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You sit in between Bakugou and Kirishima. They eat some things being passed around the table. When Bakugou notices you aren't eating he takes some food out and feeds it to you Everytime the food platers go around. Once everything's gone you head back to your room. Bakugou and you lay down.
"Hey guys I'm gonna go hang with denki." Kirishima says loosely before closing the door and leaving. Bakugou quickly pulls up your shirt and puts his head in there. He covers his face with your shirt and hides.
"Katsu? Whatcha doing?" You ask
"Hiding." He replies
"What're you hiding from?"
"The world." He says his voice cracking a little. You pull him out from inside your shirt and see he looks a little sad.
"Tell me why's wrong Katsu?" You say holding his face close to yours.
"I thought I had lost you.. I've never felt more alone than in that moment. Aizawa wouldn't let me see you. Denki looked mad at me. And you red were gone. I was so alone.. I hugged one of your shirts that smelled like you. It was my only comfort." He sighs while looks down.
You pull his chin up so he's looking at you
"Katsuki Bakugou. I promise you. Unless you fuck it up real bad I'm going to stick by your side. I will not leave you." You say pressing a gentle kiss on his lips. He pushes himself into you and gives you a more passionate kiss. He creeps his hand up your shirt and starts messing with your bra. To his surprise he gets it unhooked fast. He slides it to the side and starts playing with your breasts. You continue kissing him and squeeze your legs shut trying to hide your arousal. But sadly all you managed to do was put it out in the open. Bakugou continues kissing him until you push him off.
"I've gotta go do something." You giggle
"No! Stay here with me damnit we're having a good time."
"Katsuki.  No."
"Pleasseeeee!" He whines.
"I'll be back soon. Stay here." You laugh while giving him a kiss on the cheek and helping him in bed like he's a child. You leave and Immediately run looking for Kirishima. You find him and denki in the breakfast hall.
"Kirishima! Hey. Can we talk for a minute?" He looks away from you and gets up.
"Be back soon denki." He mumbles before leaving and waking outside.
"Kirishima! Hey wait!" You say walking behind him. He continues walking in the Forrest not paying any attention to you.
"You can't ignore me forever!"
You quickly run in front of him and grab onto his shoulders.
"Kirishima.. Whats going on?" You question in a gentle tone. He melts at hearing your voice. He looks down and away from you.
"Hey.. my Boulder doesn't ignore me." That nickname is enough to get him to comply.
"Pebble you've gotta stop this. Please. I c- I can't take it anymore."  He says letting a few tears spill from his eyes. He pulls you into a hug and continues to cry into the crook of your neck. You hug him back quickly and play with his hair.
"Kirishima. What's wrong?"
"It's you and bakugou! I can't take it! I see you two being all together. That night with you on the bus. I got to finally cuddle you again.. pebble I never wanted to let you go. I thought I'd finally have a chance. But then you went back to Bakugou and I was left alone..."
you suddenly stop rubbing his hair and pull away from him.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asks
"Yeah pebble?"
"What do you do if you're equally in love with two guys.." you ask while looking away from him.
"You talk to the one you chose."
He says leaning down to give you a kiss on the forehead and walking back inside.
You practically run after him. You grab onto his arm.
"Walk with me In the woods a little while longer. Please Kirishima? I miss being around you..?" You say gently. He smiles brightly and starts walking around with you.

In Bakugous room:
Bakugou remains under the covers waiting for you to come back. Due to the bright light he's hidden himself under the blankets. When he hears the door open he just assumes it's you and plays asleep so he gets affection. He feels someone slide into bed next to him and start playing with his hair. It's not normally what you do but he doesn't question it. He rolls over and cuddles into their chest. He does what he did early because it made you laugh. He pulls up their shirt and hides inside of it. He's met by braless breasts.
"You finally took your bra off for me y/n? You know I suck with those." He says before wrapping his mouth around the tït and sucking gently. He continues because he's not hearing a Sound. And he likes to make you moan.
Back to you:
It's been an hour or so and Kirishima had lead you back to the room. You too walk in and see Bakugou under the blankets, but there's someone else's outline. And.. brown hair? You stumble back and Kirishima notices. He runs over and throws back the blankets.
"Oi.. what are you doi-" Bakugou days before cutting himself off and looking at what he's been doing. He looks up to see ochako blushing like crazy in bed next to him. His eyes grow wide with panic and he quickly removes his mouth. He looks over at you. You stand there with your hand over your mouth grabbing onto the door frame for support. Bakugou sits up and walks towards you. Kirishima gets in his way and snarls at him.
"How could you..?"
You stare at that girl in your bed who's struggling to cover herself up. Your eyes glow bright pink and purple and your hair stretched out and wraps itself around ochakos neck. You retract some hair and bring her in real close. She looks horrified when she notices your eyes. No ones ever seen that before. You tighten your grip around her hair and throw her to the ground. You climb on top of her and start throwing punches. One after one.
"YOU SAD PERVERTED EXCUSE OF A WOMEN!" You scream while throwing hard punches square at her face. Neither Bakugou or Kirishima stop you. You drag her naked body out into the hallways by the arm and throw her in the teachers dorm.
"THIS GIRL JUST SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BAKUGOU AND I THINK SHE DESERVES PUNISHMENT!" You scream and the whole building shakes. The teachers cover her up quickly as she starts sobbing. Aizawa pulls you outside.
"The hell was that y/n?!"
"I went on a walk with Kirishima and when I came back that bitch was in MY bed with MY boyfriend covering his eyes pretending to be me shoving her tits in his face!"  You yell with rage
" seriously..?"
"YES!" With that loud roar one of the lights above you pops and shatters.
Aizawa can tell how devastated you are. This isn't something he'll be taking lightly.
You look up at him as tears well in your eyes.
"Please Aizawa.. make her leave." You mumble
"I'll take care of this. Run along y/n."

You turn around and walk back into your room. Kirishima is yelling at Bakugou while he sits on the bed. When he looks up and notices you he jumps to his feet.
"Y/N! Please damnit I'm sorry!!"
You walk in front of him and slap him.
"You knew it was her." You whisper.
"Excuse me?" He says.
"Her fucking mosquito bites don't feel like mine do they?!" You scream while grabbing his hand and placing it on your breasts. The lights starts cracking in your room.
"HER POOR ASS DOESNT SMELL LIKE ME HUH?" You scream causing the lights to shatter.
"DOES HER BODY FEEL LIKE MINE? HUH? DOES IT?!" You screech while running his hands over your body. The window cracks and Bakugou looks horrified.


The entire building goes dark. The lodge is filled with cracks and shatters seeing that all the lights broke and the windows cracked and caved in. Bakugous eyes start watering. You've been sobbing this entire time. Kirishima wraps his arms around your waist. And pulls you into a hug. You cry while falling into him. You don't feel anything. Just pain. He knew that wasn't you. You and ochako are about as different as it gets. Kirishima pulls you into his bed and has you sit on his lap. You wrap yourself around him and cry. No one dare come in your room. Bakugou sits on his bed staring at the ground. He hasn't moved. He eventually rolls over and starts silently crying to himself realizing how badly he's messed up. Kirishima gently rocks you back in forth while giving gentle kisses to your forehead every now and then.

"The rumors were true. That whore really would do anything for some cash.." Kirishima thinks as he smirks and rocks you.

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