." he mutters. "... they've... they've put them in their ranks as Listeners! Those damn pricks! They say to come get them but they've fucking brainwashed them! They wouldn't come with us on their free will!" He feels his anger bubbling.

"He-hey, G... calm down..." Scar mutters. He takes hold of the note and reads it over. "... They want you as their Prime? Why? You were never trained as a Listen... no..." the boy nods.

"I'm the experiment." Grian says with a sigh.

"Oh god it explains so much! Grian! What the fuck do we do?!"

"What they want. Besides, we've got a spy on the inside." The small group look at him eagerly. "Bonding souls is quite useful, because then that player can't be corrupted." Grian winks.

"Mumbo!" The six Hermits exclaim. The Watcher nods.

"... so how do we get to the Listeners?" Doc asks.

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