Kirishimas chance

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You wake up to your phone buzzing in your pocket. You look and see it's an unknown number.
No answer.
"Who is this? What do you need?"
No answer.
"Hello? If no one plans on speaking to me I'll just hang up."

"Oh how I've missed that pretty voice of yours."
"Excuse me?"
"Are you telling me you dont recognize my voice?"
"Cut the shit! You're in jail! Whoever's playing dress up as you can fuck off!"
You pull the phone away and hang up. Bakugou rises his head off your chest.
"Dumbass. The fucks going on?"
"Just someone trying to scare me."'
"Tsk. What time is it?"
You look back down at your phone.
He stretches and climbs off of you. He falls into the other seat and looks up at you.
"I did that on purpose."
"Did you now Katsuki?"
"Shut the fuck up!"
You giggle and look out the window. He sits upright and rests a hand on your thigh. You all sit in silence. Kirishima looks over at you and Bakugou. His gentle smile disappears. You feel him staring and look over.
"Hey Katsuki?"
"I'm gonna go sit with Kirishima."
"Why not just sit with me?"
"I'm gonna spend time with both of you dummy."
"Fine." He scowls. You stand up and quickly walk across to kirishimas seat. You sit down and tap his shoulder. He looks over and seems annoyed. But when he sees it's you he smiles.
"Pebble!" He says throwing his arms up and around you. You laugh and hug him back. He pulls away and a subtle smile remains plastered on his face.
"Hey my big bolder. Whatcha up to?"
"Well. I was sleeping. Now I've just been looking out the window. All alone. So sad. No pebble by my side."
You giggle at his stupid words. That seems to make him smile even more. He sits and admires you for a moment.
"When are you gonna leave the blonde for me?" He asks while staring lovingly into your eyes. You blush at the though and quickly think it away.
"If you two keep fighting no ones gonna get me."
"Aweeee pebble. Don't say that. I know I'll win in the end." He smiles while pulling you into his arms. You lay on him and look out the window. As the buildings look more familiar you guys arrive at the school. When getting off the bus Bakugou and Kirishima fight to get to take your bag. You leave them to fight and run into the dorms. You missed this place. You run into Bakugous room and shut the door. You lay in the bed and cover yourself in blankets. Eventually the boys come in and set all the bags down. Kirishima walks over to Bakugous bed and pulls you out of the covers. He lays you down on your bed and starts to lay down too. But Bakugou picks you up and takes you to his bed. Kirishima frowns and gets up walking towards his bed. He grabs onto half of you and Bakugou stand up holding onto the other half
"She wants to come lay on my side! She'll be my girlfriend soon enough!"
"NO DAMNIT! She's my girlfriend!"
"FINE THEN? YOU WANT HER SO BAD? SHELL BE BOTH OF OUR GIRLFRIENDS. SHE GETS TO DATE BOTH OF US." Bakugou yells at Kirishima. Kiri looks shocked and so do you. Both of the boys look down at you hoping for approval.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I want to date my two favorite guys!" You say excitedly smiling at both of them. They look up at one another and smirk. This will be a competition like no other. Bakugou and Kirishima lay you down on Bakugous bed and go grab kirishimas bed. They slowly move in his bed frame and his mattress into Bakugous room. Now there's too beds.
"What if I want private time with my pebble?"
Kirishima asks.
"You won't need it." Bakugou scowls.

