Escaping your past.

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Skip forward ten years. You're now 15 and have been with the LOV for a while now. A few things have changed. You finally fit into your cape, so you now wear it 25/8. It was never questioned, but one day you were fighting with shiggy about wanting to be able to leave the LOV base and come back when you're done with whatever you want to do. Eventually shiggy gets fed up and goes to push you away. Before his hands ever make contact with you, the bottom of your cape flew up and covered your face, blocking a hit from the angry handy man. That pissed shiggy off. He stood staring at you confused before making toga sedate you and have the rest of the team rip the cape away from you. When you woke up shiggy showed you your precious cape locked away in a glass case. Slowly, you gained back some privileges.

A year had passed, you were 16 now. When coming back from a mission Shiggy brought this tall guy back and said he was joining the LOV. "The names Dabi, nice to meet you all. Who's this cutie over here?" He said while staring at you. You glared at him and went back to your room. His pet names continued over the few months you two spent together. He always had a soft spot for you. One day, as you were sitting in the common area of the villain base you heard loud pounding on the front door. Dabi quickly ran over to you as the front door was kicked in and pro hero's swarmed the small place you guys called home. Everyone rushed to fight back, but Dabi grabbed you and hid you behind his back. The hero's only saw a quick flash of your long hair before you and Dabi walked through one of kurogiris portals. Him and you walked out into the middle of a forest. Dabi had a hold of your wrist and was guiding you through.
"I can walk myself asshole!" you say tugging your arm free. When Dabi didn't give a snarky response you knew something was off. "Dabi?" You said softly while turning towards him.
"Listen.. y/n. I'm - im going to let you go. "
You stared at him confused.

Meanwhile back at LOV base:

As the villains were fighting the hero's your cape used this as a chance to get back to you. It quickly broke the glass and flew away. It knew how to get to you, the cape always had a sense for where you were.

Back to you and Dabi:

"Dabi I-"
"It's not worry princess. You'll be happier somewhere else. "
You lean in to give him a hug. He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. His touch is.. somewhat comforting.
"Just know I'll never forget those eyes of yours." He said while pulling away and cupping your cheek. You melted into his touch and stayed there still until you felt a familiar weight wrap itself around your shoulder. "Mom!!" You yelped in excitement. Dabi looked confused but didn't ask. "Goodbye princess.. we'll meet again soon pinkie. " he said before vanishing. He called you pinkie because of your eyes. You had one pink one and one purple one. Just like your mom...

Onto the next chapter. These past two have been about 550 words. Hopefully I'll start fitting more into a chapter.

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