Ten tails

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The fourth war was reestablished after Kane's arrival on the battlefield alongside his allies. Jiraiya stayed with Tsunade to fight by his side like old times and Asuma with his students.

Kane and his allies stood tall in front of the alliance ready to fight with them to defeat Madara and end the mandate that so many innocent lives annihilated in his journey. She and her nine allies were alert and ready to win the fourth ninja war thanks to the plan that Kane had devised along with the initial plan of the intelligence corps.

They couldn't lose.

The seven Jinchurikis previously captured by Akatsuki were resurrected during the battle as the alliance had been warned, they were resurrected in order to become part of the enemy's armament to end the alliance of shinobi. Quickly the seven Jinchurikis were defeated and the bijuu of the ancients were duly sealed after Naruto became a trusted ally for the nine bujuus, excepting the zero-tailed bijuu. Kane's beast.

While the other ninjas and kunoichis fought to the death on the battlefield supporting each other, a new enemy arrived on the field. He had jet black hair, a long thick black robe over a dark full body suit and a white mask with a three tomoe design with a small dot in the center and a wave pattern extending through it and two holes for the eyes. eyes. Said mask was destroyed by the hero of Konoha revealing the identity of the wearer; Obito Uchiha.

Madara made a presence on the battlefield after discovering the identity of his ally. Both met no matter what because despite that inconvenience with the identity of Kakashi Hatake's ex-partner, they could not interrupt their plans, so as agreed, Madara and Obito woke up the ten-tailed bijuu. The most powerful of all.

Kane's allies despite coming face to face with the return of the ten-tailed bijuu did not back down and continued determined with the plan that Kane had created. The shinobi of the alliance continued with the plan that their intelligence corps had created. Both groups fought side by side without getting in the way.

Gaara spent a few moments with Kane taking care of her without anyone knowing, just as he did her without anyone knowing. Neither of them wanted something to happen to the other so they took care of each other without knowing it.

Naruto continued to fight Obito to the death on Senju's orders and of his own free will. The war is not over yet.

On the night of the second day the battle continued, for the shinobi who had not remained in a war that seemed eternal. Everyone wanted everything to end now. In the land of lightning a fight was carried out where all the members of the alliance arrived prepared to help the hero and the renegade of Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki and Kane Uzumaki. The ten-tailed bijuu used its power to destroy the alliance headquarters, in which Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka, Ao, Mabui and hundreds of ninjas could not be saved despite Kane's warnings.

The enemy performed a jutsu by throwing large wooden stakes at the alliance. Several ninjas and kunoichis were mercilessly pierced and very few managed to survive. Naruto the hero of Konoha being one of the main targets of the enemy, several stakes were thrown in his direction, he quickly placed himself in front of Hinata to stop the attack with his body, however, Neji got in the way of the hero to give his life in exchange for being able to save Naruto and Hinata's.

Kane seeing that the attack was directed towards his brother, with the help of his bird and the chakra of his beast managed to create a chakra barrier that managed to stop the attack directed towards his brother and the other two shinobi of the Hyuga clan. He managed to stop the attack that was heading towards them and managed to save several lives thanks to his chakra and the jutsu he had used against Tenzou long ago.

Neji, Hinata and Naruto watched Kane who had his bird on his arm, she patted his head and the bird disappeared. Naruto got up to hug her and thank her, but was interrupted by the arrival of the five Kages, who stopped next to Kane. They all silently thanked him for that act.

Gaara approached Kane catching her off guard, and anticipating her evasive movements, he seized her hand preventing her from trying to get away from his side. Kane looked into her eyes trying to find an explanation for that act that caused her deepest feelings to manifest. He tried to find an answer in his eyes and all he found was a feeling just like hers.

They both smiled slightly. At that time there was no one but them.

A roar sounded in the distance, Taka and those revived by Kane stopped behind their rescuer, some ignoring their closeness to the Kazekage. Everyone in the alliance looked in the direction of the enemy. Obito had been able to absorb the ten tails by becoming his Jinchuriki. Team seven gathered for the first time in years made the seals to bring their respective invocations that would help on the battlefield. All three were ready to launch onto the battlefield.

Kane took one last look at Gaara and promised in a whisper that he would return to his side. He released her hand and walked to the side of Sakura's summons, he made the seals to summon his beast and it came out of his interior placing himself on a par with the three invocations. Kane from the head of his beast ordered him to go down a few meters to be at the height of the other three. He looked briefly at his brother and smiled slightly trying to convey his feelings. For despite having left that good relationship behind, Kane would help him win the war, for he had only one reason to win.

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