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Forcing the council to give me the post of Hokage and control of my entire old village had been truly easy. Those of the council finally ended up considering my threats and preferred not to risk the total extinction of Konohagakure as this village kept many secrets that in the eyes of all were horrible. I knew each one of them and that had granted me the position of sixth Hokage without them being able to complain.

While the Uchiha clan massacre was one of the most horrible secrets on record in Konoha, no one outside, not even the people of their own village, knew the truth behind that mass murder. If he revealed that secret, the only thing that could happen to them was the rejection of the other villages, leaving Konoha exposed without help and with a faster death of its inhabitants than planned. That was tempting however it was not my only information. The second secret was of minor importance compared to the massacre, however it seems that it was the one that would most affect the village since Hiruzen had given an order years ago to be able to have any conflict with the other villages and this order had not been fulfilled, thus that if he revealed to the world that Root had never dissolved, it would create a great conflict between all the existing villages and Konoha would become the main attack center with possible results of continuous attacks due to the great vulnerability.

The village had made big mistakes that could end it. So that's why I was here to save them a second death for a small price.

They should be grateful to me.

The council and Danzo looked at all the people gathered to receive the great news. Konan and I were still inside the tent looking at Senju's corpse and thinking how stupid she was to have sacrificed herself for someone other than her. And this was her result, dying in a bed and then being replaced and thrown away.

The people outside were still impatient to know who would take care of them and turn the village into what it had become before the Shinra Tensei. Danzo hadn't spoken the entire time and the council kept avoiding my name and what had happened, so I impatiently picked him up and headed outside with Konan following in my footsteps. At the moment of leaving and being the center of attention of all the people of the village, silence and tension reigned in the atmosphere when seeing that the Hokage's hat was on my head, and when some finally managed to get out of astonishment they drew their weapons willing to attack us, however, they could not move any inch when they saw how my right arm was quickly covered by a large amount of chakra.

They felt threatened easily.

"Good! We will make things clear here at once!" I shouted to be heard, and pointed to the three people to my left. "Those three elders have given me control of these pitiful ruins in full use of conscience! I am his new Hokage and whoever is against this will be killed as he will be attacking his leader and village just like a renegade! From now on, everyone must obey me if they don't want to be killed! Obey your new Hokage and you will live, disobey me and die."

I watched their faces. Nobody believed what had just happened to them, who would have thought that after my failure to assassinate every single person in the village, he would return and have full control of his miserable village.

I smirked knowing that I was finally beginning the next phase of my plan and that no one would dare to stop me.

A couple of days after assuming the position that had been given to me in a clean way, I was informed that a meeting of great importance had been organized in the country of Iron since it required the presence of all the Kages of the great villages and my presence She was required in the country as the new Hokage.

By being forced to leave the village to carry out my duties in a distant country, and by not trusting that anyone would attempt anything against me, I left Konan in charge of the village in my absence, hoping not to be betrayed by her. I did not want to have to be forced to assassinate one of my newest weapons that possessed great power and great importance.

So as soon as I had the opportunity to make things understandable with all the people in the village and the responsibilities Konan would have to carry out in the village in my absence, without making him forget that he had a lower position than mine.

As much as everyone knew that I didn't need anyone to take care of me, the council sent two ANBUS belonging to Root to take care of their new Hokage. Even though we all knew that the truth was different because it was something truly evident. They did not trust me after everything I had done to the village and the world together with the Akatsuki organization to which I still belonged, for that reason they had been sent, so that they could have someone closely watching each one of my movements.

The road to the country of Iron was quite long as it was located deep in the north at the limits of the land, where the climate was of very low temperatures. We had to go through different villages and small towns where we rested to continue our journey the next day. That way it took longer than I had planned to arrive, but finally we were at the entrance of the country where we were greeted by an old man with long gray hair with a bandage around his head, he had black eyes and wrinkles underneath. them with a gray beard and a mustache as long as his beard. The leader and samurai introduced himself under the name of Mifune and guided us into the country to the place where they were gathered and all the other Kages awaiting Senju's arrival. However, when they saw me enter the silence kingdom in the place they did not expect to see me there, they expected to see Senju not a renegade from the village wearing the Hokage's hat.

The moment I became the center of attention of all the Kages and their respective guards, the atmosphere in the place became tense. Many shinobi did not know how to react as I did not get involved with some of the villages and maybe they were not aware of my history, however, those who did know who I was raised their weapons in my direction. The guards of each Kage were forced to lower them by their respective leaders when they saw that doing this was to attack all of Konoha, when the only thing they wanted was to kill only me.

Mifune continued on his way without saying a word about the atmosphere that had formed and did not seem to want to fade away. He sat in his rightful place and from there he made a silent sign to me to take place and start the meeting. The two ANBUSs stood rigid in their corresponding posts like all the other Kage guards, although they seemed to take things more severely. When I sat down, I ran my eyes around the place observing the others without paying much attention to the red-haired person sitting to my right. He was looking at me, but I avoided his gaze regretting being in the seat that had been assigned to me.

Mifune without wasting any more time began the meeting to discuss the fate that the great five nations would give Akatsuki. Funny because I belonged to said organization, so everything Akatsuki had planned could easily be avoided only if I decided to do so.

Part 1

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Part 1

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