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After giving that statement that left everyone confused and completely on alert knowing that someone had managed to infiltrate and that someone was one of the most wanted renegades by the five nations. Itachi-san's idiotic younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha. The Raikage's anger exploded, he got up from his place and approached white Zetsu who kept his gaze fixed on me since he interrupted he gathered her to give that important notice, he never looked away from me despite being choked by Raikage while he demanded the whereabouts of Sasuke. And since Zetsu refused to give it to him and instead spoke to give him a clue, the Raikage choked him.

The Raikage not happy with his recent violent action towards white Zetsu, he ordered one of the guards accompanying him to surely locate Sasuke. While Mifune ordered the two guards who were at his sides to inform everyone about the search for Sasuke. When the Raikage guard finally completed the order, the Raikage called out to both guards, punched a hole in the wall with his fist and left the meeting.

He had promised Itachi-san to always take care of his brother in his absence, to avoid him getting into trouble at all costs and he will end up with the same fate as him, however, Sasuke made things complicated and did not cooperate. And even though the Raikage could easily give him a seat next to Itachi-san he knew he wouldn't make it. Both white Zetsu and black Zetsu always stayed with Madara, so he must have been hovering around Sasuke watching out that one of his main pawns didn't get a happy ending.

The other Kages remained in their places after seeing how the Raikage left through the hole in search of Sasuke, one of Mifune's guards left his post and approached Zetsu's corpse to inspect it, they wanted to make sure he was dead in reality and was not pretending and was taking the opportunity to listen to the conversation they were having.

"You can't trust the others. If that is the world, if that is being a human being then there is no future..."

"What do you mean?" the Tsuchikage asked at what Gaara said.

"Understanding and trusting others. If we lose that, only fear will remain in the world. Act without interest for what is right, resign ... I found such things so difficult to accept these days" he answered, making me look at him, what he said reminded me of my brother.

"For a child who doesn't know anything about ruling a village, you speak calmly about difficult subjects" said the Tsuchikage in a mocking tone, managing to anger one of the guards who accompanied Gaara "Now you have the opportunity to ask what you want. As your elders, we will answer any questions you have."

Gaara's guard hit the table angrily at the Tsuchikage.


I whispered, attracting the gazes of everyone present. I cared little about insulting a Kage by being one of them or not. The Tsuchikage guards looked at me in disgust as I had dared to insult their Kage, however, they could not reply at all against me because I was the Hokage and they had to pay me respect.

"Then let me ask you this. When did you give up on yourself?"

The Tsuchikage was speechless. The girl accompanying Gaara, seeing that the Kage was not willing to answer, asked him what they would do next, Gaara looked at me briefly in response and then jumped behind the Raikage with his guards following him.

The girl accompanying the Tsuchikage went after Sasuke. No one else went after the idiot.

The meeting was getting interesting.

"He comes."

The two root ANBUS that acted as guards fell from their inert positions without giving them time to react, after feeling a blast of air that cut the flags that represented each nation. Sasuke had quickly managed to infiltrate the meeting and was on top of us all with the others who had come out after him following him.

I slowly got up from my place and looked over with a weary expression, while I couldn't quite make out Sasuke's gaze. Mifune with a fast and almost imperceptible movement attacked Sasuke, but he used his sharingan and his sword to stop the attack. The Mizukage used the lava kekkei genkai to seal the hole the Raikage had made and thus prevent Sasuke from escaping.

Suddenly the Mizukage and one of their guards began to fight against Sasuke, while the other stood aside with the Tsuchikage and the other guard. Sasuke was released and the Mizukage came out after him completely sealing the exits.

Now he couldn't protect Sasuke.

The girl who accompanied Sasuke got up and looked startled in the direction of where Sasuke was. I approached her and suddenly everyone began to be enveloped by Zetsu, I took that opportunity to make another hole in the wall and thus check the state of their condition, however, the Susanoo broke the wall before, the Tsuchikage and the guard were released and Sasuke stayed on the ground holding his eye as he listened to the Kage speak and perform seals.

He was very weak; he would not resist the attack. The only option was to send Ena's chakra to protect him.

The footsteps began to be heard and the others finally arrived looking for Sasuke.

"You had your chance" Madara's voice was heard interrupting the Raikage, everyone kept quiet and turned to see how the Akatsuki leader appeared using his Kamui, and holding Sasuke on his shoulder who was unconscious surrounded by Ena's chakra.

He didn't seem to be in good condition after fighting the other Kages, but he wasn't dead so I had managed to keep my promise to Itachi-san.

"So stop making a fuss." Madara looked at me and I gave him a nod, returning Ena's chakra to me under the suspicious looks of everyone there. "My name is Uchiha Madara. I have something I want to explain to all of you; And when you understand, I want to ask you a question... About my moon-eye plan."

the impatient Raikage lunged at Madara, but he ripped through him and landed against the wall. Madara disappeared Sasuke and continued "I'm the one who sent Sasuke here. He intended to weaken the five Kages and take them hostage. However, I will have to settle for four. They will all be one with me and the result will be a complete form of possession that ties everything together."

After that Madara explained Akatsuki's purpose and asked that the Hachibi and Kyubi be delivered to him. However, all the Kages refused. No one was willing to surrender their weapons.

"Very good. I declare the start of the Great Fourth Ninja War... The next time we meet will be on the battlefield."

Part 3

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Part 3

I had the chapter ready and then I realized I had screwed up. So I looked at the chapter again because I already had time and I realized that I had indeed screwed up

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