Chapter 1

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Life sucks. OK quick introduction. Hi my name is Alexandra Lockheart. I'm 13 years old going on 14. I live with my abusive step dad. I have light brown chestnut hair with grey eyes, a small nose and plump lips. That's pretty much it.
Now that your all caught up. Let's start the journey.

Currently its 12:54a.m and I'm lying on the floor of the basement after receiving my punishment for being a disrespectful bitch.

"Why the hell haven't you welcomed me back?" John asked
"I apologise sir"I replied although I don't give a flying fuck.
"You don't sound very sincere."he said.
"I'm going to have to teach a lesson."he said with an evil smirk making its way on his face.
He made his way over to me and started punching and kicking me in the stomach. After that he dragged me to the basement and chained me up. He got his whip out and started whipping me while I just lay there not making a sound nor shedding tear. When he finished whipping me 15 times,he unchained me and left me on the floor.
Flashback over

You might be wondering why I didn't scream,beg or even cry and of you're not.. Well I can't cry and when I say this I mean I literally can't shed a tear, screaming gets you no where and begging encourages him more. I've only begged for mercy twice in my life and I won't ever beg again.

I got up slowly from the floor of the basement and made my way to the bathroom to wash off all the blood and sweat off my body. When I finally got to the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower and enjoying the feeling of cold water droplets on my body.

Technically, we have hot water but since I'm a useless piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything I get cold water.

After I'm done showering, I put on my undergarments and start cleaning up my cuts.
I would take some painkillers but since I only have 5 left I just have to ignore the pain. Besides sometimes I enjoy it. I guess that's the sick part about everything but everyone's sick in their own way.

After I finish cleaning the lashes that are on my body I put on some pyjamas which are a large red hoodie and some black shorts that are knee length. I make my way to my room.

My room is technically the attic. It has a small black blanket, cobwebs,broken mirror, a lamp and pain killers. Oh how lovely(note the sarcasm). I actually have a bed room with an actual bed, reading desk, wardrobe and blankets but that room is only for show.

The house has 2 bedrooms. John's room and my fake bedroom, 3bathrooms, kitchen, living room, attic and basement. On the outside it looks like the ideal 2 story American house but on the inside its a horror house.

You all must be wondering where my mother is right. Well she's dead. I can't say she didn't really deserve it cause she did but the way she died was disgusting. She was a drug addict. Imagine a 5 year old girl seeing her mother search for cocaine in her school bag and getting a bottle thrown at her head because she couldn't get her fix. When she met John, she quit for 2 weeks before she relapsed. I was 6 by then.

She got worse when she didn't get any drugs but I can't blame her because she was addicted and its not that easy to stop but that's not why I didn't care that much.

She was a sick human being with or without the drugs. She starved me, slapped me, drowned me and tried suffocating me with pillows almost every week. That's when I realised she didn't care about me and I her.

When she and John dated, he acted like a good guy but I didn't buy the act because you could see the evil in his eyes. After they got engaged John got Nancy(mom) on heavy drugs that left her in a somewhat vegetable state. Before she died.

I was seven when that happened. She overdosed in the living room before John took me to the basement and chained me up.

He took her dead body and started kissing it before raping it in front of me. He held my jaw tightly to prevent me from looking away. It was very horrific and disgusting.

I knew then and their that the world stuck me with the worst reality. That was the day that I lost my innocence. I stopped believing in fairies,magic, love and joy and started believing in hate, death, tragedy and evil.

Welcome to hell.

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