Show off between boys.

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Dabi walks off from the window of shotos dorm. He goes and waits on the roof. He puts his head in his hands and starts to freak out. He knows the people there wants what's best for you but he still thinks he can do better.
"I should've stepped in. They were fighting. I should've known she'd get hurt. I should've gotten involved.." he mumbles to himself.

Back to you downstairs.

You open your eyes to being in Bakugous arms. And.. Aizawa.. and Kirishima. As soon as they notice your eyes are open Bakugou grabs your hand and starts putting it over various holes telling you to heal yourself. You do as he says and try, but you're too weak. All of a sudden iida burst back through the door with recovery girl in his arms. Aizawa looks to her as he's crying. She looks at you and gets to work. After a few minutes you're patched up Bakugou picks you up and starts carrying you to the nurses office so you can rest. Kirishima follows. Aizawa trials behind.
Once they arrive at the nurses office they lay you down in a bed and Bakugou takes a seat on the left. Kirishima takes a side on the right.
"I'm going to find shoto." Aizawa says. He leans down over you in bed and squeezes your hand. He walks away and goes to open the door. Before he gets the chance your cape bursts through the room and starts frantically looking around. It must have came off during the fight. Anyways once it sees Aizawa it calms down a little. It spots you and flies over. When it realizes it can't get onto your shoulders it just lays across you like a blanket. The boys look up to Aizawa hoping for some sort of explanation
"Just forget you saw it." He says and leaves.

Shoto bursts through the doors to the outside. He sits down on the stairs to UA and puts and grabs his head. He never meant to hurt you. The doors slam open behind him and suddenly he's tied up in aizawas scarf being dragged through UA. He's thrown into an empty room. Aizawas scarf disappears and he sits up. Looking around him the room is quite empty, just a table and two chairs. He sits down and Aizawa takes the other seat.
"Tell me what the hell happened."
"Mr. Aizawa. I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear"
"I don't care. Tell me. What. Happened!"
"Okay. As you're aware tonight was my night to sleep with her in my dorm. So, as she was arriving to sleep Bakugou beat her to my dorm. I opened up the door for him and he started throwing punches. Telling me to stay away from y/n. I never hit him back. Shortly after y/n showed up and healed me. Bakugou kept banging on the door, eventually I let him in and he started screaming. It sent y/n into a PTSD induced panic attack. I helped calm her down..."
"What happened after that shoto."
"Well. We had fallen asleep, or at least I did. She got up and left. I don't know where she went but she was gone for about an hour. When she came back she was changed into one of Bakugous shirts. It had tear stains on it. I started asking her where she had gone and she lied to me about it. When I accused her of going to see Bakugou she got defensive but admitted. I yelled at her for seeing someone who hurt her. And who hurt me. We started arguing. And my quirk became uncontrollable... ice shot out of my hands without my knowledge. I couldn't stop it. I- I couldn't st- stop it." He says. His last few words cause him to break down.
"Is she okay? Please tell me she's alright. Please Aizawa. I never meant to hurt her. Do whatever you want to me. Just tell me she's alright."
"She's just fine. She's resting in recovery girls office. I can't believe you've done something like this shoto."
"May I go see her?! Please!"
"Fine. Follow me."

Back to you in the nurses office.

Bakugou and Kirishima sit on either side of you. They are equally worried but don't say a word. You squeeze your eyes shut tightly, then you slowly start to open them up. You look over and see Bakugou
"Teddy Bear.." he whispers.
You look over to see Kirishima
"Pebble.." he says soothingly.
They both lean in and take one of your hands. Too focused on you to notice the other.
"Are you feeling alright?" They ask simultaneously.
"Please.. boys. One at a time." You whisper
Aizawa walks in.
"Me. I'm the one. Boys, leave. You can come back to visit her when the suns up."
"Teach.. that's not cool!"
"Aizawa. I'm not leaving." Bakugou says with a seriousness none of them have ever seen. It worries Aizawa.
"You can come back in an hour. Bakugou."
He nods his head and leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead.
Kirishima kisses your hand and they both leave. Todoroki walks in behind Aizawa. As soon as he sees you bandaged and weak he starts to break down again. He runs over to your side and stares at you. You look up at him and start to cry. He holds the side of your face and wipes your tears away.
"Y/n... I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry!" He cries.
"Shoto.. I'm right here." You say weakly.
He opens his eyes and looks down at you.
"I never meant to hurt you baby I promise. I didn't want to! I didn't mean to!" He sobs
"My quirk got out of control. I couldn't stop it. I wanted to. I promise. I couldn't stop..."
You want to be mad at him but you can't be. He reminds you exactly of how you felt ten years ago when you turned your mom into a cape.
"Shoto.. look at me."
He opens his eyes allowing tears to fall at two times the speed.
"It's okay..." you smile and grab the side of his face.
He leans into your touch and starts crying even harder.
"Please don't cry.. it's okay." You tell him.
"I'm so sorry y/n."
"Let me tell you a story, sit down."
He sits down never letting go of your hand.
"When I was younger. I really really wanted a cape. And my mom refused to get me one. One day I was arguing with her about it and she yelled at me.. she snapped and told me to get over myself. I was shocked seeing as my mom never yelled at me.. I closed my eyes and screamed. When I opened my eyes my mother was gone... a cape standing in her place."
Shoto looks at you confused.
"Mom. Show him?" You question. The cape that was previously motionless on your body flies up and does a little spin before Draping itself over your body.
"So.. that's... your mom?"
"You betcha.." you reply quietly.
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"I lost control once too.. I lost my mom because of it. I forgive you shoto. Things like that happen."
Your phone buzzes and you look down at the message
"Rooftop. As soon as you're better kid. I'm waiting for you." You can tell who it is so you put your phone back down.
"Yeah y/n?"
"Do you think I could get some sleep?"
"Yes of course. It's been a long night for you."
"Thank you.."
"I'll see you in the morning y/n.." he turns to walk out and Aizawa rushes to your bed.
"Y/n are you alright? Please tell me I can kill that kid."
"I'm fine Aizawa."
"I've gotta do something."
"Shut it Aizawa I'm just fine."
"Whatever. Would you like me to leave so you can get some sleep?"
"I think that would be best."
"Then I'll leave you alone to sleep."
Before he walks away you call out out to him
He turns around slowly and like at you
"What up y/n?"
"Thank you for being here for me."
"Anything for you y/n." He responds and walks away. Once he's gone you check your phone again and get ready for whatever hell storm is waiting for you upstairs.

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