What now.

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The sun goes down as time passes slowly. You think Bakugou fallen asleep. Kirishima is snoring with you pressed against his chest. Ochako was sent home and paperwork for her expulsion started this afternoon. All day the kids were cleaning up glass from your temper tantrum. Hero training starts tomorrow but you've gotten no sleep and you're drained off all energy. You peel away from Kirishima and go sit on Bakugous bed. His face glows in the moonlight. He looks sad even while he's sleeping. And he's still cuddling one of your shirts. You pull the shirt out from his grasp and lay down in it's place. He mumbles something I his sleep before opening his eyes. He sees it's you and immediately tightens his grip and hides himself in your chest.
"Teddy bear?"
"Tell me you didn't know." You whisper. Your voice cracking as your eyes fill with tears.
"I promise. I wanted to make you laugh like I did earlier so I went to hide in your shirt. I really thought it was you.."
"If you truly love me you wouldn't be able to mix me up with another bitch." You snarl your voice getting loud. He flinches and pushes himself deeper into you.
"Katsuki..?" You question his movement.
"Did I scare you?" You ask gently touching his hair.
"I don't want you to yell at me.. please be gentle." He whispers with a shaken voice
"Katsuki.. I never want to frighten you. I couldn't stand seeing that whore blushing like crazy thinking she deserved you."
"She didn't know we were together y/n."
"So tell people!" You raise your voice. He winces and pulls away from you. You stare at him as your expression changes. You get puppy eyes. Quite literally "🥺"
He hides under the blankets staring at you making sure you don't come close. He looks so.. scared of you? It's terrifying. You could never imagine hurting him. Someone you love that much doesn't deserve a pain like that. Especially someone you consider a boyfriend. You don't want to scare him. You want to be his comfort, that can't happen if he's scared of you. You slowly move your hand up towards him. He watches it with a subtle fear in his eyes as it gets closer to him. You gently slide your four fingers onto his cheek. Your thumb placing down last and caressing his cheek. Your pinky slides under his chin and you have him look at you. He looks scared but your eyes seem to calm him a little.
He doesn't answer. just stares at you.
"I am madly in love with you. Hurting you is something I'd never do..." you whisper softly while still gently holding onto him. You don't move your hand from his face. You take your other and wrap it around his. His fear finally breaks and he melts into your hand. He throws himself around you and cuddles into your chest. You play with his hair and close your eyes. It's finally time to get some good sleep. Today was a long ass day. Tomorrow will be a long ass day. You need to rest easy. And you feel better knowing that Bakugou is at ease..
"I love you more than I love anything Katsu."
"I love you teddy bear.." he mumbles half asleep
"Never be scared of me.." you tell him.
"I don't wanna be." He sighs before his grip loosens and he falls into a sweet sweet sleep knowing the two of you are okay again.

