First day at UA

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Your eyes flutter open and scan the room. Dabi is still next to you.
"Mornin' princess." He says with a sleepy voice
You start to get up but he grabs around your waist and tugs
"Nooooo kidddddd pleaseee stay in bed with me?"
"Dabiii. I've gotta get up and shower before school."       His eyes open in shock and suddenly he's completely awake.
"I'll join you!" He says sitting up quickly.
"No perv. I'll go as fast as I can okay?"
"Mmmnnn. Fine."
You go and shower and fast as you can, using up the whole bottle of shampoo the hospital left for you. You come back out to see Dabi sitting by the window he used to come in.
"Oooou! Y/n in a towel. Such a site to see."
"Shut it perv" you giggle while rolling your eyes.
"It's just about time for me to go here kid. Unless you wanna give me a show?"
You give him a cold stare.
"Maybe next time."
You walk over to the window where he is and give him a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you Dabi."
"Don't you worry princes. I'll be back to visit you at your new cool fancy school."
He pulls back and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll see you later kid."
You watch as he climbs down the window and walks off. He turns around while walking backwards and makes a funny face at you. It makes you giggle.
"Time to get dressed huh?"
You walk over to the same outfit you were wearing yesterday.
"At least the hospital washed it for me.."
you quickly pull on your close and walk over to the closer. Bracing yourself you open both doors. You're greeted by your cape happily flying out towards you and wrapping itself around your shoulders. You can feel it swaying from happiness.
"I missed you too mom."
"Mom?" You hear a voice behind you say. Turning around swiftly you realize the mistake you just made.
"Oh... hello Aizawa."
"Who were you talking to?" He says with a cold stare.
The bottom left side of your cape flies up and waves.
"Mom!" You exclaim while smacking it down.
"I knew it!"
Your cape removes itself from your shoulders and flies over to Aizawa.
"Oh Aita. How I've missed you." He says while stroking the fabric.
"What Is going on!"
"Oh right. Y/n . . . How do you not notice me?"
"I practically raised. You. Yet you don't remember me?"
"Aizawa what are you talking about!? The LOV swept most of my memories as a child. I don't remember a lot of my childhood."
"So that's why you don't remember me."

"Y/n. Your dad was a dead beat drunk. He beat you and your mom within an inch of your life. When I arrived at your house to get your mom for patrol I saw her lying on the floor and you being. . Hit by your dad. I restrained him with my scarf. I picked you up and set you down by your mother. I walked over to him and did some pretty unheroic stuff. Remember the scar on his cheek? Probably not. Never mind. After that I stayed home with you instead of your dad. I couldn't let anything like that happen to you ever again.."
"N-no. Wh- What. No you. You didn't. After I turned my mom into a piece of fabric my DAD came running out to check on what happened. You were never there. You're- you're crazy!"
"Kid. That was me.. not your father. "
"But when I ran away I ran away from my dad! Not you!"
"Y/n that was me. Your fathers been in jail since you were 3."
You stay quiet pushing all the memories back down and try to stay calm.
"T- no. You-..."
You scream at the top of your lungs suddenly everything around you turns to dust. The bed, the wardrobe, the bedside table, the other lamp, the plant. All dust. Aizawa, you, and your cape remain standing. You open your eyes and see Aizawa being covered by your cape with wide worried eyes. As you stop your hold and all the memories come flooding back you fall to your knees and start crying
"I'm - im sorry. I'm so sorry!" Aizawa rushes to your side and helps you sit up.
"Aizawa.. I remember you. I remember everything.." you say crumbling into his arms.
"Hey. Kid. Relax. It's all okay. It's so far in the past. You don't need to worry about that now. I'm right here."
You sit in aizawas arms for a while and calm down.
"Think you're ready for school?"
"Oh. Right. Yeah yeah sure. Let's go."
You forget about everything that just happen. You just sit down and lace up your boots. Once you stand up your cape secures itself around your shoulders. You and Aizawa walk out of the hospital, him signing your discharge papers. You two walk out to your car and start driving.
"Are the people there nice?"
"There's a few baddies. But you'll know who to watch out for."
"Thanks Aizawa.."

You guys arrive and walk into the schools. All the hallways look the same, you doubt you'll be able to know your way through the halls. Aizawa suddenly stops at a door and tells you to wait outside for a moment or two. After a minute of waiting for him you decide to walk in.
"Hey there!" You walk in and wave.
Everyone stared at you and whispered. A pink haired girl in the back stands up and waves "hello! I'm Mina ashido!"
" Hi." You say with a smile.
A red and white haired boy stares at you confused. You wonder why until he starts to look familiar.
"Todoroki?" "Y/n?"
You two say at the same time.
"It's been so long y/n."
His face makes you melt. You remember him from so long ago. You snap yourself out of it and come back to reality.
"I- I can't wait to catch up." You reply with a gentle smile.
"Another Extra?" A blonde haired boy says with his feet up on the desk.
"Excuse me?" You say holding your ground.
He's shocked by a response.
"You heard me. I said, youre. An. Extra. "
You look at him and smirk.
"Huh! You think I'm lying? You'll be lucky to be a side kick to some retired old saggy hero!"
"Keep talking firecracker." You say shooting him a look.
"I won't be intimidated by some measly girl! How'd you even get into UA! How'd you pass with that frail body! You'll never be as good as me. You're just an ex-" he keeps talking. You scratch the side of your head sneakily ripping out of piece, you hold it in your hair for a second. Once you feel the firm wood in your hand you point it at bakugou. Suddenly he gets cut off. Everyone turns to look at him and sees a piece of tape over his mouth. He pulls at it viscously.
"You won't be able to get that off. It's not tape. You might as well stop trying."
Everyone starts to giggle at him.
"Maybe I'm a few minutes after you've "calmed down." I'll take it off."
The door in the back of the classroom opens swiftly.
"TEACH IM SORRY IM LATE THERE WAS A CAT I STOPPED TO PET AND IT WOULDNT GO AWAY- hey! Y/n! You came!" He says rushing to the front of the class giving you a hug. You blush at his sudden burst of affection.
"Hey kiri." You smile.
"Come sit back here! I made sure Aizawa got a seat for you right next to me! Oh. And Denki will be on the other side of you."he says pointing to a different blonde haired boy.
"Hey cutie ;)" the blonde says.
"Hello there."

You guys sit down and listen to aizawas lessons for the day. The bell rings and everyone gets up to leave
"Bakugou, Kirishima, y/n, and shoto. stay behind."
Oh. Interesting. You wonder what he could want.
Everyone walks up to aizawas desk and listens to what he has to say.
"Y/n. Remove the tape from Bakugou. "
"Oh right!" You quickly pull out your wand from earlier and point it at him. The tape disintegrates and he stays quite to your surprise.
"Good. Now. You three boys. Since y/n is new and doesn't have a dorm shell be bunking with you three. It'll switch between nights. The LOV May or may not be after her. So I expect you all to care for her." He says with a glare at Bakugou.
"She can stay with me tonight." Todoroki says calmly.
"She can totally stay with me first night teach. After all she seems to like me." Kirishima says smirking and poking your nose.
"The damn extra should spend the night with me. I get first." Bakugou says while staring at the floor.

Who will you choose? Who will Aizawa Allow?

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