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"We should be arriving in Konoha by now. Liu and Suyin want to take one last ride around the train, although I don't know why" Kankuro said sticking his head out the door before being forcibly taken by two small children.

The change in my life was noticeable, since that visit of Gaara to the village when he was Hokage my life had not been the same and I did not want to change that. Since that day Gaara I had started dating formally, we maintained a long distance relationship for five years until he decided to propose to me after one of the meetings with the Kages in Suna. That day I decided to leave all my responsibilities to my brother who had waited so long. I left him my responsibilities because he had already had the opportunity to start a family with Hinata, it was my turn to form mine outside the village.

A year after I became the Kazekage's wife, I had the spontaneous opportunity to have two identical children to Gaara and me. Liu and Suyin was how Gaara decided to name them. As time went by, we found a child who went through the same things that we went through, we could not leave him alone after having reflected on him so we made the decision to adopt him.

I still wonder how a decision had changed my life. If Itachi-san hadn't helped me open my eyes this would never have happened. He would have ended up as Madara if it weren't for him and Gaara.

"We arrived. Going to find Liu and Suyin, Uncle Kankuro surely can't even hold his own body anymore."

Shinki went out in search of his brothers and Kankuro. Gaara smiled at me and took my hand before getting up to leave the train. Kankuro when seeing us leave the train began to walk without waiting for us, he was tired after having circled the entire train during the journey from Suna to Konoha. Shinki decided to wait for us with the children who were holding hands with his older brother, the five of us started walking towards my brother's house where we would stay for a couple of days.

Once we arrived Liu came forward to knock on the door, when the rest of us arrived Himawari opened the door welcoming us with a big smile. The twins first passed Himawari and went to find Boruto.

"I'm glad they arrived. Naruto shouldn't be long, he was working day and night with Shikamaru all week. They shouldn't have that much work."

We nodded, thanking him for letting us spend the nights at his house. We all remained silent for a few seconds until we heard Boruto screams and footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Aunt Kane!" he yelled hugging me tightly, I raised my hand to pat her head gently. My nephew has always had great admiration for me and the idiot Uchiha, contrary to what he felt for my brother. We are his role models as he thinks that all the things we did in the past are great feats to idolize "It's great that you're here-dattebasa. Sasuke left the village, but now you can train me" he said happily.

I didn't hate my nephew, but he was so much like my brother in so many things that I couldn't help but feel a headache with him. It was nothing personal with him, but seeing the idiot Uchiha and me as great shinobi had caused me some problems with Hinata and he had had problems with my brother.

"If time permits, I will help you."

He smirked knowing that he wasn't going to let her down. He completely ignored Shinki and together with his sister and my children helped Hinata to finish preparing the food.

Gaara and I sat in front of Hinata listening to her and waiting for my brother to deign to arrive, while Shinki stood in the courtyard calmly observing the moon.

Liu and Suyin only looked like us physically, but inside they were so different that I sometimes questioned if they were really my children. They spent so much time with Kankuro that they adopted his personality. Shinki despite not being our blood child, he was the one who most resembled us. We both saw ourselves reflected in him.

"Hinata, tell me I'm not late! I don't want my sister to kill me like the last time!" an hour after arriving, my brother ran through the door with heavy breathing because the last time she had been late, she didn't do so well after being reprimanded by Hinata and me.

When he got to where we were all Himawari jumped into his arms welcoming his father with much love and happiness.

He was saved this time.

Dinner passed normally, Himawari was happy to have her father at home after so many weeks of not seeing him. And even if he didn't admit it, he knew that Boruto was also slightly happy to have his father at home.

We all finished dinner so I got up next to Gaara and we each took a child to sleep. My brother did the same with Himawari and Boruto refused to be taken so he voluntarily went to rest. My brother after a long week without rest was not in the best condition to stay awake, so together with Hinata subjective rest.

Gaara and I went out with Shinki and went up to the roof to sit together and admire the moon. I rested my head on Gaara's shoulder and slipped his arm behind me closer to him.

My childhood under Sarutobi's care was not the best, my stay at ANBU made me realize many things, it let me see the true face of the outside world, it made me create and strengthen my ideals and Sarutobi's decisions gave me the impetus he needed to defect from Konoha. I spent years firmly believing that my ideals would end the whole world leaving me as their sole ruler. I never rested, I never gave up, I never retracted my actions until I caused Gaara's death. I pretended to be confident with my ideals because I was on the right track if I wanted to achieve them. I lived without knowing it with the fear of hurting those who had helped me, so to feel better I decided to help others under the lie of having potential weapons under my power.

It is not the first time that I think about it, but without the help of Itachi-san and Gaara I would never have arrived here, I would never have found happiness with the person I loved for so many years without realizing it because I really did not know that I could feel such things.

I was able to have a family and to feel love for the first time despite all the mistakes I made in the past.

I had the opportunity to spend the rest of my life with the person I always loved.


Accompany me to cry, F.

I was supposed to have uploaded this chapter in the morning to start quickly with my new story bc I already need to finish it xd, but would you believe me if I told you to take me all day doing a single chapter because I made three versions of it?

I'm super glad to have finished a story well without gaps: ').
I need you to be happy with me❤️: ').
I hope you liked the story as much as I did and since I already know myself I know that I leave some doubt out there, so how the story ended (press F). They can ask any questions they want.

Thank you very much to all of you for reading the book, I love you very much and I hope to see you all in my next book❤️.

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