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After spending an entire week in Sunagakure Village positively reaffirming my dominance over the village, I returned to my lair to move on to the next phase of my plan before ruining it. The week I had spent in that village had caused me a deja vu of emotional instability by spending more time with Gaara than usual.

My training sessions to forget my feelings to focus on what really mattered began to be a total waste, which I did not like at all because that was part of my ideologies. I firmly believed that feelings were a weak deviation from your greatest goals and your most ambitious dreams, yet I began to feel uncomfortably uneasy when the Kazekage was around.

I still refused to believe that my feelings towards the Kazekage were beginning to cause me feelings contrary to what I had been used to feeling all my life and that I had trained so much to eliminate.

He didn't want all the efforts and sacrifices he had made to get here to be wasted. But that didn't seem to be in my power right now.

Upon entering my lair after spending the third most horrible week of my life, Konan greeted me at the entrance with new information of great importance in his own words, which would help me advance to the next phase of my plan now that I had mastery. from Sunagakure village. I couldn't let what had happened in that village affect me and deconcentrate me, so once Konan mentioned that I ordered him to release the information to continue with my plan and thus not be able to give my mind time to think about the events of the past that haunted my present.

After Konan stood in front of me with the same serious demeanor as always, he began to give me the information I needed.

"Kane. Konoha is ready, after the attack suffered by the village seriously affected its leader. His condition rapidly deteriorated and he is now out of your way for your benefit."

This was really a good thing, enough to move on to the next phase of my plan and keep me busy for a long time. I crossed my arms and spoke with a less serious tone than usual, as he had given me good news and deserved a friendlier treatment.

"I finally got some good information, well done Konan. And tell me what was it that brought her down for me?"

"Tsunade is in a coma, making him unable to do his job, leaving you completely free."

I nodded at his words. Konoha had been left without a leader to give them orders and take care of all the important things. He had to admit that, although he hated that position, doing what he had planned was completely necessary. I couldn't have made it easier for me.

I had an army at my disposal prepared for a single purpose. All the experiments that we had to carry out on them, together with the long wait that we had put them through, was totally worth it. They were modified in order to enter the battlefield again as soon as they were needed there and could finally fulfill their purpose.

My grip on the power of the Sunagakure village had long ago been reaffirmed, bringing us positive results. He was in control of one of the large villages and now it was time to gain dominion over the next village. He had everything he needed to advance and attack.

I wouldn't let anyone get in the way of me being the new ruler of Konoha.

I left my lair accompanied by Konan who wore a cape that covered her entire body and face so that she would not be recognized. After leaving everything in order inside my lair we both left and headed towards the ruins of my old village to take the position that I deserved.

We walked for several days in the sun and shadows only resting for a couple of hours at night when it was only really necessary until we reached the ruins of my old village without any mishap.

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