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I turned on the bathroom faucet and the water started to come out, I put my hands in so that it

I turned my head slightly to the right, I had no return address.

What things have they hidden from me? I thought confused.

I tried to create an answer to my question, however I couldn't find it. The only thing Sarutobi never had the courage to answer me was about my parents.

Did he or she know who my parents were or was he referring to something else? The more I thought about it, the more confused I was, besides not being able to understand how he or she knew my name. In the missions she was careful and the other ANBUS too, we all maintained our anonymity. Although, if that person knew about my parents, it was not surprising that they knew about me.

I let out a sigh of exhaustion and frustration. I just wanted a little peace. Was it too much to ask?

You have two days to go to the forest of the country of fire. That's what the letter said.

I was in a mental debate. There was a good chance that this was a trap, but there was also a very small chance that it was true. I had no idea what to choose.

The ink was still fresh, so it means that it was written not long ago. That means I still have two days to get to the forest, it takes just two days to get there.

That person had it all planned. That meant this was serious.

I had waited for nightfall, so it would be easier for me to camouflage myself from the useless night guards.

I had decided to go to that meeting, it didn't take me long to decide. I did not care if it was a trap of some inept who wanted to take revenge on me for murdering a relative or something similar. It was not the first time I had seen that case of someone taking revenge on an ANBU or just any shinobi.

However, I wanted to go. Something caught my attention about that letter, because normally no enemy took the time to write a letter along with the address of the place where he planned to take revenge. It didn't seem like a trap, but there was a chance it was anyway. Still, I didn't care completely.

I took my ANBU mask along with my weapons and left the house in the direction of the Konoha gate. Upon arrival I could see the two guards occupying their respective positions, it would be easy to distract them so I was not worried that they were already there. Make two clones who used the transformation. My plan was to send them both ways and to distract the two guards for a few seconds, so I could get through the door without problems.

I sent both clones and once they transformed into rogue ninjas that I had seen in the bingo book. Both clones went in opposite directions and distracted the guards as planned, waste no more time and pass the gigantic doors, and once I was outside I started running towards the forest of the country of fire.

He had been running for two days without resting at some point. The person who had sent that letter began to sound suspicious to me, he gave me just two days to go to the meeting place, exactly the days it took to get there. I did not know if I should take it on time since I was not playing or on the other hand I could rest a couple of hours and thus arrive in the morning of the day.

I did not want to risk losing the opportunity to find out who he was, so I preferred not to rest at any time. If he or she was serious about this, I would too.

He had finally been able to reach the forest. I would wait patiently for her to arrive, I had ten hours to get to the meeting, if she did not arrive I would leave. I wouldn't waste my time with useless people.

Desert Casket ⸻ 𝗴𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗮 (𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲́𝘀)Where stories live. Discover now