34.) Meet the Children

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I went to bed as worn out as a streetwalker. The moment my head hit my pillow I was fast asleep. I didn't know how exhausting nursing someone back to health could be.

Kay was a pain in my ass for sure, but I had to help her. She had cried, whined, she hit, she slapped, and all of the above. There was an unwavering sadness whenever I thought of her. There's nothing worse than being addicted to something and having to ween yourself off.

When the smell of smoked maple filled my nose, I became unhinged. She's not stable enough to be in the kitchen let alone using the stove.

The thought of hot greasing flying everywhere and landing on her made me paranoid. I leaped from the bed and prepared myself for a nightmare. Hurrying out of the bed, I shoved my feet into my house shoes and ran down the stairs in pure panic. When I reached the kitchen I settled down, realizing it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Good morning." Miranda smiled as she turned around from the stove top. I had to glance around the room as if it would help me figure out how or when. Then I forgot she stayed the night to look after Kay while I slept.

"Morning Miranda," I mumbled as I went over to the coffee maker and prepared a pot to brew. "I forgot you were here honestly. How did you sleep?"

"It was a little difficult. I'm still getting used to being here in America."

"How long have you been here?"

"A little over a week."

"How was the trip here?"

"Long and tiring. But Ralph made it easy. He stayed with me the entire time."

"He's a caring person. He's always looking out for the family. So don't worry—you'll be well looked after." I assured her as I began to help her cook.

"Will the children be here today?" She asked as she flipped a set of pancakes. "I wasn't sure how much to make."

"Um yeah. They were going to stop by to grab more clothes but I guess since you're here it's best that you all get to know each other."

"I know you barely know me but I promise to look after them and protect them with all I have." She declared, looking me dead in the eyes. But secretly she had no choice because if anything happened to my children while in her care I was going to send her to God.

"Thank you." I nodded and when breakfast was done I went to the den and woke her up. She looked wildly out of place as she glanced around. "Do you think you can eat something?"

"I'm starving." She said as she pushed herself to an upright position. "How long was I sleep?"

"We let you sleep in today. You seemed exhausted." I told her as I sat a fresh set of towels down for her to clean herself up with.

"Come and eat," I told her as I began to walk away.

"Hey, Bri?"


"Where's my brother?"

"He had to take a business trip but he'll be calling to check in on you."

She nodded and looked off into the distance. I didn't know what else to say to her so I went back to the kitchen.

"You didn't have to set the table, Miranda," I told her as she sat plates out. The intercom sounded, alerting me that the gate had been accessed. I knew it was only Taylor because the other two people who had the code were out of the city. A few moments later the front door was open and my children were rambunctiously running through the door. Making all sorts of noise.

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