Getting away

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"Well, there's no point in standing here." You think to yourself. And so, you start running west just like Dabi said. You've been running for a while as the sun starts to rise. You can see town not far away.
"Someone has to help me. Surely they will right?"
You run into an ally way, desperately sprinting towards the other side while your vision starts to go white. You see a guy with spiky red hair and one with him in a cloak similar to yours. You reach out your arm
                                       "H- hey! Help . . . Plea-"
        Your world goes dark.

You woke up in an unfamiliar place, the pungent smell of bleach burned your nose. You've never smelled something so clean. You slowly open your eyes and see the same red haired guy from earlier. He notices you look worried,
"Hey! No need to be scared. My names Kirishima. . . Oh? Uhm. Can ya hear me?"
"Not so loud." You groan while grabbing your head.
"Oh.  I'm sorry. May I ask your name?"
"I'm y/n. . . Y/n Aita. What's happened to me?"
"Me and my partner Tamaki were out on patrol and you came out of an ally way asking for our help, then you collapsed. Me and tamaki rushed to your side. I ended up carrying you to the nearest hospital. Usually I'd leave and go back on patrol, but I couldn't leave a cutie like you without knowing you were alright." His warm smile makes you feel safe.
"Thank you Kirishima. What's going on now?"
"Well, the nurses said you were severely dehydrated. Now you've got some scrapes and a nasty bruise on your head from falling. They've hooked you up to an IV to get the fluids flowing back through your body. They wanna watch you overnight. But you'll be ready to leave and go back home in the morning!"
"... home?" You say nervously.
Kiri stares at you confused. He notices the panic grow in your wide eyes.
"No! You- you can't send me back! I won't go!" You yell and try to get away from him.
"Hey hey .. y/n calm down! We're not sending you anywhere. What's going on"
Memories from the LOV start flooding back to your memory all the while you feel a panic attack growing in your chest. You climb out of bed and try to run to the other end of the room, but as soon as you stand up your vision blurs  and you start to fall. Before you hit the cold cement kiri grabs you.
"Y/n! Relax! It's okay. I'm right here. We aren't sending you anywhere. Please sit back in bed and tell me what's going on."
Kiri leads you back to the hospital bed, he sits down with you and gets you back under the cover. He gets up to go sit back in the chair but you grab onto his arm.
"Kiri. . Please. Sit here"
He gives you a confused look that quickly turns into a blush-y smile.
"Anything for a cutie like you. . . Please tell me what's going on?"
"You know how there was an attack on a villain base last night?"
"Yeah! The hero's only managed to capture a few lower rank villains. Everyone important got away."
He notices you staying quiet.
"Did something happen? Were you there?!"
"I've been with the LOV since I was 5. They've raised me passed then. They taught me how to use my quirk properly. I ran away from home after my mom was kidnapped. They tried to convince me life was war. Showing me pictures of pro hero's and telling me they were trash.. I never believed them. I know what it's like to be a hero."
"My name. Y/n Aita. My mom was the #3 hero before before she was taken. I watched her work. She truly cared for people, hero's aren't bad."
You start to tear up. Kiri notices and turns you towards him. He wipes the tear away and stares longingly into your eyes.
"Hey.. I never noticed how cool your eyes were."
You grab the hand hes wiping your tears with and you hold it against your face.
"Kiri you're the first person to make me feel sa-"
Before you can finish the door swings open. A tall guy in black clothing opens the door. Considering he looked quite unhappy and dark you grabbed your wand, covered Kiri, and started pointing it at the mystery man.
"Hey! Y/n. It's okay. That's my teacher, Aizawa. I called him here when I told him you were about to wake up. Took him long enough to get here."
"Put the stick down pinkie."
The name brought tears to your eyes. You wiped them away quickly and put your wand down. Aizawa noticed the tears but didn't ask.
"Kirishima. Outta the bed. "
"Sorry Aizawa.."
"I'm sorry for freaking, I thought you were a villain coming back for me."
"Here, Aizawa lets give y/n some time to herself, I'll fill you in on what I know. We'll be right back cutie!"
The boys leave and you lay back down. Your cape starts to wipe your tears away gently
"Quit it mom. I'm fine."

The boys come back in, Aizawa looks more... gentle? Kiri still has the same glow-y smile. You immediately relax at his presence. They sit down in the chairs to the left of your bed.
" tell me about that wand kid." Aizawa says.
"Well, it helps me control my quirk."
"So manly.."
"Shut it kiri. Tell me about this quirk of yours."
" well, uhm. See that lamp over there? Look at it."
The boys turn their heads and you point your wand turning it into bubbles.
"Haha! Cool!"
"Bubbles is your quirk?"
"No Aizawa. My quirk is witchcraft. Hence the wand. " you say jokingly while pointing it at him.
"Anyways.. I can cast spells on things or people. I'm always trying to learn new ones. My wand just helps me direct and control my power."
With the blink of an eye Aizawa sends his scarf shooting towards your hand. It grabs your wand and pulls it back to him.
"Now do something." He says rolling his eyes.
You smirk at him which concerns him.
"Whatever you say Aizawa."
With a flash you've ripped out a strand of your hair and turned it into another wand. You point it at him and think of a quick spell. Aizawas eyes widen and he sticks out his tongue.
"It/ ith thied?!" He exclaims looking and feeling his knotted tongue.
You and kiri giggle. Sticking your wand back out you cast a reverse spell, returning his tongue back to normal. To show off just a bit more, you notice Aizawa is still holding the old wand. Your hair grows, shoots up, and grabs the wand back from Aizawa.
"I'll be taking that back now."
"So manly y/n!"
Aizawa stares at you blankly.
"Kirishima. Outside. Now."

You wait a bit for the boys to come back. You feel accomplished. When the door opens only kiri returns.
"Where Aizawa?" You ask turning your head.
"He told me to tell you he has to go do something. But I think he's just to embarrassed to come back in here. " kiri says with a smile.
You blush and turn away
"Anyways. Well.. I told Aizawa what happened to you and the LOV. I told him I was worried about them coming back to get you. And no one being able to protect you. He agreed that it was a big risk. And after seeing that quirk of yours... well. He'd like to offer you a place as a student at UA high!"
He sees that you look confused.
"Y/n? UA high? Doesn't ring a bell?"
"Oh jeez. The LOV taught you nothing huh? Well. It's a high school where the best hero's in training go to work on their quirk. We want you to come be a student in our class!"
" wow... really? Where will I stay?"
"We have dorm rooms. You can bunk with someone there."
"Will I be in your class..?" You ask blushing.
"Hell yeah! You don't have to say yes, but if so. Be outside tomorrow at 6 a.m. Aizawa said he'd pick you up. I'm gonna let you rest now."
He leans down and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"Stay beauty cool y/n. I really hope to see you tomorrow."
He turns to leave but you grab onto his wrist.
"What's up y/n? Is something wrong?!"
"No no. I just wanted to say. Thank you.. you're the first person I've met in over ten years who made me feel comfortable and safe. Thank you for being so welcoming. Thank you for caring about me." You tell him quietly.
He turns around fully and sticks his hand out. You grab it hesitantly. He quickly tightens his hand around yours and helps you up. When you're mere inches away from his face he looks down into your eyes and says
"Y/n I knew from the moment I saw you on the ground that I'd be seeing you out until the end. I'm here for you, I always will be. And that's a promise."
He then pulls you into a warm hug. You two stand there still for a moment, little did you know there was a pair of eyes watching you from outside the window.
You say goodbye to Kirishima and lay back down allowing his comfort to guide you into a deep sleep. Deep enough to the point you don't even notice your window opening.

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