Chapter 7. Home?

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—————— (Grian's POV)

I wake up in my bed, like every morning... but oddly there isn't that silent buzz of the TV playing. Did I wake up late?

"Greon! Wake up!- oh, morning sleepy head." Sam chuckles.

"Morning..." I mumble. "What time is it?" I ask.

"... 03:02."

"Really. Why are we awake exactly?" I can't help but notice the footsteps upstairs.

"We need to get ready for school!" Sam chides.

"Sam, we've literally gotten up at the same time for the whole year and never once been late to school. Now, if you'll pardon me, I'm going back to sleep for another 2 hours." I sprawl back onto my warm bed.

"Greon, did you forget that we have a field trip and they told us to be there by 04:00?" And so I struck my head on a shelf.

"WHAT?! Ow... I have to pack!" And with that, I jump back out of bed and grab my bag. Something feels off... it's probably nothing.

Soon time went by faster than I wanted it to. We were running to the school, nearly late.

"Good morning boys." Mrs.Okami chirps.

"Morning ma'am." Taurtis responds. I hum in response, sipping on my fifth cup of coffee.

"Alright! Everyone is accounted for! Good morning students! Go ahead and get on the buses and we'll be on our way." Not much of an introduction but who cares, we'll all just fall asleep on the ride anyways. Well, depending if anyone else drank five cups of coffee.

As others begin to file into the bus I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look over and see Chan.

"Dude, are you okay? You look sick." She asks, not hiding the worry, or whispering for that matter. So the people around us give their attention.

"I'm fine." Is all I say and get on the bus. Something still doesn't feel right...

I take the window seat, not bothering to look at who sat next to me. Maybe if I read for a bit I won't feel as odd. I pull out a book I've been reading for some time, The Aeneid by Vergil.

I wake to a violent bump. When did I fall asleep? Who am I kidding? I fell asleep at the end of Book III. I finally look at who's my seat buddy. Sam, of course. With Taurtis dating Chan those two would want to sit together, luckily they're in the seat across from us.

"Yo." Sam mutters.


"You're a real bookworm aren't you?" He grins.

"So?" I asks in a defensive tone. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"It's not bad, I just expected you to, I dunno, immediately go to sleep or something." He chuckles. I glance out the window, huh, now it's 05:00.

"Well, unlike most, I work until I pass out. And besides, there's no way in hell i'm falling asleep after chugging 5 cups of coffee." He tried to hold his laugh. Emphasis on tried as he burst into a fit of laughter. Waking half the bus.

"Yet you still fell asleep." He chortles.

"So?! Reading is therapeutic!" I retort.

"And loud noises wake people. Shut up!" Dom grumbles in front of us.

"Yeah whatever trash man." Sam growls.

"Sam! Don't be rude." I lightly slap his arm. Then I noticed it. He had his hat off. HIS HAIR LOOKS SO FLOOFY!

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