Recovery visit

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    You wonder how you're going to get up to the roof considering how weak you feel.
"Hey moooom." You say tapping your cape.
"You've gotta fly me up to the roof." 
You can sense it's annoyance but you don't have time to worry about that. You stand up and let it latch onto your shoulder. In flash you're up off the ground and flying through the halls. Up the stairs. And onto the roof. You gently land on your feet and start walking around.
"Kid!" He gets up and runs towards you. He stops in front of you and grabs the sides of your arms. He starts looking over every inch of your body making sure you aren't cut anywhere. 
"Dabi, I'm alright." 
"I was watching kid!" He says while still looking frazzled.
"I was watching you fight with that half and half bitch!" He exclaims.
"You saw us?"
"I came to visit you and I may or may not have gotten some inside info and heard that you'd be in shotos room. And I may or may not have stalked UA to find where said room was. Annnnd I may or may nottt have watched you through the window to make sure that prick wasn't doing anything I wouldn't like."
"You saw what he did?"
"Of course kid. I should've stepped in. I should've stopped him. Im so sorry kid."
"Dabi you would've gotten in trouble if you did that. I'm just fine. See?" You say giving him a twirl. He grabs your hand and pulls you into a soft hug.
"I watched kid.. as you bled out on the floor..."
"I'm sorry Dabi. But you've got me now dont you? I'm right here." You say pressing into his chest. The two of you say like that for a few minutes. Suddenly you feel a heat on your back. You turn around and you're met with a bright blurry mess.
"Hey Dabi.. is the sun rising?"      He lifts his head and looks up.
"Yeah kid. Wanna watch the sunrise with me?"
"Of course." You say with a warm smile. You grab his hand and walk over to the edge of the building. You sit down and swing your legs over the side, Dabi doesnt like that.  He grabs your waist and pulls you up over the side.
"No dangerous activity after the princess gets hurt." He teases.
"No dangerous activity?" You joke "so if I were to do this, I'd get in trouble?" You say taking two steps closer to the edge.
"Quit it kid. Get over here." He says with worry growing in his eyes.
"Hmmm." You say sticking a foot over the ledge.
"Kid! Stop." He demands.    On that note you stick your arms out and let yourself fall.
"KID!" He yells after you. Of course you know your cape is going to stop you and carry you up to the top, but Dabi doesn't.

     He throws his body close to the edge and looks over the side. When he doesn't see you falling he gets confused.
"Step away from the ledge Dabi." You tease
He turns around to see you behind him.
"You little fucker!" He yells while running at you. Before he reaches you your cape lifts you off the ground and bounces above him.
"Come get meeee dabiiii!" You tease. Eventually you set yourself back down and go to give him a hug.
"I've gotta go back now Dabi. Aizawa will surely be wanting to see me now that the suns up."
"Don't leave kid. I just got you."
"Dabi cmon"
"No. Do you have any idea how hard it is not waking up and knowing you're right down the hall?! This is torture kid. I need to be close to you again."
"Dabi. Say what. I've got another day off from school tomorrow. We can go shopping. Sound good?"
"You promise you'll come out with me?" He says with puppy eyes.
"Of course Dabi." You say with a warm smile.
"Then it's a date." He says while kissing your forehead.
"I'll see you tomorrow kid."
"I'll see you tomorrow Dabi."
He walks over to the edge of the building and steps into a portal. It closes behind him and you return to your bed downstairs. Once you lay down the door opens back up. You turn around and see Bakugou standing in the doorway.
"Hey there Katsuki." You tease
"How are you?" He says swiftly walking over to the bed.
"I'm just fine now that you're here."
He sits on the bed and starts brushing your hair out of your face.
"Why so worried Katsuki?"
He doesn't respond he just rubs his knuckles over your bandages.
"Just you wait until I see that fucking icy hot."
"Bakugou. Don't hurt him." You say reaching up and cupping his chin.
"No. He deserves it. He did all this."
"Bakugou. His quirk got out of control, it happens to the best of us. You shouldn't bash him for it."
"But.. he hurt you." He says while looking in your eyes.
"I'm fine Katsuki! See, I'm smiling." You reply
He chuckles and replies
"Oh how I love that smile of yours."
He grabs your face and pulls you towards him. Once your mere centimeters away from his face his leans towards your ear and whispers
"I never want to see you walk close to that scarred bitch again. I see you two close and I will end him y/n. That's a promise." He then slightly pulls away and stares into your eyes. His gaze full of passion. He pulls your chin towards him and kisses you passionately. You're completely shocked but not against the idea of kissing him. Before you can think of a response the door opens.
"Get off of her you disgruntled Pomeranian." A calm voice hisses from the door way. Bakugou pushes you back onto the bed and gives you a final kiss.
"What's it's matter to you icy hot." He says
"She isn't yours to kiss." Shoto replies.
You realize what might happen here and you grab Bakugous arm. He turns around and you whisper
"Please don't hurt him..."
he notices you're shaking and he looses all focus on shoto. He sits back down on the bed and brushes the hair out of your face.
"Are you alright? What's wrong?  Quit shaking I'm right here."    Shotos confused by his sudden loss of focus, but he hates where his attention was turned too.
"Didn't I tell you to get off of her?!" He shouts.
"Shut up icy hot. She's scared.." he says making sure not to yell.
Shotos demeanor drops and he walks over to you.
"Tell me what's wrong" he whispers.
"This isn't your concern icy hot. Go back to bed." Bakugou tells shoto without removing his gaze from you.
"I care for her too Bakugou."

You lay there worried that a fight will break out between boys but as long as their calm you don't mind what's going on. Bakugou looks over to him and side eyes him. He then looks back at you and kisses your forehead.
Shoto side eyes Bakugou and then kisses over the same spot. Bakugou leans back down and gives you a kiss on the same spot.   Shoto kisses over it. Bakugou kisses it again. But before Shoto can cover it up he places his hand over the spot. This pisses Shoto off and so he just kisses your cheek.

"Guys stop it!"
"What's wrong?" They both question.
"I'm not something to win over. I'm a person." You say crossing your arms.
"Now. Until you too can come to an agreement, outta my room. It's been such a busy day and I'm just so tireddd!" You say and lay back faintly with your eyes closed. The boys both panic but when they see you open and eye to look at them they realize you're just joking.
"Be gone boys! I need my sleep." You say cuddling into your blanket. You brush against shotos hand and when you realize it you lean into his hand even more. It must be his left side, it's so warm. Shoto looks down at you cuddling against his hand and looks back up at Bakugou with a smirk. You move away from him before anything can be said. The boys leave and you finally get to sleep after an eventful ass day.

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