No danger

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Again Sarutobi interrupting my workouts, now what do you want? That he doesn't even cross his mind to want to send me on another mission with him, I will flatly refuse even if he takes as disobeying his orders.

I don't want to be by his side.

I came to the tower and touch, once I got way I could see the ANBUS of my squadron and others that I did not recognize. I positioned myself in my proper place while waiting for Sarutobi to start talking, and Sarutobi would wait a few more seconds and it began.

"Thanks for coming on time. Some will be aware that the chunin exams will take place tomorrow" I nodded mentally "Therefore, ninjas from all nations will arrive to take the exam, all the jounins will be busy carrying out that, so I want you to be in charge of delimiting their behaviors, I need to monitor in case an intruder takes advantage of the opportunity for exams to infiltrate. If you manage to see something that is out of the ordinary, do not hesitate to notify me" we nod in unison "That's it, they can retire" once I finished we left in order and each one was dispersing.

I never had a chance to take the chunin exams that other shinobi are so eagerly waiting to take. I wonder if they will be so complex for everyone else, since although circumstances did not allow me to participate, several ninjas have spoken about it and made it clear to me that someone could die in the course. That was true since it is the only exam that has to be taken to achieve a level up, because if the higher ups had their eyes on your abilities and came to the conclusion that you could be of use to them, they would definitely not hesitate to ascend to a level higher.

I got back to the training area and went back to my daily routine after meeting with Sarutobi. Thoughts about the exam began to come to my mind. My brother is a complete idiot and useless most of the time, the exam will be complicated for him, they will play with his mind and he will not be able to any test. Years ago I read about the exam as I had to be prepared for it, but things changed and I did not present it by quickly moving up the ranks. I still remember what I read and where I got it from, I took from Sarutobi the papers that contained information about the exam, in an illegal way, since it was not allowed to read about the exam.


Many shinobis from different nations and peoples arrived in teams of three genins and one jounin. Many of them seemed weak, as they appeared to be strong, and those who appeared to be weak, possibly were weak. Although, I still couldn't judge them without having seen their abilities before.

I was starting to get bored. Watching several shinobis pass was quite boring, especially because I wasn't allowed to challenge those who seemed to give me a fight, I could only watch, see how my chances of seeing my flaws were kept away to improve them.

An ANBU came and beckoned me to leave, finally my shift was over, I had everything left of the day until night came, that's where my night watch shift started again.

Walk aimlessly through the village no matter what the ANBU uniform was. I hardly ever took it off. Either I was training and I preferred not to take it off so that when it came to combat it would make it easier for me to be used to it, or I was doing missions and I hated not wearing it.

Look around confused, again I had lost in my thoughts and was again in front of this cemetery.

I couldn't find a logical reason why I always ended up here, as long as I walked aimlessly, it ended up in front of these big gleaming metal doors.

Something inside me said my parents were here, but as much as I was looking I couldn't say anything. Thousands of names were here, but none of them made me familiar. Of course. They never told me about them. I never heard from them. Every time I asked I got the same answer.

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