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I opened the bathroom faucet and the water started to come out, I put my hands in to get them wet, I made with them a hole so that the water would accumulate and then wet my face. I grabbed the towel next to the mirror and dry my hands and face while looking in the mirror.

"It's been five years..." whisper without a shred of emotion, those times weren't the best.

The sound of someone knocking on the front door rang, I left the towel and set out to open. On the other side was an ANBU from my squadron who, when he saw me, started talking.

"Kane-san the Hokage requests your presence, he has a mission for you" without further ado he withdrew

I picked up my weapons and put them on just like the ANBU mask. I quickly went out to Sarutobi's office. I didn't like to call him by Hokage, he hated that position, but I had to keep some respect for him so calling him by his last name was my only option. When I got to knock on the door, it didn't take long for me to step, I closed the door behind me and being in front of him I put my left knee resting on the ground while I rested my forearm right on the other leg and bowed my head in greeting form like everyone in my range.

"You can get up" I obeyed "In a few days, the daughter of the feudal lord will marry the son of the land of water and decree extra security along the way."

"If you need extra security, I doubt you'll accept a single ANBU in the escort. Although if that is the case, I must not doubt my abilities and accept the mission without fail."

"Never doubt your abilities, but one more group will accompany you, it is not your ANBUS team. It is a team made up of a Jounin and three Genins, they will accompany you on the mission."

"Why a rookie team?"

"I've been very insisted on being given a high-level mission. I think you'll be able to handle a B-rank mission without any problem. Besides, you won't be alone, a Jounin will accompany you, okay?" "I nodded without option"

"When will we leave?"

"Tomorrow at six they should be found at the door" smile "It's all, you can retire."

I nodded as I left his office. Why should I go? What are no more ninjas available? Besides, Sarutobi's smile didn't give me confidence, that smile when I mentioned the team didn't give me a good thorn. When I got to my apartment I headed straight for my bed, I wanted to train, but I would surely exceed myself and be tired by tomorrow, I would be as useful as the rookie team during the mission.

The next morning, I got up early, took a quick bath and picked up my guns and mask to put them on my body and left the house towards the entrance. I suppose I arrived quite early, since there was no one waiting, only the two low-ranking gatekeepers who only looked at me without daring to speak to me. No one dared say hello to an ANBU, especially me.

Wait about an hour and after a while in the distance you can see four silhouettes; one bigger than the other three. When they got close enough I could see it. I was there. In front of me.

So this was Sarutobi. I thought in frustration.

Why did they have to ruin my life? I made a decision and that didn't include him, I had no right to meddle in my decisions, no matter what rank he was or who he was.

I decided to pretend not to be affected and got up in the curious eyes of the pink and blond. Kakashi already had an idea of who he was, so he laughed when he saw me. I couldn't see my expressions because of the mask, but I knew the situation I was in. It wasn't funny to me, though.

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