Eight dangers

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I was sitting on one of the rocks that were in the lair eager to leave and return to my lair, I had too many things to do there, however, Pain had sent us to call the Akatsuki members who still lived. Those who had not yet died at the hands of a Konohagakure ninja were scattered throughout the vast cave waiting for the leader to give the important warning that had held us all for hours.

I decided to stand up and start walking towards the exit of the lair, however, after taking only a couple of steps the second largest idiot that could exist on earth, I entered with an air of superiority looking at everything carefully. Behind him walked three more people, a white haired Kubikiribōchō, an orange-haired and a redhead with myopia.

It shouldn't be here.

He should be celebrating the death of his brother with his friends, because it was what he wanted, right? He wanted to murder his brother for revenge and he had succeeded, however, his look did not say that he was happy and proud to have killed his only relative. His eyes still expressed all the hatred that his soul possessed, as well as pain and hatred. But it didn't seem to be directed at Itachi-san.

I frowned under my mask looking at him closely. She stopped a few meters in front of me looking at me strangely, maybe she didn't expect to find me there. I had so many things to say to her, so many things to demand of her, I wanted so badly to kill her, however, I held back. He had made me promise to take care of him no matter what.

Being dead he still gave me enough problems.

I crossed my arms and waited patiently for a few more seconds. Pain finally appeared as expected and ordered Sasuke's companions to be quiet as they seemed entertained in a chat about all of us and what they would do next. They seemed not to know what really big trouble they had gotten themselves into by following the idiot.

"Good. Tobi, Kisame and Kane, you are the rest to let them know about the new changes that will be made in the teams due to the new members"

They definitely had no idea what they had gotten themselves into.

"Sasuke will replace his brother" he continued "Since he has proven to be stronger than him by defeating him in battle" I closed my eyes, pretending not to have heard that "And all his team now join ours, they will have more time to meet. Now I have a mission for them, we will measure their capture skills"

"Your mission is to go to the village of the clouds and capture the eight- tailed Jinchuriki, the Hachibi" Konan spoke "The others are not allowed to leave the lair for any reason, they will wait here for the extraction"

I sighed and finally opened my eyes catching Pain's intense gaze.

"Any problem?" he asked in a serious voice, expecting no reproach, since no one here was allowed to disobey Madara's orders, although only Konan, he and I really know who is hiding behind the orange mask that haunts the lair.

"Yes. I don't like being locked up." I pulled my mask off and looked at him defiantly. Even if he wanted to destroy me right there, he couldn't, I was too important to their pathetic organization to get rid of me when I was still very useful to them.

He looked at me seriously for several seconds, surely using his great imagination and murdering me thousands of times inside his mind. He finally stopped looking at me to head to the new team and warn them what would happen if they didn't manage to complete their mission perfectly.

"I don't want to work with the child" Kisame complained in a low voice "But if he beat Itachi-san he must be strong" I look myself "True?"

"Not. He did not defeat him and he will never be more powerful than him" I sentenced with a firm voice, moving away from him in the direction of the room I shared with Itachi-san.

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