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Everything happened so fast. Thousands of crows attacked us, more shinobi from Konoha arrived, saved the ninjas that Kakuzu had, took Asuma's body and put it on the roof. Both Akatsukis were forced to step back a bit away from the crows, I stayed in my place while being surrounded by the clouds of smoke that the crows caused when they disappeared.

Hidan started to complain as he started hearing Pain's voice calling them for a meeting, knocking me out of it.

"Hey you!" scream "Keep them here until we get back!"

All the gazes of the ninjas and the kunoichi turned to me, the new ones recently noticing my presence.

"Shikamaru..." the kunoichi whispered "Is she...?" Shikamaru gave a nod, as they began to mutter things between the three of them.

"I have better things to do" my clone disappeared and I hid from everyone's sight listening to Hidan complain again.

Both Akatsukis withdrew, addressing Pain's meeting, which did not require my presence. Those from Konoha who were with Asuma began to despair, as he did not respond to them and his heartbeats were rare. The sky began to turn gray, warning of the arrival of a storm. The kunoichi put both hands on Asuma's body and a healing chakra began to emanate from them. In a little while she let out a few tears; it was my turn to do something.

"Ena. You already know what to do..."

After being held in my own lair for two days, I was finally able to free myself from what I started. It had taken me longer than I thought to maintain my little experiment, but after two days of being locked in there I was able to contain it.

"Hidan and Kakuzu should already be on their way to Konoha..."

I got up from my bed and took my weapons ready to finish it. Once all my weapons were in place, I began to make the corresponding stamps. When I finished, I appeared several meters away from the temple that the Akatsukis destroyed, having placed that seal had served something.

I made other seals to invoke my bird, once it appeared, it perched on my arm waiting for directions, once I gave it to it, it flew north, just where I was going. I started walking in the same direction my bird had headed, she would go ahead and get information about what was happening there.

Upon entering the territory of the forest of dead wood, my bird returned, I extended my arm, it gave me all the information. It disappeared seconds after I quickened my pace, I was late and my next weapon was about to die, while the other was missing.

I picked up my pace while using the gigantic trees to increase my speed. Before long, I began to perceive six chakras, two of them were immense, but I knew all of them. I stopped at a tree and looked at the ground, there was Kakashi, my brother, Tenzou and two of the three shinobi who were in the previous mission.

Kakuzu had lost two hearts, so now he only had three left. I stayed hidden, waiting for the moment of my intervention. Three clones of my brother ran towards Kakuzu, this jump avoiding them and attacked my brother, he instantly vanished and the real one appeared from above holding a technique unknown to me.

It was my time to intervene.

I concentrated and made the seals for the Futon-Atsugai. Using Ena's chakra, I fired a powerful blast of wind that my brother could not dodge, it flew out until crashing into a tree, undoing the technique. I jumped out of the tree and landed next to Kakuzu, who gave me a quick glance, then turned his attention back to Konoha's.

Kakashi and Tenzou got into a defensive position in front of them as the kunoichi approached my brother, while Ena's chakra began to surround me, I had no intention of fighting a battle, but if that helped drive them away, Ena was ready to go.

"So it was true" Tenzou whispered, frowning in my direction "You deserted and joined Akatsuki... Why?"

I ignored his question and turned to Kakuzu. "Where is Hidan?" he shrugged giving me a vague answer. "Wherever it is, I don't care" I took a step forward, my brother recovered quickly and in the blink of an eye he was already in front of the others "Come on, we have to go"

"Ne-san! Come on come home to me! Grandma will accept you again!"

"Well Kakuzu?" Ignoring the Konoha ones again I went to Kakuzu, he without saying a word returned all the threads to their place and both remaining hearts.

I looked up at the sky, letting out a sigh.

"Three more are coming..." I crossed my arms. I lowered my gaze and traveled through those of my old village until I stopped at my brother, remembering the photo attached to the file. I frowned, why did it have to look like him? Why did we have to look like him? It only made things worse and reminded me of everything, something I really hate "You have a great resemblance to papa..."

After my words Kakashi tensed and lowered his guard looking at the ground for a few moments. I used that distraction to make Kakuzu and me disappear without them being able to stop us.

We appeared on the outskirts of Tanzaku city, spending one of my last stamps that I placed when doing missions for Konoha. I had never been in a position to use them, but now they were very useful to me.

"What do you want from me?" he asks once I started walking towards my lair. We both continue walking, without stopping or turning I answered.

"Get to the point. I want you to join me and leave Akatsuki; I could use another destructive weapon"

Our footsteps stopped being heard, silence reigned for several seconds. After what seemed like an eternity, he decided to speak.

"If I decide to accept. How do you expect me to leave Akatsuki?" I turned and we were face to face.

"Just give me your ring and the matter settled" he crossed his arms without looking away from me.

"What do I get from that? In Akatsuki I can have a lot of money, but if I accept, I will have to hide and thus I will not be able to kill people to get my reward"

"Who knows? You'll never know if you do not accept..." I smiled arrogant.

He had a good point, but I needed him on my side. What other reasons did he want? He had practically saved his life, he had to accept, or else he would charge him for it.

He gave a slight mocking laugh after analyzing my words for a few long seconds. Without saying anything, he uncrossed his arms and removed the ring. He walked up to me and handed it to myself.

"Who knows? We'll see what happens..."

"I have arrived late. Those from Konoha had taken their bodies and only left both layers and Kakuzu's ring. Hidan disappeared completely." I held out my hand and put down the ring that Kakuzu had given me. The plan was perfect; it could not fail.

Pain looked closely at the ring, analyzing every word and action he had said and performed since entering his office. I stayed serious, waiting for him to fall for the lie and let me go. After all, according to them, I was faithful to Akatsuki, they should have no reason to distrust me the least bit.

I had shown my hatred and interest in destroying Konoha; that should be enough.

Pain nodded slightly after a few minutes, Konan left his usual position and took the ring to later store it in one of the many drawers. After doing so, he returned to his place and spoke.

"Thanks for informing us, you can withdraw, for now we do not request your presence"

I nodded my head, turned my body and walked straight out of the cave. Once I was outside, I kept walking deep in thought. She needed more weapons, but for that she would have to be patient, it took a long time.

Anyway, that was not a problem. Kakuzu was on my side now, he had managed to make him betray Akatsuki and join me.

I had a new weapon at my disposal; and there were still many to be achieved.

Desert Casket ⸻ 𝗴𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗮 (𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲́𝘀)Where stories live. Discover now