"Isn't Shotos room still full of his basic dorm stuff? Can't we just take the bed out and put it in Kirishimas room. Then when I get private time with one of you we go in there?"
"Sounds good!" They say as they simultaneously get up and go move the other room around. By the time they're done it's getting dark outside. You yawn and lay back on Bakugous bed giving a stretch. Bakugou lays down next to you. Grabs your ass and pulls you into a kiss. You whine shocked at what he's doing but don't stop him. When he pulls away you realize kirishimas been staring. You blush and hide in the covers. Kirishima walks over to you and picks you up. He runs for his room and quickly shuts and locks the door behind him. He throws you down on the bed and climbs on top of you.
"Holy fuck pebble I've been waiting for this moment." He huffs as he looks into your eyes. He pushes himself down on top of you. You two engage in a kiss. It feels new. You love it.
"K-Kirishima." You whisper.
"Fuck pebble! Say my name again." He growls.
"Kirishima." You laugh. He smiles and pulls you into a hug.
"I get to have you all to myself.." he gloats.
"Better not do anything wrong. I'll tell Aizawa on you."
Your phone starts buzzing. You climb over Kirishima and grab it.
"Hello?" You ask
"Hey there. I miss your voice. Talk to me for a little won't you, doll?"
"Oh piss off! I've already told you I'm uninterested in your stupid joke!" You scream.
Kirishima laughs at you and takes the phone out of your hand. He hangs up and sets it aside. But it starts ringing again. He looks at the name and smiles.
"Well hello there Bakugou. What do you need?" He smirks into the phone.
"Is that her yelling at you? Are you doing something wrong shitty hair?! I'll rip you right in half!" He yells so loud you hear it through the phone.
"Oh. I see. You wanna know if she's enjoying herself? Listen for yourself Bakugou."
He sets the phone down and flips you onto your back.
"Agh! Kirishima! What're you doing?" You giggle. He creeps a hand up under your shirt. He pushes your bra up and looks at you. You nod and he gives you a smile. He takes his hand and fills it up with your breasts. He plays around and you blush like crazy.
"K-kiri! What're you doing?!" You ask.
"Playing. Is that so wrong?" You roll over and hide in the pillows.
"Oh. Is that a sign pebble?" He says smacking your ass.
"Ouch! Carful there red!" You yell at him. He runs his hands from your back to your waist. Very quickly he grabs onto the hem of your pants and pulls. You try to roll over but he puts both of his hands on the middle of your back.
"Tsk.. no moving for you pebble!"
At this point Bakugous yelling on the phone. Not loud enough for you to hear words, but you hear his voice.
Kirishima takes a good look at your now exposed lower half. He smacks your ass again and leans over your body.
"Hey there pebble. Correct me if I'm wrong. But.." he sneaks a hand inbetween your legs and feels around your entrance. "You seem pretty wet to me."
"Am not! You dunno what you're feeling!" You yell at him. He's embarrassing you and you don't like it.
"So you're telling me you aren't excited?" He says pulling away from your back and resting on his knees.
"Not one bit." You growl at him.
"Hmmm. So if I did this?" He takes a hand off your back and pulls out his 🍆 -y'all I'm sorry I am running out of words to say instead of the nasty ones. Ion want wattpad to yell at me. So when you see this emoji just fill in whatever word you wanna use for the pp-
He grabs the shaft and leans closer to you. He pushes your entrance but never enters. Giving you a tease. "You're telling me you don't want anymore?" He gives you a devious look.
"Kirishima stop playing! If you're gonna do something just do it!"
"Is that what you want pebble?"
"Doesn't mat-"
You're cut off by him slamming his cöck deep inside or you with no warning.
"Mmn~!" You exclaim while tugging onto the sheets.
"Want me to stop yet?"
You don't answer. He slowly slips back out of you.
"Why'd you stop!" You ask
"So you want me to continue?"
"That's not what I said.." you whisper.
He leans back towards you keeping his free hand on your back.
"1.." he says pushing the tip of his cöck inside of you.
"2.." he whispers while leaning down towards you.
"I'm inpatient." He says bored while ramming the rest of his cöck inside of you.
"Nngh~!" You whine.
"That's such a pretty sound pebble. But how about you open your mouth?" He says leaning over you and reaching his free hand from your back to your mouth and slipping in two fingers. you bite him and he rips his two fingers down. Your mouth opens wide with his fingers prying it open.
"No. Biting!"
He says pulling his cöck out and slamming it back into you.
You feel as every inch slides back and quickly buries it's way back into your womb.
"K-kiri-sh-shima!" You exclaim as your voice shakes.
"What do you want pebble. Huh? Say it! Want me to do go faster!?" He questions while speeding up the pace. You can't seem to hold back anymore. Your moans creep up the back of your throat and finally spill out of your mouth. Your a drooling mess that can't shut up.
"Yeah that's right. Good pebble. You just fucking love being my cöck whore don't you? Uh huh. That's right. Take it slut!" He yells while ramming into you.

