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"They are getting closer."

You're running bare foot in the forest surrounding the camp. The pads of your feet are cut and bloodied but you don't stop.

"Almost there right?"

Bakugous explosions are going off in the distance like crazy. You don't know how you two got separated. All you know is that hes here. And you're his only focus.

Hours earlier:


And with that half of your room is torn off. You wake up to be flung off your bed with Bakugou. You stand up quickly and see Bakugou slowly getting up too. Kirishima jolts up and joins you quickly. Your cape flies off the door handle and rests on your shoulders. You look at the half of your room that has been torn away and see half of the surrounding forest on fire. Villains are surrounding the camp. Other students are outside fighting. Some pro hero's are seen outside too. You quickly run outside ripping away a piece of your hair and forming a wand. Your cape sways as you run towards your friends.
"DENKI!" You yell. You see him running away from a creepy lizard looking villain. He smiles when he sees you guys but he's quickly picked up by the villain. He struggles as you three run closer to him. You lift up your night shirt and pull out Dabis dagger that has been secured in your thigh holster. You run to the villain but before he could hurt you, you slide under his legs dragging out your dagger and slashing open one of his legs. He screams and falls to the ground. Denki gets out of his grip and turns around resting both of his hands on his head.
"50,000 VOLTS!" He screams as electricity flies around in the air and shoots directly into the lizards brain. The villain goes limp and you run up to Denki pulling him into a hug.
"Are you hurt?! I can heal you!" You say sticking out your hand.
"I'm alright cutie."
Before you can respond a big black monster drops in from the sky and stands in between you and Denki. It's horrifying. It's brains exposed but it's beak is out. You get in a battle pose as Kirishima yells out
With that yell tons of students rush over. You all stare at it waiting for it to make a move. You shoot out your hair and send it flying it's way. It blocks its chest with its arms but still gets cut up by your hair. You stand there shocked but must move quickly. It picks up Denki within a flash
"CANT I JUST STAY ON THE GROUND FOR FIVE MINUTES!?" He yells while wrapping his hands around nomus arms and shocking it. The shocks make it drop Denki but he remains standing. Bakugou propels himself into the air and blasts explosions down onto the nomu. It falls to the ground twitching. You point your wand and cast out a binding spell. It's arms and legs get tied back. It struggles and pulls on the restraints but it's stuck. You run over to it with your dagger wrapping tight in your hand. You drop to your knees and sink it into it's pink exposed brain. Everyone stands around shocked at what you've done but no one questions you.
"WHERE MOMO!" You yell.
"MAKE KNIVES AND HOLSTERS LIKE MINE FOR EVERYONE NOW!" You scream. She gets to work popping things out of her back and handing them to people around.
"I watched these things get made. Only way to stop them is via the brain. You need to use knives. You're quirks are helpful in disabling them but you need to use these." You point to the dagger. Thank god Dabi lended you his new one. You hope yours is getting good use with him.
"IS ANYONE HURT?" You ask.
"Not currently!" They reply. You run over to Bakugou but an explosion gets fired into the middle of where you all were gathered. You get flown up into the air and land somewhere in the Forrest.

Your cape guides you to the ground safely. You start running in whatever direction you think is camp but you hear screaming. You turn and run in that direction. You hide behind a tree and peek out of it seeing what you're looking at. You see a female villain on the ground as a shadow consumes that part of the Forrest.
"Tokoyami?" You whisper. You're tapped on the shoulder and flinch.
"Hello. I'm shoji. We're both from 1A remember?"
"Oh yeah. Hello. What's going on over there?" You point.
"Well, dark shadow goes crazy in the dark. Tokoyami can't control it. He needs light but it's dark outside..."
"Whatre you carrying?"
He opens one of his arms revealing a severely hurt tsu.
"I found her laying down not to far from here. She needs medical attention.." he sighs.
"drop her! I can heal!" You whisper shout. He kneels down and let's you grab her. You run your healing hand over her wounds and she quickly wakes up. She gasps and shoji takes hold of her letting her know what's going on.
"You said he needs light right?"
"Stay here" you whisper as you run closer.

"CEASE AT ONCE DARK SHADOW!" Tokoyami yells again. You run as close as you can without dark shadow hurting you.


With that roar your hair lights and glows brightly. Dark shadow disappears and tokoyami falls to the ground. You run over to him and grab onto his shoulders your hair still lit.
"Thank you.. I was worried I'd hurt someone."
"No worries. What's going on?" You ask him.
"Villains are here. I've gotten a few down, but they just keep coming." He sighs while trying to grab his breath. Shoji and tsu run over they look at your hair but say nothing.
"I need to find Bakugou. Run along. Get to camp." You say while running in a different direction.
"Oh! And tokoyami!"
"Here!" You say while pointing your wand at him. His hands glow bright like a lantern and he looks up at you confused.
"It's called glow stick! Just deal with it! It'll help with dark shadow!" He smiles and runs off with the others. You hear Bakugou cry out in pain and explosions start blasting in the distance. You take off in that direction.

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