Midnight visitor

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You haven't been able to sleep just yet. You've laid against todorokis chest and listened to him breathe for the last 3 hours. You finally manage to slip free from his sleepy grip and walk out of his room. You leave your cape behind thinking Bakugou won't want to see it after earlier. You walk down a few doors and stop in front of one, you knock. You don't get an answer but you hear sniffles coming from the inside. Hesitantly you wrap your hand around the knob and turn. Once the door opens you can't see much, but the moonlight is enough for you to see Bakugou in his bed. He's curled up with something in his hand. His eyes are closed and he's got headphones in. He's been... crying? You quietly shut the door and walk over to the bed. You reach up and hand and wipe away his tears. Panicked, Bakugou opens his eyes and looks at you. As soon as he sees it's you his face softens, and he melts into your hand. You take out his head phones and stand up. He leaps out of bed and pulls you into a hug.
"Teddy Bear I'm so sorry. I didn't- I didn't want to hurt him. He was getting too close to you and- and I couldn't handle it.." he says through his cries. "My plan wasn't to- to hurt him. I j-just wanted to talk to him!" He says while looking down at you with tears in his eyes. He looks like he's trying to convince you, hell he looks like he's trying to convince himself. His eyes are begging for you to believe him. You grab the back of his head and rest it against your shoulder he cries into the crook of your neck and still continues to try and have you believe him.
"I didn't want to hurt him y/n.. he was too close to you. He- he wanted you. And it- it wasn't fair! I didn't wanna hurt him..."
"I know Bakugou... I know." You say in a soothing tone. You walk him over to the bed and sit down. You guys sit "criss cross apple sauce" style and face one another. Once again you reach your hand up and wipe away his tears. He's still looking at you with the widest puppy eyes.
"Yes Bakugou?"
"Please don't like him back..." he says. Those words make him start to cry.
"Bakugou please don't cry. You just got your breathing under control."
He takes some deep breaths and looks back at you.
"Y/n. I- I figured it out."
"What are you talking about?"
"You. When I saw you shaking and crying in shotos bed I was so confused. I didn't know what I did, I just knew I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to hurt you... I heard what shoto said about your dad, and then I realized I caused all of that for you. But I started to remember the headlines of a newspaper I read a long time ago. Talking about famous hero Aitas husband sent to prison for domestic abuse. All I remember about the paper is how cool I thought the eyes of the mother and child were."
You stare at him in shock.
"Then Aita was captured, then.. you were too. Aizawa wants you sleeping in our rooms because the LOV must still be after you."
The memories of your father brings you to tears but you quickly wipe them away. You're stronger now.
"Teddy Bear please listen. I never meant to hurt you.. I never wanted to spring those memories on you. I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry."
"Bakugou, it's alright. I forgive you. And I believe you."

"Call me Katsuki. My first name."
"Oooou. I get to call famous Bakugou by his first name? I feel special."
"Shut it dumbass!" He yells as he tackles you into the bed. He lays down on your chest and wraps his arm around you. You two stay like that for a while.
"Yeah y/n?"
"I've got to head back to todorokis room now."
"No! You can't leave! You can stay here! Go tell him you want to stay with me! Or just stay longer and sneak back to his room in the morning!"
"Bakugou, you know that's not fair. I've got to head back to his room."
"You're in his shirt and everything.." he scoffs.
"And? I slept in your shirt the other night."
"Now you want to sleep in his?!"
"Katsuki.. it's all I had."
He closes his eyes and turns his head. You start to question him but before you can get your words out he's lifting your shirt.
"K-Katsuki! What are you doing!?"
"Just stay still, I'm not looking at you." He replies. Slowly he peels off your shirt and throws it on the ground. You sit there feeling exposed, at least he's not looking at you. Bakugou pulls off his shirt, still looking away from you. He hands it to you
"Here. Wear this. Now." He demands.
You pull the shirt on and tell him he can look at you again, slowly he turns his head and looks back you.
"See? You look much much better in my clothing." He says with a smirk.
"Oh shut it Katsuki. I'm going back to shotos room now." You stand up and turn around. He grabs onto your waist and pulls you back into him. You stand there and hug him for a while.
"I'm going to miss you y/n."
"I'll see you in the morning dummy.."
"At least let me walk you to his room?"
"Fine. Let's go Katsuki."
He lets go of you but slides an arm around your waist. You two walk to shotos room and he turns you around so that your facing him.
"Have a good nights sleep Teddy Bear," he says calmly "And if I hear that you got too close to him, your healing powers won't be enough to save him." He whispers into your ear. After that he turns around and walks back into his dorm. You stand there frazzled but silently enter todorokis room. You don't know what's gotten into bakugou, but you think you like it.