"Nngh. Ah. Ah. Mnm!"

You can't stop yourself from making noise. And his two fingers prying your mouth open makes it harder for you to hide. You hear Bakugou screaming in the phone next to you


He yells from the other room. Kirishima looks down and picks up the phone. He holds it up to his ear.
"I'm sorry Bakugou. Were you saying something?"
Kirishima ignores him.
"Ho ho Bakugou. I see why you bragged so much the day after you and y/n did it for the first time. Cause this pussy is to die for!" He exclaims.

"K-kiri! Yo-you're gonna piss h-him of-off!" You whine while he remains on the phone
"You're right. Sorry Bakugou. I've gotta go. I'm a little busy right now. Cya later!" He says hanging up the phone. He throws it down beside you and takes his fingers out of your mouth. He moves his hand to the back of your neck. He holds onto it with one hand and pushes down on it everytime he slams back into you. The room is filled with the sounds of your bodies hitting against one another.
"Kirishima! I-it's too g-good! You've gotta s-st- stop!" You moan into the sheets.
"Oh shut up already! You're a mess over this cöck. You know you don't want me to stop!"
He laughs as he keeps pounding you.
"Mmmn~ fuck pebble! I love you!"
"I- I love you!"
"Nnghh~ fuck fuck fuck! You feel so good inside! Damn!"
"Oh woah there pebble. Pushing me past my limits huh? You filthy little slut. A total mess for my cöck. You're just a wet slit to fill aren't you! Oooh my little cöck sleeve!" He grunts.
He quickens up the pace. Slipping his cöck all around your insides. It reaches its deepest point and slides back just to ram back into it. He's pushing all the right buttons and hitting your favorite spots way too fast.
"Mmmmnhh! Pebble! Pe-pebble! Pebble!!" He moans as he moves his hands up to your shoulders. He takes both his hands and wraps them around each shoulder. His grip tightens. He uses this leverage to slam you down into his cöck even more.

"Agh! Kirishima! Mmn~" you whine

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"Agh! Kirishima! Mmn~" you whine.
He slams you down time after time not giving anytime to breathe.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck fuck! Pebble! Agh! Y/n! Peb- P-pebble!!!"
With his last moans he leans over and slams into you one last time. Gripping tightly onto your shoulders and slamming you onto him. His cöck reaching even farther inside of you. He pants and pulls out of you. The both of you a wet, sloppy mess.
"Wait right here pebble.." he whispers. He stands up and walks into the bathroom. You hear the bath turn on and you collapse into the bed. Hell you won't be walking for weeks.

After a few minutes he comes back out and sits down on the edge of the bed. He pulls you into his lap bridal style and kisses your forehead. He lifts you and walks the both of you into the bathroom. He pulls off your shirt And sets you down into the bath and covers you with bubbles.
"No bubbles on me dickhead!" You laugh while blowing them away. He takes off his clothes and climbs in behind you. He leans up against the walls of the bath and you lay on his chest. You sit up and turn the water off once the baths full. You turn around to face him. You lift your hand up and blow him a kiss. But with the kiss bubbles fly into his face. The two of you smile at each other and sit there for a while.

Life doesn't really get much better than this. Sitting in a warm steamy bath with the love of your life, covered in bubbles, admiring one another.
You both open your mouths to speak.

"I love you."

Is the only thing that manages to come out.

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