47.) Somebody To Die For...

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"You're so pretty." He said as he stood there watching me. His features resemble his father's perfectly. From the sandy brown curls on top of his head to the chubby cheeks, to his green eyes. It made me subconsciously smile. Such a beautiful boy and he was mine. She came and stood beside me. Her finger traced over the tattoo of her father's name on my shoulder. I gazed at her from the mirror, the most perfect daughter I could have asked for.

"Pretty?" I asked her as more pins were plucked from my hair. The curls fell down to my back. she smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Music played softly in the background. My heart beating as slow as the tempo of the song that was playing.

"Time to get dressed." She said appearing from the hallway. I let a single tear slip as I softly closed my eyes. I felt their hands gently rest on my shoulders as Taylor led with a prayer for peace, love, healing, for growth. When we said Amens I stood to my feet.

I pulled off my black satin robe and allowed them to help me. one leg at a time I was being dressed. She stood back and watched me with so much devotion as I was being covered.

"Final touch," She said as she placed my headpiece on me. She rested her hands on either side of my face as she pressed her forehead to mine. "Be strong today."

I looked around the room. I glanced at Kay, a girl who I had a rocky start with, at Kyson a boy I didn't know I needed, at Milani, a girl I didn't think would mean so much to me, and finally at Taylor the older sister I didn't know I wanted.

"Ready?" He asked as he then appeared in the doorway.

"Go on."

Kyson glanced up at him and with a simple nod of the head, he took his uncle's hand, and together they disappeared.

"We'll give you a moment," Kay said as she linked arms with Taylor and took Mimi's hand.

I was alone once more. I sat on the bench in front of the vanity and stared at myself in the mirror. I don't know who this woman staring back at me was. She was such a stranger. As another tear fell, I brought my hand up to rest on the tattoo that covered the majority of my left shoulder.

"I love you," I whispered into the air as my eyes remained closed. "I do."

When my eyes opened again, I knew that time wouldn't wait for me to express all the love I had for him. I inhaled and exhaled one last time as I stood to my feet. I strolled toward the door and made my way to the top of the stairs.

"So we meet again." I half-smiled as he waited for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"It appears so." He smiled as he held his arm out for me to hold. The last time he waited for me at the bottom of the stairs he was aiding me to get to the love of my life. He placed his hand on mine and squeezed. Before we could walk away he stopped me. "We're waiting on someone who's been longing for you."

She came out of a side doorway with tears, in her eyes as she examined me from top to bottom. My heart stopped beating as I analyzed her as well. It broke my heart because I had to admit that I didn't remember much of her face. She looked so foreign to me. As if I dreamt her up and didn't really know her.

"Hi, baby." She murmured softly and blinked as the tears fell.

"Mommy?" I sped walked to her not caring how tight my dress was and latched my arms around her. She cradled my head as she held me close to her.

"I didn't know if it was true but I had to learn to rely on my faith. And here you are. All this time."

"I love you," I whined as more tears fell from my eyes.

Beyond The Broken Glass3: Finally Mended [complete] Where stories live. Discover now