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The war had ended a year ago. A year had passed since Senju had the great idea of ​​proclaiming me Rokudaime Hokage in order to free herself from that position, as well as being able to help me with my vindication according to her own words.

During this time the people of Konoha and other hidden villages began to accept me as Kage, some people still did not leave my past actions behind, however, there were more who began to accept me and tried to forget my past as much as I tried. They tried not to judge me for those actions, just like I did.

Life in the village was as boring as I remembered it, yet I was not allowed enough time to think about it. Even after a year I could not accept my position as Kage. It is true that all the plans I had after the war were not completed at all because Senju's plans got in the way of mine leaving me locked in Konoha with a great responsibility, however, I learned that not everything was as bad as it had been. sense. Well, after all, belonging to the Kages had a great benefit in my new plans.

Since my coming to power in all of Konoha after the end of the fourth ninja war, all the Kages of the hidden villages had an obligation to meet together to parley on the peace that had been achieved and the union of any large or small village that had the intention of joining us in order to continue with the peace achieved.

In just one year I had had so many encounters with Gaara that it had been impossible for me to waste the opportunity I had to make things right with him and have a fresh start together. Something that I thought would be impossible to achieve.

He gave me the opportunity to be with him.

She had really fallen for him.


Gaara had fallen quickly to Kane's charms since the first time she had set foot on his lands. Without understanding what was happening to him he involuntarily tried to keep her by his side and tried to protect her from his plans as soon as he was aware of them, he knew that it would lead to his death and he did not want that for her despite knowing all their secrets.

Naruto had helped him get to know her more. For he had felt so guilty about all the things his sister had gone through that he had to entrust them to someone else so he could help both of them.

Gaara wasted so many years trying to get Kane back to his side as he had disappeared shortly before Akatsuki captured him. He was so frustrated that he had lost her. Although he never gave up before and after losing his life he did not lose hope in seeing her with him again, thanks to the fact that his brother had forgotten his presence and spoke about the day he was rescued by the renegade of Konoha. It took months for all the people around him to tell about the truth, Grandma Chiyo was not the only one to save him that day. After that time, day and night, she began to search for Kane in the places that she had been seen for the last time, risking the lives of her shinobi and abusing his power for the first time in Sunagakure. He never rested, yet he never managed to find her by himself.

The day of the war was the day of their reunion.

In that war he realized that he had really fallen for her.

When the shinobi alliance won the fourth war Kane approached him. "I made many mistakes and I regret all of them. I was never a good person more in the world, but I want you to know that I am grateful to you for helping me. I want to make amends for all my mistakes with everyone, but you will be the last because you are the most important and the biggest mistake I made." Tsunade took all the renegades that day without giving Gaara a chance to say something despite trying. He visited the Konoha village so many times that Baki got tired of covering the Kazekage's responsibilities.

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