Extra two

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These things I did while I had blocks to write the next chapter. This I started after the chapter reason.

―Compared to Naruto, Kane never got to know his mother outside of the photograph attached to the documents he saw in the Desertion chapter.

―In the chapter The ten allies, when Itachi goes in search of his brother and Kabuto, together they manage to defeat Kabuto, but Itachi uses the Izanagi completely losing sight of his left eye. He manages to talk to Sasuke again, who still had not recovered knowing that his brother is alive, so after they have another little more friendly battle and they apologize to each other.

―In chapter Shinra Tensei part one after the infiltration of Akatsuki to Konoha when Kane comes face to face with a ninja and quickly assassinates him. What no one knows is that that ninja was really the kunoichi with whom he maintained a short friendship in his childhood and due to the resentment he held, he wanted to give it a more tragic end, however he could not waste any more time since he had pending issues with more children of your village.

―Kane and Gaara's first child was Shinki, then they had the twins. Shinki admires both parents equally.

―The twins bear a resemblance to their parents, Suyin has the features of their mother and Liu has the features of their father. The two children outside of imitating their parents prefer to imitate their older brother. Liu is the oldest.

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