You wake up and feel someone playing with your hair.
"Goodmorning Katsuki.." you mumble
"Oh cmon. That's not my name pebble!" You hear
"Oh. Kiri?" You say sitting up slowly. You look around and see that Bakugous gone.
"Hey. Where'd Katsu go?" You ask ribbing your eyes and giving a little stretch
"Under the bed." He laughs
"Why?" You giggle getting off the bed and lifting the blankets covering the bottom of the bed on Bakugous side. He looks like he's sleeping.
"Well you and him were too close. So I took you. And he fell."
You reach your arm under the bed and tap his shoulder. He turns around and smiles at you.
"Why am I under the bed?" He says groggily
"I dunno! Ask Kirishima." You laugh. You grab onto his arm and help pull him outta bed. He stand up and gives you a hug. Kirishima frowns.
"Y/n. Stop that."
"Huh? Why?" You ask
"He.. cheated on you." He mumbles
"Kirishima. It was an accident.." you sigh
"I don't care! He touched another girl! If he gets to do that to another girl you get to have a guy do that to you!" He yells
"Are you saying you want to be that guy?" Bakugou snarls while grabbing onto you tighter.
"So what if I was? I bet she'd like it too!"
"Shut up you damn nerd! You know nothing about her! Just because you saved her all that time ago doesn't mean you just win Kirishima!"
"It's your fault for going after her after I told you I liked her Bakugou!"
You stand there confused. They keep arguing so you sneak over to the closet. You pull out your training clothes for the day and sit by the door. You change while they argue and suddenly they aren't making any noise. You turn back around and see them staring at you.
"Huh? You two grouchy boys sad you missed the show?" You pout. "Get changed. It's time for hero training." You say walking out of the room and to the main hall. You don't know how to talk about what just happened, so you don't. A few minutes later the hall is filled and Bakugou and Kirishima are sitting on either side of you. Aizawa walks out and goes over what the training will be. He Appoints certain students to certain pro hero. Each pro hero has memorized just about everything they could about their few students and will help with quirk training today. The names get called off one by one. Lucky you you're with Aizawa. The three students being Kirishima, Bakugou, and Denki. You're there too. Aizawa leads everyone outside and takes you guys to your training area. You see all kinds of things. Rows and rows of cement walls. Stuffed sheep. Charging points. Mannequins. And a table with lots of objects on it.
"Alright students. Denki, head over there with the charging ports, Kirishima by the walls, Bakugou by the mannequins and sheep. You y/n. Come over here with me." Everyone goes to their place and you follow Aizawa.
"Now I wasn't sure how I could help you. So they first thing I want you to do is work on spells. I'm not sure how many you know, how many you don't. But this is a book I got from your mother a long time ago. In here, there are thousands of spells. I want you to try ones, write down how it went, and memorize it for battle. Kay?"
"Hell yeah!" You say enthusiastically picking up the book.
"For now you can sit up here with me and read. The boys training should be a nice view." He says. You follow him up some huge tower in front of the training area and see everything.
"Woah. Look at them go.." you say mesmerized by their movements. You've never seen your boys fight before.
"Their all promising hero's. Now get to reading" he says tapping your forehead.
You start going through pages taking in the old hand writing and interesting meanings. You come across an interesting one. It's called box. And I mean that's pretty much What it is. You can create an impenetrable box where people within a certain area of you can be trapped. Including yourself. There's one called Edward scissor hands. Where you can turn your own or anyone else's hands into scissors. Reversible after a certain amount of time. This book is really cool. You can't wait to try some out. After an hour or two Aizawa stand up and stretches.
"It's time to give the boys a water break.  Wanna help?"
"Yeah sure!" You put down the book and jump off of the tower. Before hitting the ground your cape helps you gently land on the ground. Aizawa meets you at the bottom some time after and frowns. He turns on the hose and you call the boys over.
They all come running and before they know it Aizawa starts spraying them down with water. They all seem to take it and enjoy the coolness. You giggle and hand them some drinks once aizawas done with the Hose. They sit down on some wood and you watch them heave.
"Why doesn't y/n have to work this hard!" Denki complains.
"I'm learning spells dumbass! Tomorrow is when I start using them." You scoff.
"What she said. And tomorrow when you all are being taught about your quirk and how to further it's usage she'll be out here kicking ass." Aizawa retorts. "Go back to work boys." He says with a final spray of the hose. You and Aizawa decide to stay on the ground this time and you go back to reading. Once it starts getting dark outside you've gone through half the book. A lot of Info. Some is easy to remember some isn't. Regardless of that your brain is full and you're ready for dinner. When the dinner bell rings everyone heads inside running. Kirishima runs up to you and takes your hand leading you inside. Bakugou takes your other hand and tries walking you inside faster than Kirishima. You giggle as you get pulled along and sat in between the two of them. Bakugou does as he did last time and pulls out food for you, leaving it on your plate. You thank him and start eating once the plates are done being passed around. Everyone finishes up and heads off to the showers. You shower quickly and head into the room drying off.
"Well hello there pebble." Kirishima says with a smirk as he enters the room and closes the door. You drop your towel out of fear and stand there looking at them. He stares at you uncovered wet body and licks his lips.
"Hey! You! Pervert! Turn around!" You yell while reaching down for your towel. Kirishima picks it up before you get the chance so you just throw on one of Bakugous shirts.
"Hey now ... don't cover up." He smiles while walking closer to you. "Y'know Bakugou bragged the night after he finally got inside of you. I think it's my turn to brag. Don't you?" He says gently moving your head up towards his. The door opens and he moved away quickly.
"Hey nerds." Bakugou says while walking in and drying off his hair. You walk over to him and kiss his cheek. He smiles and looks at Kirishima with a smirk. They're always fighting. Kirishima frowns and you sit in bed rolling your eyes.
"It's time to sleep dummy. We had a long day." You say pulling down the covers and climbing in.
"Aright alright." Kirishima says turning off the light. Bakugou climbs into bed with you and pulls you into his arms.
"Night teddy bear. rest well." He says.
"Goodnight Katsu."

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