You walk back over to the bed and lay down. When you realize shoto isn't in it you turn around and start looking at the room, it's too dark for you to see anything. A small flame lights up one of the corners of the room.
"Sh-shoto?" You question.
"Where did you go?" He questions coldly.
"I- I needed to use the bathroom.." you blurt out.
"You went to see him didn't you?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Bakugou! Did you go to see him!?"
"So what If I did!?" You fired back at him.
Todorokis eyes widen and he grabs the side of his head nearly pulling at his hair
"He hurt you y/n! Why would you go to see someone! He- he HURT YOU!" The room suddenly fills with warm light and your cape quickly flies from the door and covers you. When the light fades back into a small flame your cape moves back and rests itself on your shoulders.
"No! Y/n he hurt me too! I refused to hit him back and I took every single punch he threw at me. And then he had the audacity to send you into a PTSD induced panic attack! And you went to see HIM?!"
You want to curl up and start crying. You hate it when people yell at you. But you're stronger than you used to be. You will not shut down. Tears start flowing out of your eyes but you stand up off the bed and fight back anyway.
"I care for him shoto. I needed to make sure he was alright."
"He hurt both of us and you wanted to help him?!"
"I wanted him to know that I didn't hate him!"
"Well maybe it would be best if yOU DID HATE HIM!" He screams with ice flying out of his hand. It surrounds you quickly engulfing you into it's cold dome. You quickly try and fight back but you realize a few of the spikes have impaled you. You start to move out of it and the spikes push deeper into your skin. You cry out in pain and stop moving. You're sure everyone around you heard your cries as you were stabbed by the ice. Shoto realizes what he has just done and he starts to melt the ice. Your cape hardens and starts chipping away at the ice around you. As the ice starts melting the spikes disappear leaving your wounds open and bleeding. You scream out another cry. The door to his room open revealing Bakugou and Aizawa. When they see the dome of ice around you and spikes sticking into your body at various places, some they can just see the hole they left. Aizawas eyes turn dark. He turns to shoto and sees him trying to melt the ice.
Bakugou stands there in shock and stares at you, eyes filled with worry.
"What- what have you done. ICY HOT WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" He screams. Shoto starts to panic and tries to explain
"we were fighting and my quirk became uncontrollable! I didn't mean for this to happen!"
"MELT THE ICE KID!" Aizawa screams. His voice cracks as he starts to cry. Once the ice is completely melted you start to cry out even more now realizing that your wounds are open and bleeding.
"Some- someone help me!" You start screaming as the pain overwhelms you. You lift your left hand and start putting them over the bleeding holes in your body. One by one you feel better and worse at the same time.
"GO GET RECOVERY GIRL! NOW!" Your hands drop and you pass out from blood loss. Suddenly the room floods with students from 1A. Them all seeing you bleeding out on the floor. Iida sees you and starts running to recovery girl as fast as possible. Bakugou is holding your left side and crying trying to keep pressure on your wounds. Aizawa is holding your right side while crying trying to cover up your injuries with his scarf. Once Kirishima gets in he realizes what happened and starts yelling.
"It was- it was that damn icy hot." Bakugou turns to him.
Kirishima runs to you and holds your head in his lap. It feels as if everything is going in slow motion. Everyone knows what might come of this. And the pair of sparkly blue eyes watching you from the window can only cry in hopes that the students will help you. He can't even comfort you... but he knows who's done this to you. And so he walks off to find them.

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