Then it went black

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You open your eyes and see shoto thrown into the wall behind you. It's left quite a terrifying dent. You already know your shackles have disintegrated and so you get up and run to Kirishima. Quickly touching him all over with your left hand you watch as his bruises disappear.
"Kirishima? Kiri. Baby. Please. Open your eyes?" You say while tears flow down your face.
"Pebble?" He say opening one of his swollen eyes.   You quickly move a hand up to his face and gently grab it pulling it towards yours. He winces at the touch
"Don't worry. Just close your eyes. You'll be all better in a second."
You kiss his forehead and leave your lips there for a second.  You open your eyes and see his whole face back to normal.
"There's my pretty boulder." You smile. You continue running your hands over his body and help him stand up. He cracks his back and looks over at shoto.
"Oh.. oh hell yeah!! You go pebble! Beat his ass!" He gives you a High five. He sees you crying and looks down at you.
"Pebble. Hey hey hey! Don't cry. You're being totally manly right now!"
You throw yourself into him and give him a hug. You create a wand out of your hair and point it at him while crying.
"Hey pebble? Whatcha doing." He says.
"I've gotta send you back to UA okay kiri?"
"What? No pebble we've gotta go! Cmon!"
"Kiri. It's not safe for you here. I can take on shoto. Please. Go back to where it's safe."
"No pebble I'm not leaving you! Cmon we've got to go!"
"Kirishima please... I've gotta make sure hes alright. I'll be okay. Don't worry. I'll come back without a scratch." You try to convince him with tears still running down your face. You watch as he starts to cry.
"Pebble. No. I will not leave you!"
"I'm gonna be back soon okay kiri? Make sure to tell them where I am alright?" You sob
"Y/n ! No! I- I L- I LOVE YOU!"
Thats the last thing he gets out before you send him back to UA. You quickly pull out your phone and send your location to Aizawa. You know he'll save you. Then you throw your phone under the bed and run over to shoto still crying. You begin touching his wounds with your left hand and watch as they disappear.
"Shoto! Please. Open your eyes." You cry. You can feel yourself getting weaker. You just used a build up attack, and healed Kirishima, now you're healing shoto. It's too much.
He slowly blinks his eyes open and stares up at you
"Doll?" He groans
"Shoto.." you whine
He looks up at you and sees your eyes shutting slowly
"Doll!" He yells quickly sitting up and wrapping you up in a hug "Whats wrong?!"
"W-weak.." Then the world goes black.

You open up your eyes and see the same musty ceiling you saw before. You tug on the restraints upset that you're still tied up.
"How the hell am I gonna get out of here..." you mumble. The door opens behind you and shoto rushes in.
"Doll! Are you okay!? You- you passed out and I didn't know what to do.."
"Don't worry. I just used my quirk too much.." you reassure.
"Yeah shoto?"
"Where the hell is Kirishima." He says getting close to you.
"I- I set him free.." you whisper.
"And why would you go and do that?"
"Well.. because. Now we're alone." You say with a Smirk. He's confused by your words but not against them. You look down at the chains with puppy dog eyes and look back up at shoto his eyes fill with worry
"I'm sorry doll. We've gotta keep those on you. They keep us safe." He says while sitting down next to you on the bed.   You just stare at him blankly
Shoto is your childhood best friend, you had a huge crush on him when you were younger. Now you've been kidnapped by him. You're not sure how to feel, you just know you want to go back to UA.
"Why did you take me here shoto?" You question.
"Well. After seeing you with Bakugou so many times. I wanted to make you mine," he says while moving closer to you " but when I walked in on you an kiri, I knew I needed to make you mine." Hes now crawled over top of you and is a few inches away from you face. He leans in close to your ear and whispers
"Would you like to be my pet?"  You don't respond you just start blushing like crazy. He doesn't know what he's just done.   He gets up and leaves closing the door quietly. You feel your phone buzzing on the bed but don't know where it is. Shoto comes back and picks it up looking at it. He holds up the screen to you. The caller ID. 
The idea of you not being able to answer Dabi frightens you. He knows that if you were to ever not answer, you're in trouble. He look up at him and shake your head no.
"Working with a villain huh? My doll you have some things to explain here." He says while sitting on the bed.
"I don't work with a villain shoto, you know that."
"So why's one calling you while we're away on our lovely vacation?"
"Remember how I was kidnapped by the LOV? Well. Dabi joined a few months prior to me escaping. He always adored me. But when the hero's attacked. He set me free, told me the way to run if I wanted to get to town. And now he checks up on me. I love him for everything he's done for me." You say with your head down. Shoto smacks you and yells
"Don't you dare say you love him! You only love me doll. Remember?" He says grabbing your chin making you look at him.
"Oh of course Shoto. You're the only one for me." You say seductively. You hope playing along will get you out of these restraints sooner. He suddenly stands up and walks towards the door, but he doesn't exit. He merely turns the lights off. You hear his footsteps walk back around to the front of the bed. You hate the dark.
"Oh come on doll. I know you hate the dark, so do something about it."
"No shoto. I don't do that anymore."
"Oh doll. But it's so dark. You don't know what could be hiding in here." He says while something brushed against your leg. You yelp at the cold touch and your hair lets off a slight glow before turning back off.
"Doll. That was nothing." He growls out.
"I won't do it shoto!" You yell.
"Cmon baby. Shine for me." He whispers in your ear. You never heard him move.
It startles you but you refrain.
"Shut it shoto! Quit playing with me!"
He trails a few fingers along your thigh and your jump at the touch. It must be his left side, so warm. He keeps walking his fingers closer.
"Oh cmon doll. What was that little song you had to sing?"
"This isn't funny shoto!" You yell at him
"Hmm. How did it go again? Come this way, powers of night and day."
Your hair gives a slight tint and you finally break
He gets sent back and stumbles over him faking to the ground
"Oh you little bitch. You'll pay for that!" He says while walking towards the bed. He jumps on top of you and starts hitting you. You try to dodge but nothings working. He sends punch after punch right into your face.
"Shoto! Stop!" You say trying to reach free of the restraints. He keeps persisting and you can't stop him. He hits so hard. Your cape struggles to help but you're laying on it. The world starts to go black but you hear a loud boom and a wall crumble to the ground. Shoto continues beating you and the world slips from your reality.

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