10.) The Bottom Of It All

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The sound of heavy snores filled the room and disturbed the peace. When my eyes fully opened I was greeted by a smaller version of Brandon. He had me wrapped in his little arms, how can something so loud come out of something so small? I pecked his nose and slowly retreated from my side of the bed. The stiffness in my body unsettled me as I began to stretch. I glanced through the room and spotted her on the floor flipping through a magazine.

She sat up and began twisting her hair but doing a horrible job. I watched as she attempted to style her hair and silently giggled when she got frustrated and moved to a different piece.

"Do you need help?" I asked as I slid off the sofa bed and crawled over to her. No wonder her interest peeked. She was looking at a model in essence magazine.

"It's too loud," She said covering her ears and glancing at the bed.

"Yeah, daddy and Ky sound like little lawnmowers," I spoke lowly as I took her hand and led her to her room. She giggled as she jumped into her bed. She scratched her face and then began to pull at her long hair.

"Cut hair."

"Cut?" I repeated, making sure I heard her right. She nodded happily and held out the magazine for me to see. A bowel cut bob. Absolutely not. "Your dad would have a fit."

"Cut it." She said as she used her fingers to imitate scissors. I shook my head no and gave her back the magazine. I knew a storm was coming when her lips began to quiver and her eyes began to water. She threw herself back on the bed and wept.

"You'll be fine," I told her as I left her to her tantrum and went to start breakfast. Looking out the window, the sun was shining through the trees and perfectly illuminated everything. The birds were chirping and it just looked overall so beautiful. If only my mood reflected.

It would be the perfect day to just go out and get ice cream or go for a walk in the park. Unfortunately, since we were prisoners of our own lives we had to stay out of sight of people.

"Mommy, we have pancakes?" Kyson asked as he came and wrapped himself around my leg. I quickly wiped away my tears as I peeked down at him. His cute little face, how horrible is it that he'll never know how to enjoy life.

"Umm, I was thinking we could have French toast today. Mommy's all pancaked out." I chuckled and scratched through his curly hair.

"Can I have them tomorrow?"

"You can have whatever you'd like tomorrow."

I sighed at the thought. It wasn't true. It wasn't true at all. He couldn't have everything he wanted and that's what makes me so sad. He can't freely go outside, he doesn't even go to school. There were no friends to have playdates with, no learning how to ride a bike.

When breakfast was done we sat around the coffee table and ate in silence like we always did. She sniffed repeatedly as she calmed down from her fit of cries.

"What you cryin' for?" He asked her as he put his cup down and reached for her. She climbed into his lap and rubbed her eyes.

"I cut it!" She said grabbing a hand full of hair. He leaned back and started analyzing every patch of hair on her head.

"No. She wants to cut it into a bowl cut bob."

"Why not." He shrugged.

Great now I'm the bad guy. She was only trying to imitate what she saw in a magazine and then the next minute she'll want her hair back and it won't work like that.


After breakfast had been eaten and the dishes had been done. We all went to our own areas. Ours being the living room. I set up a canvas and began to sketch with a pencil. He just sat there and watched me like a creep.

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